blob: ac0e1d8b2ccca455d551e2a6c9be21640ca7cc8d [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from the 1.8.4 to 1.8.6
** Bug
* [FELIX-3742] - Implementing class fails to load unless super interface's (interface extended by implemented interface) package is imported.
* [FELIX-3789] - Deadlock due to synchronization on INSTANCE_NAME
* [FELIX-3819] - The export directive of iPOJO is wrong
Changes from the 1.8.2 to 1.8.4
** Bug
* [FELIX-3451] - "" attribute not recognized
* [FELIX-3500] - InstanceManager concurrency issue: "A methodID cannot be associated with a method from the POJO class"
* [FELIX-3501] - IPojo FactoryStateListener doesn't get notified while stopping factory
* [FELIX-3545] - Memory leak when unregistering a component used by an aggregate dependency with an unbind callback
* [FELIX-3548] - Concurrent access during startup
* [FELIX-3567] - iPOJO Configuration Handler should not reuse the dictionary object from the configuration admin
* [FELIX-3576] - iPOJO fails when using constructor injection and expecting BundleContext in ctor
* [FELIX-3599] - Problem with 'subservice action="instantiate"' in ipojo composite
* [FELIX-3621] - Two dimensional array as argument to a method in a component
* [FELIX-3672] - Potential Concurrent Modification Exception when a bundle is stopped
** Improvement
* [FELIX-3560] - Extensions to IPojo's Factory and ComponentInstance documentation for custom handlers
Version 1.8.2
* Initial release