[ISSUE #57] Modify the field, synchronize the modification, and add the mapper method (#58)

* refactor: add dependency of console module and move controllers into console module.

* fix: add logback config, fix application-dev.yml and move `</dependencyManagement>` to root `pom.xml` as pointed out in PR#19.

* FirstCommit

* remerge

* first improve

* second improve

* third improve

* fourth improve

* fourth improve

* fourth improve

* Update and rename EventmeshConsoleApplication.java to EventMeshDashboardApplication.java

* rename this starter class file to EventMeshDashboardApplication

* rename this starter class file to EventMeshDashboardApplication

* change some resource file

* improve name

* improve name

* Modify the fields of the synchronized log table

* improve name

* improve name

* config basic function and config ,runtime,store,cluster sql

* try to resolve build error

* Some changes in the specification

* something rename

* one sql update

* tag something to do

* The distinction between state and status is_delete fields is unified, and selectAll() and batchInsert() are added to all instance tables for subsequent data synchronization. Modification of some fields.

* Delete eventmesh-dashboard-console/src/main/java/org/apache/eventmesh/dashboard/console/entity/meta/ClusterEntity1.java

delete something no use

* Delete eventmesh-dashboard-console/src/main/java/org/apache/eventmesh/dashboard/console/entity/meta/RuntimeEntity1.java

delete something no use

* improve something checkstyle error

* try to solve something sql test error

* try to resolve something test error

* try to resolve something test error

* something is_delete(error) change to status (#3)

Co-authored-by: 周倬贤 <14100340+zhou-zhuoxian@user.noreply.gitee.com>


Co-authored-by: lambert@arch <lambertrao@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: 周倬贤 <14100340+zhou-zhuoxian@user.noreply.gitee.com>
49 files changed
tree: 8359d3c8d03639f3ec46aca3632006224250a8db
  1. .github/
  2. docker/
  3. eventmesh-dashboard-common/
  4. eventmesh-dashboard-console/
  5. eventmesh-dashboard-core/
  6. eventmesh-dashboard-observe/
  7. eventmesh-dashboard-service/
  8. eventmesh-dashboard-view/
  9. style/
  10. .asf.yaml
  11. .gitattributes
  12. .gitignore
  14. NOTICE
  15. pom.xml
  16. README.md

EventMesh Dashboard





  • JDK 8/11
  • Maven 3.8.1
  • Spring Boot 2.7.x



  1. eventmesh-dashboard-console 业务模块的代码,调用service接口
  2. eventmesh-dashboard-observe 监控模块的代码
  3. eventmesh-dashboard-core 对EventMesh Runtime, Meta以及相关组件的代码,提供service实现
  4. eventmesh-dashboard-service 公用API接口,对core的抽象
  5. eventmesh-dashboard-common 公共模块的代码
  6. eventmesh-dashboard-view 前端代码

eventmesh-dashboard-core 介绍


Build on source code

cd eventmesh-dashboard
./gradlew clean bootJar
java -jar build/libs/eventmesh-dashboard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Build and Run with Docker

cd eventmesh-dashboard
./gradlew clean bootJar
docker build -t yourname/eventmesh-dashboard -f docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -d --name eventmesh-dashboard -p 8080:8080 yourname/eventmesh-dashboard