blob: 9ae7f7168f9224fd6aa01e58341dfe0963994e8e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *
* distributed with this work for additional information *
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance *
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
* *
* *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an *
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *
* specific language governing permissions and limitations *
* under the License. *
<project name="etch-util" basedir="." default="help">
<description>Common utilities for compiler implementations and java binding</description>
<property name="Etch.basedir" location="${basedir}/.." />
<import file="${Etch.basedir}/build-support/etch.includes.xml" />
<!-- Static properties of the sub-project -->
<property name="proj" location="${Etch.basedir}/util" />
<property name="target" location="${proj}/target" />
<property name="src" location="${proj}/src" />
<property name="generatedSrc" location="${target}/generated-sources" />
<property name="classesDirectory" location="${target}/classes" />
<property name="resourcesDirectory" location="${target}/resources" />
<property name="testResultsDirectory" location="${target}/test-results" />
<!-- MACRO: init-target -->
<macrodef name="init-target" >
<delete dir="${classesDirectory}" failonerror="false" quiet="true" />
<delete dir="${resourcesDirectory}" failonerror="false" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}" />
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}/main" />
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}/test" />
<mkdir dir="${resourcesDirectory}" />
<!-- MACRO: compile-sources -->
<macrodef name="compile-sources" >
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}/main" />
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}/test" />
<javac debug="${Etch.javac.debug}"
destdir="${classesDirectory}/main" >
<src path="${src}/main/java" />
<exclude name="**/.svn/**" />
<classpath refid="Etch.dependencies.jar.paths" />
<javac debug="${Etch.javac.debug}"
destdir="${classesDirectory}/test" >
<src path="${src}/test/java" />
<exclude name="**/.svn/**" />
<classpath refid="Etch.dependencies.jar.paths" />
<pathelement location="${classesDirectory}/main" />
<!-- MACRO: bundle-jars -->
<macrodef name="bundle-jars" >
<attribute name="dist" default="${}" />
<mkdir dir="@{dist}/lib" />
<!-- CREATE jars -->
<!-- Package up etch-util jar -->
<jar jarfile="@{dist}/lib/${etch-util.jar}" >
<attribute name="Copyright" value="${Etch.copyrightNotice}" />
<attribute name="Version" value="${Etch.version}" />
<attribute name="LongVersion" value="${Etch.longversion}" />
<attribute name="Build-Tag" value="${Etch.buildTag}" />
<attribute name="SVN-Revision" value="${Etch.runtime.revisionNumber}" />
<metainf dir="${Etch.basedir}" >
<include name="NOTICE.txt" />
<include name="LICENSE.txt" />
<fileset dir="${classesDirectory}/main">
<include name="org/apache/etch/util/**" />
<!-- placeholder -->
<jar jarfile="@{dist}/lib/${etch-compiler.jar}" update="true" filesetmanifest="merge">
<attribute name="Version" value="${Etch.version}" />
<jar jarfile="@{dist}/lib/${etch-java-runtime.jar}" update="true" filesetmanifest="merge">
<attribute name="Version" value="${Etch.version}" />
<!-- CREATE source archives -->
<!-- package up etch-util src -->
<zip destfile="@{dist}/lib/${}" >
<fileset dir="${src}/main/java" >
<include name="org/apache/etch/util/**/*.java" />
<exclude name="**/test/**" />
<mkdir dir="${target}/empty-dir" />
<zip destfile="@{dist}/lib/${}" update="true" whenempty="create" basedir="${target}/empty-dir" />
<zip destfile="@{dist}/lib/${}" update="true" whenempty="create" basedir="${target}/empty-dir" />
<!-- MACRO: update-jars -->
<macrodef name="update-jars" >
<attribute name="dist" default="${Etch.dist}" />
<attribute name="support" default="${}" />
<!-- repackage .jar -->
<mkdir dir="@{dist}/lib" />
<delete dir="${target}/tmp-compiler" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${target}/tmp-compiler" />
<delete dir="${target}/tmp-runtime" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${target}/tmp-runtime" />
<unjar src="@{support}/lib/${etch-util.jar}" dest="${target}/tmp-compiler" />
<unjar src="@{support}/lib/${etch-compiler.jar}" dest="${target}/tmp-compiler" />
<unjar src="@{support}/lib/${etch-util.jar}" dest="${target}/tmp-runtime" />
<unjar src="@{support}/lib/${etch-java-runtime.jar}" dest="${target}/tmp-runtime" />
<jar jarfile="@{dist}/lib/${etch-compiler.jar}" update="true" filesetmanifest="merge" >
<fileset dir="${target}/tmp-compiler" />
<jar jarfile="@{dist}/lib/${etch-java-runtime.jar}" update="true" filesetmanifest="merge" >
<fileset dir="${target}/tmp-runtime" />
<!-- repackage .zip src -->
<mkdir dir="@{dist}/lib" />
<delete dir="${target}/tmp-compiler-src" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${target}/tmp-compiler-src" />
<delete dir="${target}/tmp-runtime-src" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${target}/tmp-runtime-src" />
<unzip src="@{support}/lib/${}" dest="${target}/tmp-compiler-src" />
<unzip src="@{support}/lib/${}" dest="${target}/tmp-compiler-src" />
<unzip src="@{support}/lib/${}" dest="${target}/tmp-runtime-src" />
<unzip src="@{support}/lib/${}" dest="${target}/tmp-runtime-src" />
<zip destfile="@{dist}/lib/${}" >
<fileset dir="${target}/tmp-compiler-src" />
<zip destfile="@{dist}/lib/${}" >
<fileset dir="${target}/tmp-runtime-src" />
<!-- INIT TARGET -->
<!-- Modify this target to define project specific properties that can only be set at runtime -->
<target name="do-init">
<delete dir="${target}" failonerror="false" quiet="true" />
<mkdir dir="${target}" />
<mkdir dir="${generatedSrc}" />
<mkdir dir="${classesDirectory}" />
<mkdir dir="${resourcesDirectory}" />
<mkdir dir="${testResultsDirectory}" />
<target name="do-clean">
<delete dir="${target}" />
<target name="generate-sources" >
<target name="compile-for-dist" >
<!-- Initialize target directories -->
<init-target />
<!-- Compile Source -->
<compile-sources />
<!-- Bundle Jars -->
<bundle-jars dist="${}" />
<!-- Update Jars -->
<update-jars dist="${Etch.dist}" support="${}" />
<target name="compile-for-clover" if="Clover.enabled" >
<echo message="Rebuilding with clover" />
<!-- initialize-clover -->
<initialize-clover suffix="etchutil" >
<fileset dir="${src}/main/java">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<testsources dir="${src}/test/java">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<!-- Initialize target directories -->
<init-target />
<!-- Compile Source -->
<compile-sources />
<!-- Bundle Jars -->
<bundle-jars dist="${Etch.clover-support}" />
<!-- Update Jars -->
<update-jars dist="${Etch.clover-dist}" support="${Etch.clover-support}" />
<target name="do-build" depends="generate-sources,compile-for-dist,compile-for-clover" />
<!-- TEST TARGET -->
<target name="do-test">
<!-- Run Unit Tests -->
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" dir="${classesDirectory}"
errorProperty="" failureProperty="">
<pathelement location="${classesDirectory}/main" />
<pathelement location="${classesDirectory}/test" />
<pathelement location="${Etch.dependency.junit.jar}"/>
<!-- TODO: remove if clover not available -->
<pathelement location="${Etch.dependency.clover.jar}"/>
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="true" todir="${testResultsDirectory}">
<fileset dir="${src}/test/java">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<exclude name="**/" />
<exclude name="**/" />
<exclude name="**/" />
<target name="do-postbuild">
<target name="do-publish" if="">
<!-- Set flag file if any tests failed -->
<touch file="${}"/>