Eventmesh-runtime Quick start Instruction

1 Remote Deploy

1.1 dependencies

64bit OS, Linux/Unix is recommended;
64bit JDK 1.8+;
Gradle at least 7.0, eg 7.0.*

1.2 download sources

download source code from https://github.com/apache/incubator-eventmesh
You will get EventMesh-master.zip

1.3 build sources

unzip EventMesh-master.zip
cd /*YOUR DEPLOY PATH*/EventMesh-master
gradle clean dist tar -x test

You will get EventMesh_1.2.0.tar.gz in directory /* YOUR DEPLOY PATH */EventMesh-master/build

1.4 Deployment

  • deploy eventmesh-runtime
upload Eventmesh_1.2.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf Eventmesh_1.2.0.tar.gz
cd conf
config your eventMesh.properties
cd ../bin
sh start.sh

If you see “EventMeshTCPServer[port=10000] started....”, you setup runtime successfully.

2 Run Locally

2.1 dependencies

Same with 1.1

2.2 download sources

Same with 1.2

2.3 Run

2.3.1 Project structure:


  • eventmesh-common : eventmesh common classes and method module
  • eventmesh-connector-api : eventmesh connector api definition module
  • eventmesh-connector-rocketmq : eventmesh rocketmq connector module
  • eventmesh-runtime : eventmesh runtime module
  • eventmesh-sdk-java : eventmesh java client sdk
  • eventmesh-starter : eventmesh project local start entry
  • eventmesh-spi : eventmesh SPI load module

ps: The loading of connector plugin follows the eventmesh SPI mechanism, it's necessary to configure the mapping file of related interface and implementation class under /main/resources/meta-inf/eventmesh in the corresponding module

2.3.2 Configure VM Options


ps: If you use Windows, you may need to replace the file separator to \

2.3.3 Configure plugin

Specify the connector plugin that will be loaded after the project start by declaring in eventMesh.properties

Modify the eventMesh.properties file in the confPath directory

load rocketmq connector configuration:

#connector plugin

2.3.4 Run

running org.apache.eventmesh.starter.StartUp main method

3 Run with Docker

3.1 Pull

execute docker pull eventmesh/eventmesh-rocketmq:v1.2.0 , you will get EventMesh image like below


3.2 Config

prerequisite : may be you need download the source code from git first and use the contents of these files(eventMesh.properties and rocketmq-client.properties) as a reference for the following actions.

3.2.1 Files to configure

Before run the container you should configure some files.


Configuration KeyDefault ValueRemarks
eventMesh.server.http.port10105EventMesh http server port
eventMesh.server.tcp.port10000EventMesh tcp server port


Configuration KeyDefault ValueRemarks
eventMesh.server.rocketmq.namesrvAddr127.0.0.1:9876; namesrv default address

After pull the EventMesh image to your host machine, you can execute command below to configure eventMesh.properties and rocketmq-client.properties

3.2.2 Create Files

mkdir -p /data/eventmesh/rocketmq/conf
cd /data/eventmesh/rocketmq/conf
vi eventMesh.properties
vi rocketmq-client.properties

The contents of these files can reference from eventMesh.properties and rocketmq-client.properties

3.3 Run

3.3.1 run

execute command below to run container

docker run -d -p 10000:10000 -p 10105:10105 -v /data/eventmesh/rocketmq/conf/eventMesh.properties:/data/app/eventmesh/conf/eventMesh.properties -v /data/eventmesh/rocketmq/conf/rocketmq-client.properties:/data/app/eventmesh/conf/rocketmq-client.properties docker.io/eventmesh/eventmesh-rocketmq:v1.2.0

-p : binding the container port with host machine port

-v : mount the container configuration files with host machine files

3.3.2 check container

execute docker ps to check the container health


execute docker logs [container id] you will get following result:


execute docker exec -it [container id] /bin/bash you will go into the container and see the details:


3.4 Test

Prerequisite :RocketMQ Namesrv & Broker

you can build the rocketmq image following here or get the rocketmq image from docker hub.

docker pull rocketmqinc/rocketmq-namesrv:4.5.0-alpine
docker pull rocketmqinc/rocketmq-broker:4.5.0-alpine

docker run -d -p 9876:9876 -v `pwd` /data/namesrv/logs:/root/logs -v `pwd`/data/namesrv/store:/root/store --name rmqnamesrv  rocketmqinc/rocketmq-namesrv:4.5.0-alpine sh mqnamesrv 

docker run -d -p 10911:10911 -p 10909:10909 -v `pwd`/data/broker/logs:/root/logs -v `pwd`/data/broker/store:/root/store --name rmqbroker --link rmqnamesrv:namesrv -e "NAMESRV_ADDR=namesrv:9876" rocketmqinc/rocketmq-broker:4.5.0-alpine sh mqbroker -c ../conf/broker.conf

When we get this point, rocketmq-broker ip is the pod ip, if you want to change the ip, you can mount the ** broker.conf** file in container and modify brokerIP1 configuration in this file to your custom values.

3.4.1 Run Demo


  • For demos running under the Windows , you can refer here


  • Get eventmesh-test_1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz

    you can get this package from our releases or build with source code.

    build with source code:

    cd /* Your Deploy Path */EventMesh/eventmesh-test 
    gradle clean testdist testtar -x test`

    you will get eventmesh-test_1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz under the /eventmesh-test/build

  • Modify configuration files

    upload eventmesh-test_1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf eventmesh-test_1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
    cd conf
    config your application.properties
  • Run demo

    TCP Sub

    cd bin
    sh tcp_sub.sh

    TCP Pub

    cd bin
    sh tcp_pub.sh

    TCP Sub Broadcast

    cd bin
    sh tcp_sub_broadcast.sh

    TCP Pub Broadcast

    cd bin
    sh tcp_pub_broadcast.sh

    HTTP Sub

    cd bin
    sh http_sub.sh

    HTTP Pub

    cd bin
    sh http_pub.sh

    After this , you can see result of different mode in logs file under /logs directory