blob: 8235330529bee7e7a13e59fc87dd173360f76201 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.etch.compiler.CmdLineOptions;
import org.apache.etch.compiler.EtchCompiler;
* Ant task for compiling Etch sources files.
public class EtchCompileTask extends Task
* Creates a new ant task for running the Etch compiler.
public EtchCompileTask()
// nothing to do.
private CmdLineOptions clo = new CmdLineOptions();
* The list of paths to search for included or mixed in files (-I option).
* @param value
public void addIncludes( DirSet value )
DirectoryScanner ds = value.getDirectoryScanner( getProject() );
for (String dir : ds.getIncludedDirectories())
clo.includePath.add( new File( ds.getBasedir(), dir ) );
* The source file to compile.
* @param value
public void setFile( File value )
if (clo.sourceFile != null)
throw new BuildException( "only one source file at a time, please" );
clo.sourceFile = value;
* The destination directory of the generated files (-d option). If not
* specified, the same directory of the source file.
* @param value
public void setOutputDir( File value )
clo.outputDir = value;
* The binding name. Example values are java, csharp, python, ruby, c, and
* xml (-b option).
* @param value
public void setBinding( String value )
clo.binding = value;
* This specifies the file(s) we need to generate (-w option). Valid values
* depend upon the binding, but examples include BOTH, SERVER, CLIENT, ALL,
* INTF, IMPL, MAIN, NONE, and FORCE. HELP might give you some. Separate
* values using one or more characters from ",;: " (e.g., "BOTH, INTF",
* which is also the default for many bindings).
* @param value
public void setWhat( String value )
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( value,
CmdLineOptions.WHAT_DELIMETER );
while (st.hasMoreElements())
clo.what.add( st.nextToken().toUpperCase() );
* Flag indicates whether to ignore the globally reserved word list (-g
* option).
* @param value
public void setIgnoreGlobalWordsList( boolean value )
clo.ignoreGlobalWordsList = value;
* Flag indicates whether to ignore the locally reserved word list (-l
* option).
* @param value
public void setIgnoreLocalWordsList( boolean value )
clo.ignoreLocalWordsList = value;
* The path of the user-defined reserved words list (-W option).
* @param value
public void setUserWordsList( File value )
clo.userWordsList = value;
* Ignore the ETCH_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable (-i option).
* @param value
public void setIgnoreIncludePath( boolean value )
clo.ignoreIncludePath = value;
* Flag indicates that mixin artifacts should not be generated (-n option).
* If false, mixin artifacts are generated into mixinOutputDir.
* @param value
public void setNoMixinArtifacts( boolean value )
clo.noMixinArtifacts = value;
* The destination directory of the generated mixin files (-m option). If
* not specified, and if noMixinArtifacts allows, mixin artifacts are
* generated into outputDir.
* @param value
public void setMixinOutputDir( File value )
clo.mixinOutputDir = value;
* Flag indicates whether the module name should should be flattened to
* produce a single directory or a directory tree (e.g., for csharp) (-f
* option).
* @param value
public void setNoFlattenPackages( boolean value )
clo.noFlattenPackages = value;
* Destination directory of the user editable template files (-t option).
* If not specified, same as outputDir.
* @param value
public void setTemplateOutputDir( File value )
clo.templateOutputDir = value;
* Flag indicates that the compiler should not report progress (-q option).
* @param value
public void setQuiet( boolean value )
clo.quiet = value;
* We're just testing the compiler, don't write any files (--testing option).
* @param value
public void setTesting( boolean value )
clo.testing = value;
* Sets the location of the etch installation (this is the directory which
* contains bin and lib) (no corresponding command line option).
* @param value
public void setHome( File value )
home = value;
private File home;
* execute
public void execute() throws BuildException
ClassLoader cl;
cl = EtchCompiler.setupClassLoader( home );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new BuildException(
"problem setting up etch compiler class loader", e );
EtchCompiler etchCompiler;
// Instantiate a new compiler instance
etchCompiler = new EtchCompiler( cl );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new BuildException( "problem setting up etch compiler", e );
{ clo );
catch ( Exception e )
throw new BuildException( "problem running etch compiler", e );
if (clo.lh.hasError())
throw new BuildException( "problem running etch compiler" );