blob: bf99740ba51a4bb8b4d77543e6ba0e739f5e1254 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.falcon.regression.core.interfaces;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.response.InstancesSummaryResult;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.response.InstancesResult;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.response.ServiceResponse;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.Config;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.ExecUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.HCatUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.InstanceUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.OSUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.OozieUtil;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.Util;
import org.apache.falcon.regression.core.util.Util.URLS;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hive.hcatalog.api.HCatClient;
import org.apache.hive.hcatalog.common.HCatException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.oozie.client.AuthOozieClient;
import org.testng.Assert;
import java.util.List;
/** Abstract class for helper classes. */
public abstract class IEntityManagerHelper {
public static final boolean AUTHENTICATE = setAuthenticate();
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IEntityManagerHelper.class);
protected static final String CLIENT_LOCATION = OSUtil.RESOURCES
+ OSUtil.getPath("IvoryClient", "IvoryCLI.jar");
protected static final String BASE_COMMAND = "java -jar " + CLIENT_LOCATION;
private static boolean setAuthenticate() {
String value = Config.getProperty("isAuthenticationSet");
value = (null == value) ? "true" : value;
return !value.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
public String getActiveMQ() {
return activeMQ;
public String getHadoopLocation() {
return hadoopLocation;
public String getHadoopURL() {
return hadoopURL;
public String getClusterReadonly() {
return clusterReadonly;
public String getClusterWrite() {
return clusterWrite;
public String getHostname() {
return hostname;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public String getStoreLocation() {
return storeLocation;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public String getHCatEndpoint() {
return hcatEndpoint;
protected HCatClient hCatClient;
public HCatClient getHCatClient() {
if (null == this.hCatClient) {
try {
this.hCatClient = HCatUtil.getHCatClient(hcatEndpoint, hiveMetaStorePrincipal);
} catch (HCatException e) {"Unable to create hCatClient because of exception:\n"
+ ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
return this.hCatClient;
//basic properties
protected String qaHost;
public String getQaHost() {
return qaHost;
protected String hostname = "";
protected String username = "";
protected String password = "";
protected String hadoopLocation = "";
protected String hadoopURL = "";
protected String clusterReadonly = "";
protected String clusterWrite = "";
private String oozieURL = "";
protected String activeMQ = "";
protected String storeLocation = "";
protected String hadoopGetCommand = "";
protected String colo;
protected String allColo;
protected String coloName;
protected String serviceStartCmd;
protected String serviceStopCmd;
protected String serviceStatusCmd;
protected String hcatEndpoint = "";
public String getNamenodePrincipal() {
return namenodePrincipal;
public String getHiveMetaStorePrincipal() {
return hiveMetaStorePrincipal;
protected String namenodePrincipal;
protected String hiveMetaStorePrincipal;
public AuthOozieClient getOozieClient() {
if (null == this.oozieClient) {
this.oozieClient = OozieUtil.getClient(this.oozieURL);
return this.oozieClient;
protected AuthOozieClient oozieClient;
public FileSystem getHadoopFS() throws IOException {
if (null == this.hadoopFS) {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("", "hdfs://" + this.hadoopURL);
this.hadoopFS = FileSystem.get(conf);
return this.hadoopFS;
protected FileSystem hadoopFS;
public String getIdentityFile() {
return identityFile;
protected String identityFile;
protected String serviceStatusMsg;
public String getServiceUser() {
return serviceUser;
public String getServiceStopCmd() {
return serviceStopCmd;
public String getServiceStartCmd() {
return serviceStartCmd;
protected String serviceUser;
public String getColo() {
return colo;
public String getColoName() {
return coloName;
public IEntityManagerHelper(String prefix) {
if ((null == prefix) || prefix.isEmpty()) {
prefix = "";
} else {
prefix += ".";
this.qaHost = Config.getProperty(prefix + "qa_host");
this.hostname = Config.getProperty(prefix + "ivory_hostname");
this.username = Config.getProperty(prefix + "username", System.getProperty(""));
this.password = Config.getProperty(prefix + "password", "");
this.hadoopLocation = Config.getProperty(prefix + "hadoop_location");
this.hadoopURL = Config.getProperty(prefix + "hadoop_url");
this.hcatEndpoint = Config.getProperty(prefix + "hcat_endpoint");
this.clusterReadonly = Config.getProperty(prefix + "cluster_readonly");
this.clusterWrite = Config.getProperty(prefix + "cluster_write");
this.oozieURL = Config.getProperty(prefix + "oozie_url");
this.activeMQ = Config.getProperty(prefix + "activemq_url");
this.storeLocation = Config.getProperty(prefix + "storeLocation");
this.hadoopGetCommand = hadoopLocation + " fs -cat hdfs://" + hadoopURL
+ "/projects/ivory/staging/ivory/workflows/process";
this.allColo = "?colo=" + Config.getProperty(prefix + "colo", "*");
this.colo = (!Config.getProperty(prefix + "colo", "").isEmpty()) ? "?colo=" + Config
.getProperty(prefix + "colo") : "";
this.coloName = this.colo.contains("=") ? this.colo.split("=")[1] : "";
this.serviceStartCmd =
Config.getProperty(prefix + "service_start_cmd", "/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start");
this.serviceStopCmd = Config.getProperty(prefix + "service_stop_cmd",
"/etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop");
this.serviceUser = Config.getProperty(prefix + "service_user", null);
this.serviceStatusMsg = Config.getProperty(prefix + "service_status_msg",
"Tomcat servlet engine is running with pid");
this.serviceStatusCmd =
Config.getProperty(prefix + "service_status_cmd", "/etc/init.d/tomcat6 status");
this.identityFile = Config.getProperty(prefix + "identityFile",
System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.ssh/id_rsa");
this.hadoopFS = null;
this.oozieClient = null;
this.namenodePrincipal = Config.getProperty(prefix + "namenode.kerberos.principal", "none");
this.hiveMetaStorePrincipal = Config.getProperty(
prefix + "hive.metastore.kerberos.principal", "none");
public abstract String getEntityType();
public abstract String getEntityName(String entity);
protected String createUrl(String... parts) {
return StringUtils.join(parts, "/");
public ServiceResponse listEntities(URLS url)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return listEntities(url, null);
public ServiceResponse listEntities(Util.URLS url, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {"fetching " + getEntityType() + " list");
return Util.sendRequest(createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType() + colo),
"get", null, user);
public ServiceResponse submitEntity(URLS url, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return submitEntity(url, data, null);
public ServiceResponse submitEntity(URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {"Submitting " + getEntityType() + ": \n" + Util.prettyPrintXml(data));
return Util.sendRequest(createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType() + colo),
"post", data, user);
public ServiceResponse schedule(URLS scheduleUrl, String processData)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return schedule(scheduleUrl, processData, null);
public ServiceResponse schedule(URLS scheduleUrl, String processData, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(createUrl(this.hostname + scheduleUrl.getValue(), getEntityType(),
getEntityName(processData) + colo), "post", user);
public ServiceResponse submitAndSchedule(URLS url, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return submitAndSchedule(url, data, null);
public ServiceResponse submitAndSchedule(URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {"Submitting " + getEntityType() + ": \n" + Util.prettyPrintXml(data));
return Util.sendRequest(createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType()), "post",
data, user);
public ServiceResponse deleteByName(URLS deleteUrl, String entityName, String user)
throws AuthenticationException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + deleteUrl.getValue(), getEntityType(), entityName + colo),
"delete", user);
public ServiceResponse delete(URLS deleteUrl, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return delete(deleteUrl, data, null);
public ServiceResponse delete(URLS deleteUrl, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + deleteUrl.getValue(), getEntityType(),
getEntityName(data) + colo),
"delete", user);
public ServiceResponse suspend(URLS suspendUrl, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return suspend(suspendUrl, data, null);
public ServiceResponse suspend(URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType(), getEntityName(data) + colo),
"post", user);
public ServiceResponse resume(URLS url, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return resume(url, data, null);
public ServiceResponse resume(URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType(), getEntityName(data) + colo),
"post", user);
public ServiceResponse getStatus(URLS url, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getStatus(url, data, null);
public ServiceResponse getStatus(Util.URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType(), getEntityName(data) + colo),
"get", user);
public ServiceResponse getEntityDefinition(URLS url, String data)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getEntityDefinition(url, data, null);
public ServiceResponse getEntityDefinition(URLS url, String data, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return Util.sendRequest(
createUrl(this.hostname + url.getValue(), getEntityType(), getEntityName(data) + colo),
"get", user);
public InstancesResult getRunningInstance(URLS processRunningInstance, String name)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getRunningInstance(processRunningInstance, name, null);
public InstancesResult getRunningInstance(
URLS processRunningInstance, String name, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + processRunningInstance.getValue(), getEntityType(),
name + allColo);
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil.sendRequestProcessInstance(url, user);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceStatus(String entityName, String params)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getProcessInstanceStatus(entityName, params, null);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceStatus(
String entityName, String params, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + Util.URLS.INSTANCE_STATUS.getValue(),
getEntityType(), entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, user);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceSuspend(
String readEntityName, String params)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getProcessInstanceSuspend(readEntityName, params, null);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceSuspend(
String entityName, String params, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + Util.URLS.INSTANCE_SUSPEND.getValue(),
getEntityType(), entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, user);
public ServiceResponse update(String oldEntity, String newEntity)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return update(oldEntity, newEntity, null);
public ServiceResponse update(String oldEntity, String newEntity, String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + Util.URLS.UPDATE.getValue(), getEntityType(),
return Util.sendRequest(url + colo, "post", newEntity, user);
public ServiceResponse update(String oldEntity, String newEntity, String updateTime,
String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = this.hostname + URLS.UPDATE.getValue() + "/" + getEntityType() + "/"
+ Util.readEntityName(oldEntity);
String urlPart = colo == null || colo.isEmpty() ? "?" : colo + "&";
return Util.sendRequest(url + urlPart + "effective=" + updateTime, "post",
newEntity, user);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceKill(String readEntityName, String params)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getProcessInstanceKill(readEntityName, params, null);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceKill(String entityName, String params,
String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + URLS.INSTANCE_KILL.getValue(), getEntityType(),
entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, user);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceRerun(String entityName, String params)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getProcessInstanceRerun(entityName, params, null);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceRerun(String entityName, String params,
String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + URLS.INSTANCE_RERUN.getValue(), getEntityType(),
entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, user);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceResume(String entityName, String params)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
return getProcessInstanceResume(entityName, params, null);
public InstancesResult getProcessInstanceResume(String entityName, String params,
String user)
throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + Util.URLS.INSTANCE_RESUME.getValue(),
getEntityType(), entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, user);
public InstancesSummaryResult getInstanceSummary(String entityName,
String params
) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, AuthenticationException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + URLS.INSTANCE_SUMMARY.getValue(), getEntityType(),
entityName, "");
return (InstancesSummaryResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, null);
public String list() {
return ExecUtil.executeCommandGetOutput(
BASE_COMMAND + " entity -list -url " + this.hostname + " -type " + getEntityType());
public String getDependencies(String entityName) {
return ExecUtil.executeCommandGetOutput(
BASE_COMMAND + " entity -dependency -url " + this.hostname + " -type "
+ getEntityType() + " -name " + entityName);
public List<String> getArchiveInfo() throws IOException, JSchException {
return Util.getStoreInfo(this, "/archive/" + getEntityType().toUpperCase());
public List<String> getStoreInfo() throws IOException, JSchException {
return Util.getStoreInfo(this, "/" + getEntityType().toUpperCase());
public InstancesResult getInstanceParams(String entityName, String params)
throws AuthenticationException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
String url = createUrl(this.hostname + Util.URLS.INSTANCE_PARAMS.getValue(),
getEntityType(), entityName, "");
return (InstancesResult) InstanceUtil
.createAndSendRequestProcessInstance(url, params, allColo, null);