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  2. pom.xml

Atomos jlink Example

This example uses jlink in order to build a Java image that includes a set of bundle and the modules they require from the base JVM installation. This allows for a set of bundle modules to be used to build a fit for purpose Java image that only includes the required modules from the JVM.

In order to successfully build a jlink image all bundles included in the image must contain a module-info.class, they cannot be automatic modules. This example uses the 1.0.0.Beta2 version of the moditect-maven-plugin to add module-info.class as necessary to the bundles used in the image.

When this example is built a jlink image will be created under target/atomos. Executing the following command against the jlink image should produce a gogo shell prompt:


You should see the following output:

Registered Echo service from activator.
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo


You can also load additional modules into atomos at:

  • System start by using the atomos.modules option when launching atomos. For example:
atomos/bin/atomos atomos.modules=/path/to/more/modules
  • Runtime by using the gogo command atomos:install. For example:
atomos:install MyLayerName OSGI /path/to/more/modules

When doing that the additional modules will be loaded into a child layer where the Atomos OSGi Framework will control the class loaders. This will produce a class loader per module bundle installed. This has advantages because it allows the module class loader for the bundle to implement the org.osgi.framework.BundleReference interface.