blob: 4622be945d58f03982d948dcf94b5a3e72fdc3f7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.etch.util.core.xml;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.etch.util.Timer;
public class testXmlParser extends XmlParser
* @param args
* @throws ParseException
* @throws InterruptedException
public static void main( String[] args ) throws ParseException, InterruptedException
testXmlParser xp = new testXmlParser();
parse( xp, "<x>" );
parse( xp, "<a>" );
parse( xp, "</a>" );
parse( xp, "<a:d>" );
parse( xp, "</a:d>" );
parse( xp, "<abc>" );
parse( xp, "<abc:def>" );
parse( xp, "<abc >" );
parse( xp, "<abc:def >" );
parse( xp, "<abc/>" );
parse( xp, "<abc:def/>" );
parse( xp, "<abc />" );
parse( xp, "<abc:def />" );
parse( xp, "</abc:def>" );
parse( xp, "</abc>" );
parse( xp, "</abc:def >" );
parse( xp, "</abc >" );
parse( xp, "<a x='1'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x ='1'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x= '1'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x = '1'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a xyz='&#169;123&#169;'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x='1' y='2'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a q:x='1'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a q:xyz='123'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a q:x='1' q:y='2'/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x=\"1\"/>" );
parse( xp, "<a xyz=\"123\"/>" );
parse( xp, "<a x=\"1\" y=\"2\"/>" );
parse( xp, "</x>" );
TagElement te = xp.finish();
System.out.println( "parsed: "+te );
xp.parseOne( TEST_MSG );
if (false)
int m = 5;
int n = 50000*4;
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
if (j != 0)
Thread.sleep( 5000 );
long t0 = Timer.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 4)
xp.parse( TEST_MSG );
xp.parse( TEST_MSG );
xp.parse( TEST_MSG );
xp.parse( TEST_MSG );
long t1 = Timer.currentTimeMillis();
double t = (t1-t0)/1000.0;
double r = n / t;
System.out.println( "took "+t+" for "+n+" iterations ("+r+" per second)" );
private final static String TEST_MSG =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>" +
"<message xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">" +
"<field name=\"heartbeatInterval\">10</field>" +
"<field name=\"heartbeatPayload\">mediaResources</field>" +
"<field name=\"machineName\">JAVAMAN</field>" +
"<field name=\"queueName\">NULL</field>" +
"<field name=\"serverId\">1</field>" +
"<field name=\"transactionId\">3</field>" +
"<field name=\"serverId\">1</field>" +
"<field name=\"clientId\">NULL</field>" +
"<messageId>connect</messageId>" +
private static void parse( XmlParser xp, String s ) throws ParseException
System.out.println( "trying '"+s+"'..." );
xp.parse( s );
System.out.println( "... ok!" );
public TagElement addRootTag( QName qName, Map<QName, String> attrs )
MessageProcessor mp = new MessageProcessor();
pushTagElement( mp );
return mp.addTag( qName, attrs );
* Description of MessageProcessor
public class MessageProcessor extends AbstractElement implements TagElement
public MessageProcessor()
// nothing to do
public boolean matches( String qualifier, String name )
return false;
public void addCdata( String cdata )
if (cdata.trim().length() > 0)
throw new RuntimeException( "cdata not allowed in message processor: "+cdata );
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
if (childQName.matches( MESSAGE_QUALIFIER, MESSAGE_NAME ))
return new Message( childAttrs );
return new DefaultTagElement( childQName, childAttrs );
public void finish()
// nothing to do
public Iterator<Element> getChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<QName> getAttrNames()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public QName getQName()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean matches( QName qName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean remove( Element e )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void clear()
// Auto-generated method stub
public Integer getIntAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Long getLongAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String path )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String oqualifier, String oname )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( QName subQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<Element> iterator()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean hasAttrs()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int countChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public Element getChild( int index )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void toString( Writer wtr, boolean newlineBetweenTags,
boolean collapseEmptyTags ) throws IOException
wtr.write( "mp" );
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, String value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, int value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, long value )
return this;
* Description of Message.
public class Message extends AbstractElement implements TagElement
* Constructs the Message.
* @param attrs
public Message( Map<QName, String> attrs )
type = attrs.get( new QName( null, "t" ) );
private final String type;
public boolean matches( String qualifier, String name )
return QName.matches( qualifier, MESSAGE_QUALIFIER, name, MESSAGE_NAME );
public void addCdata( String cdata )
if (cdata.trim().length() != 0)
throw new RuntimeException( "cdata not allowed in message body" );
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
// only allow parameter tags
throw new RuntimeException( "tag "+childQName+" not allowed in message body" );
Parameter p = new Parameter( childAttrs );
params.add( p );
return p;
public void finish()
// nothing to do.
//System.out.println( "message finished: "+this );
private List<Parameter> params = new Vector<Parameter>();
public Iterator<Element> getChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<QName> getAttrNames()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public QName getQName()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean matches( QName qName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean remove( Element e )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void clear()
// Auto-generated method stub
public Integer getIntAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Long getLongAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String path )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String oqualifier, String oname )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( QName subQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<Element> iterator()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean hasAttrs()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int countChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public Element getChild( int index )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void toString( Writer wtr, boolean newlineBetweenTags,
boolean collapseEmptyTags ) throws IOException
wtr.write( type );
wtr.write( ": " );
wtr.write( params.toString() );
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, String value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, int value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, long value )
return this;
* Description of Parameter.
public static class Parameter extends AbstractElement implements TagElement
* Constructs the Parameter.
* @param attrs
public Parameter( Map<QName, String> attrs )
n = attrs.get( new QName( null, "n" ) );
if (n == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "n attribute not specified" );
t = attrs.get( new QName( null, "t" ) );
if (t == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "t attribute not specified" );
setValue( attrs.get( new QName( null, "v" ) ) );
private final String n;
private final String t;
public boolean matches( String qualifier, String name )
return QName.matches( qualifier, PARAMETER_QUALIFIER, name, PARAMETER_NAME );
public void addCdata( String cdata )
setValue( cdata );
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
throw new RuntimeException( "subordinate elements are not yet supported" );
public void finish()
if (v == null)
throw new RuntimeException( "parameter "+n+" was not given a value" );
* @param name
* @return true if name matches this parameter's name
public boolean matchesName( String name )
return n.equals( name );
* @return the name of this parameter
public String getName()
return n;
* @return the value of this parameter.
public Object getValue()
return v;
private void setValue( String s )
if (s == null)
//System.out.println( "setValue: name '"+n+"' type '"+t+"' value '"+s+"'" );
if (v != null)
throw new RuntimeException( "parameter "+n+" already has a value" );
if (t.equals( "s" ))
v = s;
else if (t.equals( "i" ))
v = Integer.parseInt( s );
else if (t.equals( "d" ))
v = Double.parseDouble( s );
throw new RuntimeException( "parameter "+n+" type "+t+" not supported" );
private Object v;
public Iterator<Element> getChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<QName> getAttrNames()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public QName getQName()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean matches( QName qName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean remove( Element e )
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void clear()
// Auto-generated method stub
public Integer getIntAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Long getLongAttr( String qualifier, String name )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String path )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( String oqualifier, String oname )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement find( QName subQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Iterator<Element> iterator()
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public boolean hasAttrs()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public TagElement addTag( QName childQName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName, Map<QName, String> childAttrs )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public TagElement addTag( String childName )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public int countChildren()
// Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
public Element getChild( int index )
// Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public boolean hasCdataValue()
// Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public void toString( Writer wtr, boolean newlineBetweenTags,
boolean collapseEmptyTags ) throws IOException
wtr.write( n );
wtr.write( " =(" );
wtr.write( t );
wtr.write( ") " );
wtr.write( v.toString() );
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, String value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, int value )
return this;
public TagElement setAttr( String qualifier, String name, long value )
return this;
* Description of MESSAGE_QUALIFIER.
public final static String MESSAGE_QUALIFIER = null;
* Description of MESSAGE_NAME.
public final static String MESSAGE_NAME = "m";
public final static String PARAMETER_QUALIFIER = null;
* Description of PARAMETER_NAME.
public final static String PARAMETER_NAME = "p";