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Apache EventMesh (Incubating)

CI status CodeCov Language grade: Java Total alerts GitHub release License


What is Event Mesh?

This figure shows the positioning of the event mesh relative to other similar technologies (such as service mesh) in the application framework.


Event Mesh is a dynamic plug-in cloud-native basic service layer used to decouple the application and middleware layer. It provides flexible, reliable and fast event distribution, and can be managed.


Cloud Native Event Mesh:


The event mesh allows events from one application to be dynamically routed to any other application. General functions of the event mesh:

  • Event driven;
  • Event governance;
  • Dynamic routing;
  • Cloud native

Dependent components:

  • DeFiBus : a distributed messaging platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, flexible scalability. DeFiBus
  • RocketMQ

Key components:

  • eventmesh-runtime : an middleware to transmit events between event producers and consumers, support cloud native apps and microservices
  • eventmesh-sdk-java : currently supports HTTP and TCP protocols, and will support gRPC in the future


v1.0.0Support DeFiBus as eventstore, support pub/sub, http api, java-sdk
v1.1.0Support rocketmq as eventstore
v1.2.0Support Plug-in architecture, support http sub
v1.3.0Support cloud event protocal
Support transaction event
Support Event Sourcing
Support Event orchestration
Support Dashboard
Support Event governance
Support Nacos as an event router
Support Promethus
Support Skywalking
Support Spiffe
Support gRPC
Support c/go/python/nodejs SDK

Quick Start

  1. Build and deploy event-store(DeFiBus), see instruction ‘event-store quickstart’.
  2. Build and deploy eventmesh-runtime, see instruction ‘eventmesh-runtime quickstart’.
  3. Run eventmesh-sdk-java demo, see instruction ‘eventmesh-sdk-java quickstart’.


Contributions are always welcomed! Please see CONTRIBUTING for detailed guidelines

You can start with the issues labeled with good first issue. GitHub Issues


Apache License, Version 2.0 Copyright (C) Apache Software Foundation


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