| " Vim syntax file |
| " Language: Etch |
| " Maintainer: James Dixson <dixson@apache.org> |
| " URL: http://incubator.apache.org/projects/etch.html |
| " Last Change: 13 Nov 2007 |
| " |
| " Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * |
| " or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * |
| " distributed with this work for additional information * |
| " regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * |
| " to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * |
| " \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance * |
| " with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * |
| " * |
| " http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * |
| " * |
| " Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * |
| " software distributed under the License is distributed on an * |
| " KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * |
| " specific language governing permissions and limitations * |
| " under the License. * |
| " |
| " |
| " Based on java.vim by Claudio Fleiner <claudio@fleiner.com> |
| " |
| " Please check :help etch.vim for comments on some of the options available. |
| |
| " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded |
| if !exists("main_syntax") |
| if version < 600 |
| syntax clear |
| elseif exists("b:current_syntax") |
| finish |
| endif |
| " we define it here so that included files can test for it |
| let main_syntax='etch' |
| endif |
| |
| " don't use standard HiLink, it will not work with included syntax files |
| if version < 508 |
| command! -nargs=+ EtchHiLink hi link <args> |
| else |
| command! -nargs=+ EtchHiLink hi def link <args> |
| endif |
| |
| " some characters that cannot be in a etch idl (outside a string) |
| syn match etchError "[\\@`]" |
| syn match etchError "<<<\|\.\.\|=>\|<>\|||=\|&&=\|[^-]->\|\*\/" |
| syn match etchOK "\.\.\." |
| |
| " use separate name so that it can be deleted in etchcc.vim |
| syn match etchError2 "#\|=<" |
| EtchHiLink etchError2 etchError |
| |
| " keyword definitions |
| syn keyword etchOptionAsyncReceiver pool queued none free |
| syn keyword etchOptionAuthorize true false |
| "syn keyword etchOptionAuthorize true false <id> <integer> |
| syn keyword etchOptionDirection client server both |
| "syn keyword etchOptionExtern <id>[] |
| syn keyword etchOptionOneway true false |
| "syn keyword etchOptionTimeout <integer> |
| "syn keyword etchOptionToString <string> |
| syn keyword etchOptionUnchecked true false |
| |
| syn keyword etchExternal module |
| syn match etchExternal "\<import\>\(\s\+static\>\)\?" |
| syn keyword etchConstant null |
| syn keyword etchType boolean byte const double enum exception extern float int long mixin object service short string struct void |
| syn keyword etchBoolean true false |
| syn keyword etchMethodDecl throws |
| syn match etchAnnotation "@[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>" |
| |
| if exists("etch_space_errors") |
| if !exists("etch_no_trail_space_error") |
| syn match etchSpaceError "\s\+$" |
| endif |
| if !exists("etch_no_tab_space_error") |
| syn match etchSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1 |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| syn region etchLabelRegion transparent matchgroup=etchLabel start="\<case\>" matchgroup=NONE end=":" contains=etchNumber,etchCharacter |
| syn match etchUserLabel "^\s*[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*:"he=e-1 contains=etchLabel |
| syn keyword etchLabel default |
| |
| " The following cluster contains all etch groups except the contained ones |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchError,etchError2,etchOptionAsyncReceiver,etchOptionDirection,etchExternal,etchConstant,etchType,etchBoolean,etchMethodDecl,etchAnnotation |
| |
| " Comments |
| syn keyword etchTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX |
| if exists("etch_comment_strings") |
| syn region etchCommentString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=etchSpecial,etchCommentStar,etchSpecialChar,@Spell |
| syn region etchComment2String contained start=+"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=etchSpecial,etchSpecialChar,@Spell |
| syn match etchCommentCharacter contained "'\\[^']\{1,6\}'" contains=etchSpecialChar |
| syn match etchCommentCharacter contained "'\\''" contains=etchSpecialChar |
| syn match etchCommentCharacter contained "'[^\\]'" |
| syn cluster etchCommentSpecial add=etchCommentString,etchCommentCharacter,etchNumber |
| syn cluster etchCommentSpecial2 add=etchComment2String,etchCommentCharacter,etchNumber |
| endif |
| syn region etchComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@etchCommentSpecial,etchTodo,@Spell |
| syn match etchCommentStar contained "^\s*\*[^/]"me=e-1 |
| syn match etchCommentStar contained "^\s*\*$" |
| syn match etchLineComment "//.*" contains=@etchCommentSpecial2,etchTodo,@Spell |
| EtchHiLink etchCommentString etchString |
| EtchHiLink etchComment2String etchString |
| EtchHiLink etchCommentCharacter etchCharacter |
| |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchComment,etchLineComment |
| |
| if !exists("etch_ignore_javadoc") |
| syntax case ignore |
| " syntax coloring for javadoc comments (HTML) |
| syntax include @etchHtml <sfile>:p:h/html.vim |
| unlet b:current_syntax |
| syn region etchDocComment start="/\*\*" end="\*/" keepend contains=etchCommentTitle,@etchHtml,etchDocTags,etchDocSeeTag,etchTodo,@Spell |
| syn region etchCommentTitle contained matchgroup=etchDocComment start="/\*\*" matchgroup=etchCommentTitle keepend end="\.$" end="\.[ \t\r<&]"me=e-1 end="[^{]@"me=s-2,he=s-1 end="\*/"me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=@etchHtml,etchCommentStar,etchTodo,@Spell,etchDocTags,etchDocSeeTag |
| |
| syn region etchDocTags contained start="{@\(link\|linkplain\|inherit[Dd]oc\|doc[rR]oot\|value\)" end="}" |
| syn match etchDocTags contained "@\(param\|exception\|throws\|since\)\s\+\S\+" contains=etchDocParam |
| syn match etchDocParam contained "\s\S\+" |
| syn match etchDocTags contained "@\(version\|author\|return\|deprecated\|serial\|serialField\|serialData\)\>" |
| syn region etchDocSeeTag contained matchgroup=etchDocTags start="@see\s\+" matchgroup=NONE end="\_."re=e-1 contains=etchDocSeeTagParam |
| syn match etchDocSeeTagParam contained @"\_[^"]\+"\|<a\s\+\_.\{-}</a>\|\(\k\|\.\)*\(#\k\+\((\_[^)]\+)\)\=\)\=@ extend |
| syntax case match |
| endif |
| |
| " match the special comment /**/ |
| syn match etchComment "/\*\*/" |
| |
| " Strings and constants |
| syn match etchSpecialError contained "\\." |
| syn match etchSpecialCharError contained "[^']" |
| syn match etchSpecialChar contained "\\\([4-9]\d\|[0-3]\d\d\|[\"\\'ntbrf]\|u\x\{4\}\)" |
| syn region etchString start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ contains=etchSpecialChar,etchSpecialError,@Spell |
| " next line disabled, it can cause a crash for a long line |
| "syn match etchStringError +"\([^"\\]\|\\.\)*$+ |
| syn match etchCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=etchSpecialChar,etchSpecialCharError |
| syn match etchCharacter "'\\''" contains=etchSpecialChar |
| syn match etchCharacter "'[^\\]'" |
| syn match etchNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>" |
| syn match etchNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=" |
| syn match etchNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>" |
| syn match etchNumber "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>" |
| |
| " unicode characters |
| syn match etchSpecial "\\u\d\{4\}" |
| |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchString,etchCharacter,etchNumber,etchSpecial,etchStringError |
| |
| if exists("etch_highlight_functions") |
| if etch_highlight_functions == "indent" |
| syn match etchFuncDef "^\(\t\| \{8\}\)[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)" contains=etchScopeDecl,etchType,etchStorageClass,@etchClasses |
| syn region etchFuncDef start=+^\(\t\| \{8\}\)[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+ end=+)+ contains=etchScopeDecl,etchType,etchStorageClass,@etchClasses |
| syn match etchFuncDef "^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*)" contains=etchScopeDecl,etchType,etchStorageClass,@etchClasses |
| syn region etchFuncDef start=+^ [$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9_. \[\]]*([^-+*/()]*,\s*+ end=+)+ contains=etchScopeDecl,etchType,etchStorageClass,@etchClasses |
| else |
| " This line catches method declarations at any indentation>0, but it assumes |
| " two things: |
| " 1. class names are always capitalized (ie: Button) |
| " 2. method names are never capitalized (except constructors, of course) |
| syn region etchFuncDef start=+^\s\+\(\(void\|boolean\|enum\|object\|string\|byte\|short\|int\|long\|float\|double\|\([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\.\)*[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\(<[^>]*>\)\=\(\[\]\)*\s\+[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\|[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*\)\s*([^0-9]+ end=+)+ contains=etchType,etchComment,etchLineComment,@etchClasses |
| endif |
| syn match etchBraces "[{}]" |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchFuncDef,etchBraces |
| endif |
| |
| if exists("etch_highlight_debug") |
| |
| " Strings and constants |
| syn match etchDebugSpecial contained "\\\d\d\d\|\\." |
| syn region etchDebugString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=etchDebugSpecial |
| syn match etchDebugStringError +"\([^"\\]\|\\.\)*$+ |
| syn match etchDebugCharacter contained "'[^\\]'" |
| syn match etchDebugSpecialCharacter contained "'\\.'" |
| syn match etchDebugSpecialCharacter contained "'\\''" |
| syn match etchDebugNumber contained "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>" |
| syn match etchDebugNumber contained "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\=" |
| syn match etchDebugNumber contained "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>" |
| syn match etchDebugNumber contained "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>" |
| syn keyword etchDebugBoolean contained true false |
| syn keyword etchDebugType contained null this super |
| syn region etchDebugParen start=+(+ end=+)+ contained contains=etchDebug.*,etchDebugParen |
| |
| " to make this work you must define the highlighting for these groups |
| syn match etchDebug "\<System\.\(out\|err\)\.print\(ln\)*\s*("me=e-1 contains=etchDebug.* nextgroup=etchDebugParen |
| syn match etchDebug "\<p\s*("me=e-1 contains=etchDebug.* nextgroup=etchDebugParen |
| syn match etchDebug "[A-Za-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\.printStackTrace\s*("me=e-1 contains=etchDebug.* nextgroup=etchDebugParen |
| syn match etchDebug "\<trace[SL]\=\s*("me=e-1 contains=etchDebug.* nextgroup=etchDebugParen |
| |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchDebug |
| |
| if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits") |
| EtchHiLink etchDebug Debug |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugString DebugString |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugStringError etchError |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugType DebugType |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugBoolean DebugBoolean |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugNumber Debug |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugSpecial DebugSpecial |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugSpecialCharacter DebugSpecial |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugCharacter DebugString |
| EtchHiLink etchDebugParen Debug |
| |
| EtchHiLink DebugString String |
| EtchHiLink DebugSpecial Special |
| EtchHiLink DebugBoolean Boolean |
| EtchHiLink DebugType Type |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| if exists("etch_mark_braces_in_parens_as_errors") |
| syn match etchInParen contained "[{}]" |
| EtchHiLink etchInParen etchError |
| syn cluster etchTop add=etchInParen |
| endif |
| |
| " catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis |
| syn region etchParenT transparent matchgroup=etchParen start="(" end=")" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT1 |
| syn region etchParenT1 transparent matchgroup=etchParen1 start="(" end=")" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT2 contained |
| syn region etchParenT2 transparent matchgroup=etchParen2 start="(" end=")" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT contained |
| syn match etchParenError ")" |
| " catch errors caused by wrong square parenthesis |
| syn region etchParenT transparent matchgroup=etchParen start="\[" end="\]" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT1 |
| syn region etchParenT1 transparent matchgroup=etchParen1 start="\[" end="\]" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT2 contained |
| syn region etchParenT2 transparent matchgroup=etchParen2 start="\[" end="\]" contains=@etchTop,etchParenT contained |
| syn match etchParenError "\]" |
| |
| EtchHiLink etchParenError etchError |
| |
| if !exists("etch_minlines") |
| let etch_minlines = 10 |
| endif |
| exec "syn sync ccomment etchComment minlines=" . etch_minlines |
| |
| " The default highlighting. |
| if version >= 508 || !exists("did_etch_syn_inits") |
| if version < 508 |
| let did_etch_syn_inits = 1 |
| endif |
| EtchHiLink etchFuncDef Function |
| EtchHiLink etchVarArg Function |
| EtchHiLink etchBraces Function |
| EtchHiLink etchBranch Conditional |
| EtchHiLink etchUserLabelRef etchUserLabel |
| EtchHiLink etchLabel Label |
| EtchHiLink etchUserLabel Label |
| EtchHiLink etchExceptions Exception |
| EtchHiLink etchMethodDecl etchStorageClass |
| EtchHiLink etchBoolean Boolean |
| EtchHiLink etchSpecial Special |
| EtchHiLink etchSpecialError Error |
| EtchHiLink etchSpecialCharError Error |
| EtchHiLink etchString String |
| EtchHiLink etchCharacter Character |
| EtchHiLink etchSpecialChar SpecialChar |
| EtchHiLink etchNumber Number |
| EtchHiLink etchError Error |
| EtchHiLink etchStringError Error |
| EtchHiLink etchStatement Statement |
| EtchHiLink etchOperator Operator |
| EtchHiLink etchComment Comment |
| EtchHiLink etchDocComment Comment |
| EtchHiLink etchLineComment Comment |
| EtchHiLink etchConstant Constant |
| EtchHiLink etchTypedef Typedef |
| EtchHiLink etchTodo Todo |
| EtchHiLink etchAnnotation PreProc |
| |
| EtchHiLink etchCommentTitle SpecialComment |
| EtchHiLink etchDocTags Special |
| EtchHiLink etchDocParam Function |
| EtchHiLink etchDocSeeTagParam Function |
| EtchHiLink etchCommentStar etchComment |
| |
| EtchHiLink etchType Type |
| EtchHiLink etchExternal Include |
| |
| EtchHiLink htmlComment Special |
| EtchHiLink htmlCommentPart Special |
| EtchHiLink etchSpaceError Error |
| endif |
| |
| delcommand EtchHiLink |
| |
| let b:current_syntax = "etch" |
| |
| if main_syntax == 'etch' |
| unlet main_syntax |
| endif |
| |
| let b:spell_options="contained" |
| |
| " vim: ts=8 |