blob: b74a4ee965836a6b29e616cc166b061855191352 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Falcon (incubating) Regression Change log
Trunk (Unreleased)
FALCON-589 Add test cases for various feed operations on Hcat feeds (Karishma G
via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-675 Request URLS moved from parameters into methods in falcon-regression (Ruslan
FALCON-656 add test in falcon regression's Authorization test where non-feed owner updates
a feed with a dependent process(Karishma via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-674 General code factored out for ProcessInstance* tests (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan
FALCON-657 String datePattern moved to BaseTestClass (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-643 Tests with zero-output/input scenario amended to match test case (Paul Isaychuk via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-660 7 test classes refactored and few of them documented (Paul Isaychuk via
Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-653 Add falcon regression test for zero input process(Karishma via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-655 Skip workflow upload if process won't be submitted (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-587 Don't delete input data in @AfterClass in falcon-regression tests if
clean_test_dir=false (Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-646 Refactoring, documentation stuff (Paul Isaychuk via Ruslan Ostafiychuk)
FALCON-572 HadoopUtil cleanup in falcon-regression (Ruslan Ostafiychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-632 Refactoring, documentation stuff (Paul Isaychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-609 UpdateAtSpecificTimeTest, InstanceSummaryTest tagged, fixed, refactored
(Paul Isaychuk via Samarth Gupta)
FALCON-619 ELExp_FutureAndLatestTest stabilization (Paul Isaychuk via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-610 Refactoring and documentation updates (Paul Isaychuk via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-581 Refactor code for cross product and make it a method
(Raghav Kumar Gautam via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-597 String logged at the start and end of the merlin test are slightly
mismatched (Raghav Kumar Gautam via Arpit Gupta)
FALCON-681 delete duplicate feed retention test from falcon regression (SamarthG)