blob: 9aeb9b54f30b26189963ff09c1c55dc07dacac43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
describe('tagFilter used in entities list', function () {
it('should adds empty tags if not normalized', inject(function (tagFilterFilter) {
expect(tagFilterFilter([{name:'ABCD'}])).toEqual([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:[""]}}]);
expect(tagFilterFilter([{name:'ABCD', list:{}}])).toEqual([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:[""]}}]);
expect(tagFilterFilter([{name:'DEFG', list:[]}])).toEqual([{name:'DEFG', list:{tag:[""]}}]);
it('should not replace values if exists', inject(function (tagFilterFilter) {
expect(tagFilterFilter([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:["TEST"]}}])).not.toEqual([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:[""]}}]);
expect(tagFilterFilter([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:["TEST"]}}])).toEqual([{name:'ABCD', list:{tag:["TEST"]}}]);
//describe('Frequency Directive', function () {
// var element, scope, compile, falconServiceMock, entitiesListController;
// var windowMock, encoderServiceMock;
// beforeEach(module('app.directives'));
// beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile, $controller) {
// falconServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('Falcon', ['getEntityDefinition', 'logRequest', 'logResponse']);
// encoderServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('EncoderService', ['encode']);
// windowMock = createWindowMock();
// scope = $rootScope.$new();
// compile = $compile;
// entitiesListController = $controller('EntitiesListCtrl', {
// $scope: scope,
// Falcon: falconServiceMock,
// EncodeService: encoderServiceMock,
// $window: windowMock
// });
// }));
// it('Should render 2 hours', function() {
// scope.someFrequency = {unit: 'hours', quantity: 2};
// element = newElement('<frequency value="someFrequency" prefix="at"/>', scope);
// expect(element.text()).toBe('at 2 hours');
// });
// it('Should render "Not specified"', function() {
// scope.someFrequency = {unit: 'hours', quantity: null};
// element = newElement('<frequency value="someFrequency"/>', scope);
// expect(element.text()).toBe('Not specified');
// });
// describe('EntitiesListController', function() {
// it('Should invoke the entity definition service', function() {
// falconServiceMock.getEntityDefinition.andReturn(successResponse({}));
// var type = 'feed';
// var name = 'FeedOne';
// scope.downloadEntity(type, name);
// expect(falconServiceMock.getEntityDefinition).toHaveBeenCalledWith(type, name);
// });
// it('Should encode the response', function() {
// var type = 'feed';
// var name = 'FeedOne';
// falconServiceMock.getEntityDefinition.andReturn(successResponse({}));
// scope.downloadEntity(type, name);
// expect(encoderServiceMock.encode).toHaveBeenCalled();
// });
// it('Should do a full page reload to a data uri to trigger the download', function() {
// falconServiceMock.getEntityDefinition.andReturn(successResponse({}));
// encoderServiceMock.encode.andReturn('[encodedResponse]');
// windowMock.location.href = '';
// scope.downloadEntity('feed', 'FeedOne');
// expect(windowMock.location.href).toBe('data:application/octet-stream,[encodedResponse]');
// });
// });
// function successResponse(value) {
// var fakePromise = {};
// fakePromise.success = function(callback) {
// callback(value);
// return fakePromise;
// };
// fakePromise.error = angular.noop;
// return fakePromise;
// }
// function newElement(html) {
// var element = compile(html)(scope);
// scope.$digest();
// return element;
// }
// function createWindowMock() {
// return {
// location: {
// href: ''
// }
// };
// }