blob: 2ee0790af9711794b105d200ec6e299c1bde7d5e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('', []);
module.factory('TooltipMessages', ['$window', function ($window) {
var messages = {
'': 'Unique. No special characters. Maximum 40 Characters',
'cluster.colo': 'Data center or co-location of this cluster',
'cluster.interfaces.readonly': 'URI for read operations<br>Eg. hdfs://localhost:50070 | webhdfs://localhost:50070 | hftp://localhost:50070',
'cluster.interfaces.write': 'URI for write operations<br>Eg. hdfs://localhost:8020',
'cluster.interfaces.execute': 'URI for executing jobs<br>Eg. localhost:8050',
'cluster.interfaces.workflow': 'URI to access the workflow manager<br>Eg. http://localhost:11000/oozie/',
'cluster.interfaces.messaging': 'URI for Falcon message broker<br>Eg. tcp://localhost:61616?daemon=true',
'cluster.interfaces.registry': 'URI to the Hive Host Thrift port<br>Eg. thrift://localhost:9083',
'cluster.interfaces.spark': 'URI for the Spark Master',
'cluster.locations.staging': 'Default HDFS directory for staging on this cluster. The directory should have 777 permisssion and owned by falcon.',
'cluster.locations.temp': 'Default HDFS directory for temporary storage on this cluster',
'cluster.locations.working': 'Default HDFS directory for working storage on this cluster.The directory should have 755 permisssion and owned by falcon.',
'': 'Unique. No special characters. Maximum 40 Characters',
'feed.groups': 'Comma seperated list of Feed Groups this Feed is part of',
'feed.schema.location': 'Location of the file containing the layout for the feed',
'feed.schema.provider': 'Data interchange protocol of the Feed: Avro, Hive, RDBMS, etc',
'': 'Frequency of feed generation.',
'': 'Specify how long Feed processing should wait for the required feed to become available.',
'': 'If one exists, provide the name of file whose existance indicates the feed is available for use',
'': 'Timezone associate with the feed, if different from the cluster default timezone.',
'feed.location.storageType': 'Select Catalog for Hive tables, File System for HDFS',
'': 'Eg. catalog:default:sample_07#ds=${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}-${HOUR}',
'': 'Unique. No special characters.',
'process.workflow.path': 'Must specify a valid HDFS script of the engine type (Pig, Hive, Oozie, Spark)',
'': 'Timezone associate with the feed, if different from the cluster default timezone.',
'': 'Workflow failure handling policy'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>Periodic:</b><br>Try X times after N Min/Hours/</div>'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>Exponential Backup:</b><br>Try X times after N to the x1, N to x2, N to x3, etc.</div>'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>None:</b><br>Do not retry</div>',
'': 'Order for instance pickup'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>FIFO:</b><br>Oldest to Latest</div>'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>LIFO:</b><br>Latest to Oldest</div>'
+ '<div class="pt5px"><b>LASTONLY:</b><br>Latest only</div>',
'process.cluster': 'Cluster(s) this process should execute on',
'': 'Name of the spark application',
'process.workflow.spark.application': 'Path of jar or python file',
'process.workflow.spark.class': "Spark application's main class",
'process.workflow.spark.master': 'Run in Yarn or directly on spark',
'process.workflow.spark.mode': 'Run locally or or remote on the Application Master',
'datasource.driver.jar': 'HDFS location containing driver jar and should have access to the falcon user',
'datasource.credential.passwordFile': 'HDFS location containing password file without newline at the end and should be accessible by the user who creates the datasource entity',
'': 'Unique job name',
'dataset.jobClusterName': 'Cluster where job should run',
'dataset.jobValidityStart': 'Job validity start time',
'dataset.jobValidityEnd': 'Job validity end time',
'dataset.jobFrequency': 'Job frequency. Valid frequency types are minutes, hours, days, months',
'dataset.jobTimezone': 'Time zone for the job',
'dataset.jobTags': 'list of comma separated tags. Key Value Pairs, separated by comma. Eg., _department_type=forecasting',
'dataset.jobRetryPolicy': 'Job retry policy',
'dataset.jobRetryDelay': 'Job retry delay',
'dataset.jobRetryAttempts': 'Job retry attempts',
'dataset.jobRetryOnTimeout': 'Job retry on timeout',
'dataset.jobAclOwner': 'ACL owner',
'dataset.jobAclGroup': 'ACL group',
'dataset.jobAclPermission': 'ACL permission',
'dataset.sourceDir': 'Multiple hdfs comma separated source directories',
'dataset.sourceCluster': 'Source cluster',
'dataset.targetDir': 'Target hdfs directory',
'dataset.targetCluster': 'Source cluster',
'dataset.distcpMaxMaps': 'Maximum number of mappers for DistCP',
'dataset.distcpMapBandwidth': 'Bandwidth in MB for each mapper in DistCP',
'dataset.maxEvents': 'To ceil the max events processed each time the job runs. Set it to max value depending on your bandwidth limit. Setting it to -1 will process all the events but can hog up the bandwidth. Use it judiciously!',
'dataset.replicationMaxMaps': 'Maximum number of mappers to use for hive replication',
'dataset.jobNotificationReceivers': 'Email Notification for Falcon instance completion.',
'dataset.tdeEncryptionEnabled': 'Set this flag to true if TDE encryption is enabled on source and target',
'dataset.sourceStagingPath': 'Staging path on source',
'dataset.targetStagingPath': 'Staging path on target',
'dataset.sourceHiveServer2Uri': 'Hive2 server end point. Eg. hive2://localhost:10000',
'dataset.targetHiveServer2Uri': 'Hive2 server end point. Eg.hive2://localhost:10000',
'dataset.sourceDatabases': 'For DB level replication specify multiple comma separated databases to replicate',
'dataset.sourceTables': 'For table level replication specify multiple comma separated tables to replicate',
'dataset.sourceHive2KerberosPrincipal': 'Kerberos principal required to access hive servers. Eg. hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM',
'dataset.targetHive2KerberosPrincipal': 'Kerberos principal required to access hive servers. Eg. hive/_HOST@EXAMPLE.COM',
'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotDir' : 'Snapshot-able source directory which should be replicated',
'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotRetentionAgeLimit' : 'Snapshots on source older than this age limit will be eligible for deletion.',
'dataset.snapshot.sourceSnapshotRetentionNumber' : 'These many latest snapshots on source will be retained, the rest of them eligible for deletion.',
'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotDir' : 'Snapshot-able target directory to which source should be replicated',
'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotRetentionAgeLimit' : 'Snapshots on target older than this age limit will be eligible for deletion.',
'dataset.snapshot.targetSnapshotRetentionNumber' : 'These many latest snapshots on target will be retained, the rest of them eligible for deletion.'
return {
messages: messages