blob: 61ac5fbd076f7f58e0cb2ab22b79352a3ead08c2 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from 4 to 5
** Improvement
* [FELIX-5820] - Update to latest Apache parent pom
Set java min version to 7
Reduce supported java versions to 6, 7, 8, 9 (drop 4, 5, add 8, 9)
Add missing encoding properties
Remove dependency management of testing dependencies
Update versions of plugins
Use enforcer plugin to enforce maven and min java version
Remove calculation of BREE header
Changes from 3 to 4
** Improvement
* [FELIX-5157] - Add m2e lifecycle mappings
* [FELIX-5158] - Update test dependencies
* [FELIX-5159] - Update plugin dependencies
* [FELIX-5160] - Update configuration for Apache rat plugin
Changes from 2.1 to 3
** Improvement
* [FELIX-3486] - Allow for easy specification of class file compliance
and Java API use
** Task
* [FELIX-4152] - Update to latest Apache Parent POM 13
* [FELIX-4153] - Use latest JavaDoc plugin and provide default
Changes from 2 to 2.1
Generate zip and tar.gz project archives
Changes from 1 to 2
** Wish
* [FELIX-1747] - Use Remote Resources Plugin to generate the legal files