blob: 55b7a5689175672c57e373cd23f6e14ad157e9f1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.etch.util;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
/** Test of Monitor */
public class TestMonitor
// change this to a much smaller number (e.g., 0.1) to actually test the
// circular queue timeout accuracy.
private final static double REL_ERROR = 100000;
/** @throws Exception */
public void construct1() throws Exception
testconstruct1( null );
testconstruct1( "a" );
testconstruct1( "b" );
private void testconstruct1( String descr )
Monitor<Object> m = new Monitor<Object>( descr );
assertEquals( descr, m.getDescription() );
assertNull( m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void construct2() throws Exception
testconstruct2( null, null );
testconstruct2( null, true );
testconstruct2( null, 1 );
testconstruct2( null, "abc" );
testconstruct2( null, 3.14159 );
testconstruct2( "a", null );
testconstruct2( "b", true );
testconstruct2( "c", 1 );
testconstruct2( "d", "abc" );
testconstruct2( "e", 3.14159 );
private void testconstruct2( String descr, Object value )
Monitor<Object> m = new Monitor<Object>( descr, value );
assertEquals( descr, m.getDescription() );
assertEquals( value, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void mToString() throws Exception
assertEquals( "Monitor null: null", new Monitor<Object>( null, null ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor null: true", new Monitor<Object>( null, true ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor null: 1", new Monitor<Object>( null, 1 ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor null: abc", new Monitor<Object>( null, "abc" ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor null: 3.14159", new Monitor<Object>( null, 3.14159 ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor a: null", new Monitor<Object>( "a", null ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor b: true", new Monitor<Object>( "b", true ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor c: 1", new Monitor<Object>( "c", 1 ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor d: abc", new Monitor<Object>( "d", "abc" ).toString() );
assertEquals( "Monitor e: 3.14159", new Monitor<Object>( "e", 3.14159 ).toString() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void set1() throws Exception
Monitor<Object> m = new Monitor<Object>( "a", null );
assertEquals( null, m.set( 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, m.set( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.set( null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.set( null ) );
/** @throws Exception */
public void set2() throws Exception
Monitor<Object> m = new Monitor<Object>( "a", 1 );
assertEquals( 1, m.set( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.set( null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.set( null ) );
/** @throws Exception */
public void setget() throws Exception
Monitor<Object> m = new Monitor<Object>( "a", 1 );
assertEquals( 1, m.set( 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.get() );
assertEquals( 2, m.set( null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.get() );
assertEquals( null, m.set( null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void setsync() throws Exception
final Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
final boolean[] flag = new boolean[2000];
Thread t1 = TestHelp.delay( 0, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
Integer x = m.set( i );
if (x != null)
flag[x] = true;
} );
Thread t2 = TestHelp.delay( 0, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
for (int i = 1000; i < 2000; i++)
Integer x = m.set( i );
if (x != null)
flag[x] = true;
} );
Integer x = m.set( null );
if (x != null)
flag[x] = true;
for (boolean b: flag)
assertTrue( b );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilEq1() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilEq( null );
m.waitUntilEq( null, 0 );
m.set( 1 );
m.waitUntilEq( 1 );
m.waitUntilEq( 1, 0 );
m.set( 2 );
m.waitUntilEq( 2 );
m.waitUntilEq( 2, 0 );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilEq2() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", 1 );
m.waitUntilEq( 2, 1 );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilEq3() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilEq( 2, 1 );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilEq4() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", 1 );
m.waitUntilEq( null, 1 );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilNotEq1() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilNotEq( 1 );
m.waitUntilNotEq( 1, 0 );
m.set( 1 );
m.waitUntilNotEq( null );
m.waitUntilNotEq( null, 0 );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilNotEq2() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilNotEq( null, 1 );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilNotEq3() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", 1 );
m.waitUntilNotEq( 1, 1 );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilEqAndSet1() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( null, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 1, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 2, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( null, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( null, 0, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 1, 0, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 2, 0, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilEqAndSet( null, 0, null ) );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilEqAndSet2() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 1, 1, 2 );
assertEquals( null, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilEqAndSet3() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", 1 );
m.waitUntilEqAndSet( null, 1, 2 );
assertEquals( 1, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilNotEqAndSet1() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 2, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 3, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 4, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 5, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 2, 0, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 3, 0, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 4, 0, null ) );
assertEquals( null, m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 5, 0, null ) );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilNotEqAndSet2() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( null, 1, 1 );
assertEquals( null, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
@Test( expected = TimeoutException.class )
public void waitUntilNotEqAndSet3() throws Exception
Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", 1 );
m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( 1, 1, null );
assertEquals( 1, m.get() );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilEq5() throws Exception
final Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
Thread t = TestHelp.delayAndStart( 200, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
m.set( 1 );
} );
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
m.waitUntilEq( 1 );
double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1000000.0;
TestHelp.assertRelError( 200, t1, REL_ERROR );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilNotEq4() throws Exception
final Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
Thread t = TestHelp.delayAndStart( 200, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
m.set( 1 );
} );
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
m.waitUntilNotEq( null );
double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1000000.0;
TestHelp.assertRelError( 200, t1, REL_ERROR );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilEqAndSet4() throws Exception
final Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
Thread t = TestHelp.delayAndStart( 200, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
m.set( 1 );
} );
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
m.waitUntilEqAndSet( 1, 2 );
double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1000000.0;
// TODO is there a better way for choosing relative error?
TestHelp.assertRelError( 200, t1, REL_ERROR );
/** @throws Exception */
public void waitUntilNotEqAndSet4() throws Exception
final Monitor<Integer> m = new Monitor<Integer>( "a", null );
Thread t = TestHelp.delayAndStart( 200, new TestHelp.DelayRunnable()
public void run()
m.set( 1 );
} );
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
m.waitUntilNotEqAndSet( null, 2 );
double t1 = (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1000000.0;
TestHelp.assertRelError( 200, t1, REL_ERROR );