blob: 3e38584b4300bc0ce09312738ae987027a8e97f7 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems Inc.
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
## of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
## under the License.
// This file automatically generated by:
// $version
// $now
// This file is automatically created and should not be edited!
package $intf.parent().name();
#if( !$hasBaseClass )
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isExtern())
#if ($n.hasImport( $helper ))
import $n.getImport( $helper );
#if ($intf.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $intf.descr() )
* $s
#set ($sep = "extends")
#if ($hasBaseClass)
public interface $$suffix $sep $
#set ($sep = ",")
public interface $$suffix
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isMixin())
$sep $n.fqname()$suffix
#set ($sep = ",")
#if (!$intf.hasMessageDirection($mc))
// no $mc direction items defined.
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isMessage())
#if ($n.isMsgDir($mc))
#if (!$n.isHidden())
#foreach( $s in $n.descr() )
* $s
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set($first = true)
#foreach( $s in $p.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
* @param $ $s
* $s
#if ($n.hasReturn())
#set($first = true)
#foreach( $s in $n.returnDescr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
* @return $s
* $s
#foreach($t in $n.thrown().iterator())
#set($first = true)
#foreach( $s in $t.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
* @throws $ $s
* $s
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
#if ($n.hasThrown())
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach($t in $n.thrown().iterator())
#set( $sep = ", " )
#elseif ($n.isConstant())
#if (!$hasBaseClass)
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $n.descr() )
* $s
public $helper.getNativeTypeName( $n.type() ) $ = $helper.getTypeValue( $n.type(), $n.value() );
#elseif ($n.isEnumx())
#if (!$hasBaseClass)
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $n.descr() )
* $s
public enum $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $i in $n.iterator() )
#foreach( $s in $i.descr() )
* $s
#set( $sep = ", " )
#elseif ($n.isExtern())
## ignore extern
#elseif ($n.isMixin())
## ignore mixin
#elseif ($n.isStruct() || $n.isExcept())
#if (!$hasBaseClass)
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $n.descr() )
* $s
public class $
#if( $n.hasExtends() )
extends $n.getExtends().name()
#if( $n.isExcept() )
#if( $n.isUnchecked() )
extends RuntimeException
extends Exception
implements Serializable
* Constructs the $ Don't init any fields.
public $
// don't init any fields.
#if ($n.hasAnyParameters())
* Constructs the $
#foreach( $i in $n.getAllParameters() )
#set( $sep = "@param " )
#foreach( $s in $i.descr() )
* $sep$ $s
#set( $sep = "" )
public $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $i in $n.getAllParameters() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $i.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
#if( $n.hasExtends() )
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $i in $n.getExtends().getAllParameters() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
#foreach( $i in $n.getParameters() )
this.$ = $;
#if( $n.isExcept() )
public String getMessage()
return $helper.formatString( $n, true );
public String toString()
return $helper.formatString( $n, false );
#foreach( $i in $n.iterator() )
#if( $i.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $i.descr() )
* $s
public $helper.getTypeName( $i.type() ) $;
* Gets the value.
#foreach( $s in $i.descr() )
* $s
* @return the value.
public $helper.getTypeName( $i.type() ) $helper.getGetterName( $ )()
return $;
* Sets the value.
#foreach( $s in $i.descr() )
* $s
* @param value the value.
public void $helper.getSetterName( $ )( $helper.getTypeName( $i.type() ) value )
this.$ = value;
#elseif ($n.isBuiltin())
## nothing to do.
*** intf.vm: don't know what to do with $n ***