How to run eventmesh-sdk-java demo

Eventmesh-sdk-java , as the client, communicated with eventmesh-runtime, used to complete the sending and receiving of message.

Eventmesh-sdk-java supports async msg and broadcast msg. Async msg means the producer just sends msg and does not care reply msg.Broadcast msg means the producer send msg once and all the consumer subscribed the broadcast topic will receive the msg.

Eventmesh-sdk-java supports the protocol of HTTP and TCP.

TCP demos and Http demos are both under the eventmesh-test module.

prerequisite:after download the source code you should copy /conf/ and /conf/log4j2.xml to the resources directory



Async msg

  • create topic TEST-TOPIC-TCP-ASYNC on rocketmq-console

  • start consumer ,subscribe topic in previous step.

Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.tcp.demo.AsyncSubscribe
  • start producer, send message
Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.tcp.demo.AsyncPublish

Broadcast msg

  • create topic TEST-TOPIC-TCP-BROADCAST on rocketmq-console

  • start consumer ,subscribe topic in previous step.

Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.tcp.demo.AsyncSubscribeBroadcast
  • start producer, send broadcast message
Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.tcp.demo.AsyncPublishBroadcast


As to http, eventmesh-sdk-java implements the pub and sub for async event .

In the demo ,the field of content of the java class LiteMessage represents a special protocal, so if you want to use http-client of eventmesh-sdk-java, you just need to design the content of protocal and supply the consumer appliacation at the same time.

Async event

producer send the event to consumer and don't need waiting response msg from consumer

  • create topic TEST-TOPIC-HTTP-ASYNC on rocketmq-console

  • start consumer, subscribe topic

    Async consumer demo is a spring boot application demo, you can easily run this demo to start service and subscribe the topic.

Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.http.demo.sub.SpringBootDemoApplication
  • start producer, produce msg
Run the main method of org.apache.eventmesh.http.demo.AsyncPublishInstance