blob: 1f7be91ed1cf08334a59eda5a0fc1a562f71b380 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.scrplugin.xml;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.Constants;
import org.apache.felix.scrplugin.SCRDescriptorException;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
* <code>ComponentDescriptorIO</code>
* is a helper class to read and write component descriptor files.
public class ComponentDescriptorIO {
/** The namespace for R4.1 - Version 1.0 */
public static final String NAMESPACE_URI_1_0 = "";
/** The namespace for R4.2 - Version 1.1 */
public static final String NAMESPACE_URI_1_1 = "";
/** The namespace for R4.2+FELIX-1893 - Version 1.1-felix */
public static final String NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX = "";
/** The inner namespace - used for all inner elements. */
public static final String INNER_NAMESPACE_URI = "";
/** The prefix used for the namespace. */
private static final String PREFIX = "scr";
/** The root element. */
private static final String COMPONENTS = "components";
/** The component element. */
private static final String COMPONENT = "component";
/** The qualified component element. */
private static final String COMPONENT_QNAME = PREFIX + ':' + COMPONENT;
/** The enabled attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_ENABLED = "enabled";
/** Component: The policy attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_POLICY = "configuration-policy";
/** Component: The factory attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_FACTORY = "factory";
/** Component: The immediate attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_IMMEDIATE = "immediate";
/** Component: The name attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_NAME = "name";
/** Component: The activate attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_ACTIVATE = "activate";
/** Component: The deactivate attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_DEACTIVATE = "deactivate";
/** Component: The modified attribute. */
private static final String COMPONENT_ATTR_MODIFIED = "modified";
private static final String IMPLEMENTATION = "implementation";
private static final String SERVICE = "service";
private static final String SERVICE_QNAME = SERVICE;
private static final String PROPERTY = "property";
private static final String PROPERTY_QNAME = PROPERTY;
private static final String REFERENCE = "reference";
private static final String REFERENCE_QNAME = REFERENCE;
private static final String INTERFACE = "provide";
private static final String INTERFACE_QNAME = INTERFACE;
public static Components read(InputStream file)
throws SCRDescriptorException {
try {
final XmlHandler xmlHandler = new XmlHandler();
IOUtils.parse(file, xmlHandler);
return xmlHandler.components;
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new SCRDescriptorException( "Unable to read xml", "[stream]", 0, e );
* Write the component descriptors to the file.
* @param components
* @param file
* @throws SCRDescriptorException
public static void write(Components components, File file, boolean isScrPrivateFile)
throws SCRDescriptorException {
try {
generateXML(components, IOUtils.getSerializer(file), isScrPrivateFile);
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new SCRDescriptorException("Unable to write xml", file.toString(), 0, e);
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new SCRDescriptorException("Unable to generate xml", file.toString(), 0, e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SCRDescriptorException("Unable to write xml", file.toString(), 0, e);
* Generate the xml top level element and start streaming
* the components.
* @param components
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(Components components, ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean isScrPrivateFile)
throws SAXException {
// detect namespace to use
final String namespace;
if ( components.getSpecVersion() == Constants.VERSION_1_0 ) {
namespace = NAMESPACE_URI_1_0;
} else if ( components.getSpecVersion() == Constants.VERSION_1_1 ) {
namespace = NAMESPACE_URI_1_1;
} else {
namespace = NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX;
contentHandler.startPrefixMapping(PREFIX, namespace);
// wrapper element to generate well formed xml
contentHandler.startElement("", ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENTS, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENTS, new AttributesImpl());
for(final Component component : components.getComponents()) {
if ( component.isDs() ) {
generateXML(namespace, component, contentHandler, isScrPrivateFile);
// end wrapper element
contentHandler.endElement("", ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENTS, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENTS);
* Write the xml for a {@link Component}.
* @param component
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(final String namespace,
final Component component,
final ContentHandler contentHandler,
final boolean isScrPrivateFile)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_ENABLED, component.isEnabled());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_IMMEDIATE,component.isImmediate());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_NAME, component.getName());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_FACTORY, component.getFactory());
// attributes new in 1.1
if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_1.equals( namespace ) || NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX.equals( namespace ) ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_POLICY, component.getConfigurationPolicy());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_ACTIVATE, component.getActivate());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_DEACTIVATE, component.getDeactivate());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, COMPONENT_ATTR_MODIFIED, component.getModified());
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 1);
contentHandler.startElement(namespace, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENT, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENT_QNAME, ai);
generateXML(component.getImplementation(), contentHandler);
if ( component.getService() != null ) {
generateXML(component.getService(), contentHandler);
if ( component.getProperties() != null ) {
for(final Property property : component.getProperties()) {
generateXML(property, contentHandler, isScrPrivateFile);
if ( component.getReferences() != null ) {
for(final Reference reference : component.getReferences()) {
generateXML(namespace, reference, contentHandler, isScrPrivateFile);
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 1);
contentHandler.endElement(namespace, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENT, ComponentDescriptorIO.COMPONENT_QNAME);
* Write the xml for a {@link Implementation}.
* @param implementation
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(Implementation implementation, ContentHandler contentHandler)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "class", implementation.getClassame());
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.startElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.IMPLEMENTATION, ComponentDescriptorIO.IMPLEMENTATION_QNAME, ai);
contentHandler.endElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.IMPLEMENTATION, ComponentDescriptorIO.IMPLEMENTATION_QNAME);
* Write the xml for a {@link Service}.
* @param service
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(Service service, ContentHandler contentHandler)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "servicefactory", String.valueOf(service.isServicefactory()));
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.startElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.SERVICE, ComponentDescriptorIO.SERVICE_QNAME, ai);
if ( service.getInterfaces() != null && service.getInterfaces().size() > 0 ) {
for(final Interface interf : service.getInterfaces()) {
generateXML(interf, contentHandler);
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.endElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.SERVICE, ComponentDescriptorIO.SERVICE_QNAME);
* Write the xml for a {@link Interface}.
* @param interf
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(Interface interf, ContentHandler contentHandler)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "interface", interf.getInterfacename());
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 3);
contentHandler.startElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.INTERFACE, ComponentDescriptorIO.INTERFACE_QNAME, ai);
contentHandler.endElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.INTERFACE, ComponentDescriptorIO.INTERFACE_QNAME);
* Write the xml for a {@link Property}.
* @param property
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(Property property, ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean isScrPrivateFile)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "name", property.getName());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "type", property.getType());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "value", property.getValue());
// we have to write more information if this is our scr private file
if ( isScrPrivateFile ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "private", String.valueOf(property.isPrivate()));
if ( property.getLabel() != null ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "label", String.valueOf(property.getLabel()));
if ( property.getDescription() != null ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "description", String.valueOf(property.getDescription()));
if ( property.getCardinality() != null ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "cardinality", String.valueOf(property.getCardinality()));
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.startElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.PROPERTY, ComponentDescriptorIO.PROPERTY_QNAME, ai);
if ( property.getMultiValue() != null && property.getMultiValue().length > 0 ) {
// generate a new line first
IOUtils.text(contentHandler, "\n");
for(int i=0; i<property.getMultiValue().length; i++) {
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 3);
IOUtils.text(contentHandler, property.getMultiValue()[i]);
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.endElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.PROPERTY, ComponentDescriptorIO.PROPERTY_QNAME);
* Write the xml for a {@link Reference}.
* @param reference
* @param contentHandler
* @throws SAXException
protected static void generateXML(final String namespace,Reference reference, ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean isScrPrivateFile)
throws SAXException {
final AttributesImpl ai = new AttributesImpl();
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "name", reference.getName());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "interface", reference.getInterfacename());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "cardinality", reference.getCardinality());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "policy", reference.getPolicy());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "target", reference.getTarget());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "bind", reference.getBind());
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "unbind", reference.getUnbind());
// attributes new in 1.1-felix (FELIX-1893)
if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX.equals( namespace ) ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "updated", reference.getUpdated());
if ( isScrPrivateFile ) {
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "checked", String.valueOf(reference.isChecked()));
IOUtils.addAttribute(ai, "strategy", reference.getStrategy());
IOUtils.indent(contentHandler, 2);
contentHandler.startElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.REFERENCE, ComponentDescriptorIO.REFERENCE_QNAME, ai);
contentHandler.endElement(INNER_NAMESPACE_URI, ComponentDescriptorIO.REFERENCE, ComponentDescriptorIO.REFERENCE_QNAME);
* A content handler for parsing the component descriptions.
protected static final class XmlHandler extends DefaultHandler {
/** The components container. */
protected final Components components = new Components();
/** A reference to the current component. */
protected Component currentComponent;
/** The current service. */
protected Service currentService;
/** Pending property. */
protected Property pendingProperty;
/** Flag for detecting the first element. */
protected boolean firstElement = true;
/** Flag for elements inside a component element */
protected boolean isComponent = false;
/** Override namespace. */
protected String overrideNamespace;
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String name, Attributes attributes)
throws SAXException {
// according to the spec, the elements should have the namespace,
// except when the root element is the "component" element
// So we check this for the first element, we receive.
if ( this.firstElement ) {
this.firstElement = false;
if ( localName.equals(COMPONENT) && "".equals(uri) ) {
this.overrideNamespace = NAMESPACE_URI_1_0;
if ( this.overrideNamespace != null && "".equals(uri) ) {
uri = this.overrideNamespace;
// however the spec also states that the inner elements
// of a component are unqualified, so they don't have
// the namespace - we allow both: with or without namespace!
if ( this.isComponent && "".equals(uri) ) {
uri = NAMESPACE_URI_1_0;
// from here on, uri has the namespace regardless of the used xml format
if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_0.equals( uri ) || NAMESPACE_URI_1_1.equals( uri )
|| NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX.equals( uri ) ) {
if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_1.equals(uri) ) {
} else if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX.equals(uri) ) {
if (localName.equals(COMPONENT)) {
this.isComponent = true;
this.currentComponent = new Component();
// enabled attribute is optional
if (attributes.getValue(COMPONENT_ATTR_ENABLED) != null) {
// immediate attribute is optional
if (attributes.getValue(COMPONENT_ATTR_IMMEDIATE) != null) {
// check for version 1.1 attributes
if ( components.getSpecVersion() == Constants.VERSION_1_1 ) {
} else if (localName.equals(IMPLEMENTATION)) {
// Set the implementation class name (mandatory)
final Implementation impl = new Implementation();
} else if (localName.equals(PROPERTY)) {
// read the property, unless it is the
// property which must not be inherited
final String propName = attributes.getValue( "name" );
if ( !org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_PID.equals( propName ) )
final Property prop = new Property();
prop.setName( propName );
prop.setType( attributes.getValue( "type" ) );
if ( attributes.getValue( "value" ) != null )
prop.setValue( attributes.getValue( "value" ) );
this.currentComponent.addProperty( prop );
// hold the property pending as we have a multi value
this.pendingProperty = prop;
// check for abstract properties
prop.setLabel( attributes.getValue( "label" ) );
prop.setDescription( attributes.getValue( "description" ) );
prop.setCardinality( attributes.getValue( "cardinality" ) );
final String pValue = attributes.getValue( "private" );
if ( pValue != null )
prop.setPrivate( Boolean.valueOf( pValue ).booleanValue() );
} else if (localName.equals("properties")) {
// TODO: implement the properties tag
} else if (localName.equals(SERVICE)) {
this.currentService = new Service();
} else if (localName.equals(INTERFACE)) {
final Interface interf = new Interface();
} else if (localName.equals(REFERENCE)) {
final Reference ref = new Reference();
if ( attributes.getValue("checked") != null ) {
if ( attributes.getValue("strategy") != null ) {
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#endElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String name) throws SAXException {
if ( this.overrideNamespace != null && "".equals(uri) ) {
uri = this.overrideNamespace;
if ( this.isComponent && "".equals(uri) ) {
uri = NAMESPACE_URI_1_0;
if ( NAMESPACE_URI_1_0.equals( uri ) || NAMESPACE_URI_1_1.equals( uri )
|| NAMESPACE_URI_1_1_FELIX.equals( uri ) )
if (localName.equals(COMPONENT) ) {
this.currentComponent = null;
this.isComponent = false;
} else if (localName.equals(PROPERTY) && this.pendingProperty != null) {
// now split the value
final String text = this.pendingProperty.getValue();
if ( text != null ) {
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text);
final String[] values = new String[st.countTokens()];
int index = 0;
while ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
values[index] = st.nextToken();
this.pendingProperty = null;
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#characters(char[], int, int)
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
if ( this.pendingProperty != null ) {
final String text = new String(ch, start, length);
if ( this.pendingProperty.getValue() == null ) {
} else {
this.pendingProperty.setValue(this.pendingProperty.getValue() + text);