Tagging the 1.7.0 first release candidate
Merge pull request #2234 from jinrongluo/patch-2

Create 1.7.0 release note
tree: 6286376b65419c0fa0eff6bbdf0f1d35000db575
  1. .github/
  2. docker/
  3. docs/
  4. eventmesh-admin/
  5. eventmesh-catalog-go/
  6. eventmesh-common/
  7. eventmesh-connector-plugin/
  8. eventmesh-examples/
  9. eventmesh-metrics-plugin/
  10. eventmesh-protocol-plugin/
  11. eventmesh-registry-plugin/
  12. eventmesh-runtime/
  13. eventmesh-sdk-go/
  14. eventmesh-sdk-java/
  15. eventmesh-sdk-rust/
  16. eventmesh-security-plugin/
  17. eventmesh-spi/
  18. eventmesh-starter/
  19. eventmesh-trace-plugin/
  20. eventmesh-webhook/
  21. eventmesh-workflow-go/
  22. gradle/
  23. style/
  24. tools/
  25. .asf.yaml
  26. .gitignore
  27. .licenserc.yaml
  28. build.gradle
  30. gradle.properties
  31. gradlew
  32. gradlew.bat
  33. install.sh
  35. NOTICE
  36. README.md
  37. README.zh-CN.md
  38. release-node.md
  39. settings.gradle

CI status CodeCov Code Quality: Java Total Alerts

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đŸ“Ļ Documentation | 📔 Examples | ⚙ī¸ Roadmap | 🌐 įŽ€äŊ“中文

Apache EventMesh (Incubating)

Apache EventMesh (Incubating) is a dynamic event-driven application multi-runtime used to decouple the application and backend middleware layer, which supports a wide range of use cases that encompass complex multi-cloud, widely distributed topologies using diverse technology stacks.


Multi-Runtime Architecture

EventMesh Architecture


EventMesh Orchestration

Data Mesh

EventMesh Data Mesh


Apache EventMesh (Incubating) consists of multiple components that integrate different middlewares and messaging protocols to enhance the functionalities of the application runtime.

  • eventmesh-runtime: The middleware that transmits events between producers and consumers, which supports cloud-native apps and microservices.
  • eventmesh-sdk-java: The Java SDK that supports HTTP, TCP, and gRPC protocols.
  • eventmesh-sdk-go: The Golang SDK that supports HTTP, TCP, and gRPC protocols.
  • eventmesh-sdk-rust: The Rust SDK that supports HTTP, TCP, and gRPC protocols.
  • eventmesh-connector-plugin: The collection of plugins that connects middlewares such as Apache RocketMQ, Apache Kafka(incubator), Apache Pulsar(incubator), RabbitMQ(in progress), Redis (incubator), Pravega(incubator), and RDMS(in progress) using JDBC (in progress).
  • eventmesh-registry-plugin: The collection of plugins that integrate service registries such as Consul, Nacos and ETCD.
  • eventmesh-security-plugin: The collection of plugins that implement security mechanisms, such as ACL (access control list), authentication, and authorization.
  • eventmesh-protocol-plugin: The collection of plugins that implement messaging protocols, such as CloudEvents, AMQP(in progress) and MQTT(in progress).
  • eventmesh-workflow-go: The Serverless workflow engine implementation.
  • eventmesh-catalog-go: The catalog implementation follow AsyncAPI.
  • eventmesh-admin: The control plane that manages clients, topics, and subscriptions.


Please go to the roadmap to get the release history and new features of Apache EventMesh (Incubating).

Quick start

Here are the guidelines:

Step 1: Deploy eventmesh-store

Step 2: Start eventmesh-runtime

Step 3: Run our demos

Besides, we also provide the docker-version guidelines for you if you prefer Docker:

Step 1: Deploy eventmesh-store using docker

Step 2: Start eventmesh-runtime using docker

Step 3: Run our demos


Each contributor has played an important role in promoting the robust development of Apache EventMesh (Incubating). We sincerely appreciate all contributors who have contributed code and documents.

Here is the List of Contributors, thank you all! :)

CNCF Landscape

Apache EventMesh (Incubating) enriches the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape.


Apache EventMesh (Incubating) is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


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