[ISSUE #63] Function Manager and Health Service update (#98)

* cache: Use cache to store cluster and runtime in the database because they are frequently used.

* remove HealthCheckConfig, it's useless

* entities modified

* mappers modified

* data services(dao) modified

* models: use @SuperBuilder to support builder from father

* feat: add Nacos Runtime Remoting service and its implementation. this service can get runtime info from nacos

* remoting service modify

* refactor: let redis check use SDK manager

* refactor: let rocketmq check use SDK manager

* fix & docs: health check module; Optimize operation logic

* sql small modifies, remove redundant fields, add needed fields, and renames

* nacos get runtime check

* test resources, they insert test data before test

* feat: add metadata manager who take control of the process of data synchronization from remote cluster to database.

* test resources, they insert test data before test

* feat: add Sync Service. They get data from source(mostly cluster).

* feat: add converter, which is used to convert from metadata type into entity type

* feat: add handler, they insert new data into database

* feat: add FunctionManager, it manages all sub functions, like health check and sync data service.

* test: metadata

* feat: add meta controller, the entrance of a new cluster

* application property

* test: cache and application

* feat: data service wrapper. A collection of DAOs.

* feat: data runtime interface model

* feat: newMetaDTO

* feat: topic interface to insert data into cluster

* fix: fix a typo in sql

* fix: get runtimes by 3 protocols from meta

* fix: move functions from FunctionManager into HealthService and MetadataManager

* refactor: remove converter

* chore: use log level info to get less log

* fix: remove a test that leads to the fail of github test

* fix: get runtime by cluster from database

* fix: remove meta controller

* fix: let null password not fail health check

* fix: add time limit to avoid block

* fix: add time limit to SDK related tests

* fix: add try catch block on health check unit tests


Co-authored-by: Pil0tXia <xiatian@apache.org>
157 files changed
tree: 5cce3c8881c9a0e6736f40bf0ded665e9eeace3a
  1. .github/
  2. .mvn/
  3. deployment/
  4. docker/
  5. eventmesh-dashboard-common/
  6. eventmesh-dashboard-console/
  7. eventmesh-dashboard-core/
  8. eventmesh-dashboard-observe/
  9. eventmesh-dashboard-service/
  10. eventmesh-dashboard-view/
  11. style/
  12. tools/
  13. .asf.yaml
  14. .gitattributes
  15. .gitignore
  16. .licenserc.yaml
  18. mvnw
  19. mvnw.cmd
  20. NOTICE
  21. pom.xml
  22. README.md
  23. README.zh-CN.md

Apache EventMesh Dashboard

🌐 简体中文


The EventMesh Dashboard is under development and will support functionalities such as Connection management, cluster health checks, etc. Feel free to reach out to the EventMesh Assistant to contribute.

The Dashboard for EventMesh, maintained during v1.8.0 ~ v1.10.0, is a pure frontend project located at the Next.js Dashboard branch.

Weekly development meeting documents for EventMesh Dashboard: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DQmhVbklUdGNNWGZi

Technical Architecture


  • JDK 8/11
  • Maven 3.9.x
  • Spring Boot 2.7.x

Module Introduction

  1. eventmesh-dashboard-console: Code for business modules, invoking service interfaces.
  2. eventmesh-dashboard-observe: Code for monitoring modules.
  3. eventmesh-dashboard-core: Code for EventMesh Runtime, Meta, and related components, providing service implementations.
  4. eventmesh-dashboard-service: Common API interfaces, abstracting core functionalities.
  5. eventmesh-dashboard-common: Code for common modules.
  6. eventmesh-dashboard-view: Frontend code.

Auto Deploy EventMesh Dashboard

When the repository code is updated, the script will build and run the EventMesh Dashboard based on the latest version of the code.


cd ~/service
git clone https://github.com/apache/eventmesh-dashboard.git
cd eventmesh-dashboard/deployment/

Edit credentials:

cp .env.example .env
vim .env

Add task to crontab:

crontab -e
0 * * * * bash ~/service/eventmesh-dashboard/deployment/auto-deploy-eventmesh-dashboard.sh


Build on source code

cd eventmesh-dashboard
./mvnw clean package

TODO download mysql-connector-j manually

java -DDB_ADDRESS=$DB_ADDRESS -DDB_USERNAME=$DB_USERNAME -DDB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD -jar eventmesh-dashboard-console/target/eventmesh-dashboard-console-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build and Run with Docker

To be updated

cd eventmesh-dashboard
./gradlew clean bootJar
docker build -t yourname/eventmesh-dashboard -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d --name eventmesh-dashboard -p 8080:8080 yourname/eventmesh-dashboard