blob: 89b417c380c5d07bcc23a5c5613bc50b7abaad08 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems Inc.
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
## of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
## under the License.
// This file automatically generated by:
// $version
// $now
// This file is automatically created and should not be edited!
#set($i = $
#set($vfname = "ValueFactory$i")
#set($intfname = "$i$suffix")
#set($clname = "Remote$intfname")
using System;
namespace $intf.parent().name()
#if (!$hasBaseClass)
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isExtern())
#if ($n.hasImport( $helper ))
using $n.getImport( $helper );
///<summary>Call to message translator for $intfname.</summary>
#if ($hasBaseClass)
public class $clname : Remote$i, $intfname
public class $clname : Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.RemoteBase, $intfname
#if ($hasBaseClass)
///<summary>Class Instance used to hide synchronous message
///implementation. Use this to invoke the asynchronous message
public new readonly _Async _async;
public new readonly _Async _inner;
///<summary>Class Instance used to hide synchronous message
///implementation. Use this to invoke the asynchronous message
public readonly _Async _async;
public readonly _Async _inner;
/// <summary>Constructs the $clname.</summary>
/// <param name="svc"></param>
/// <param name="vf"></param>
public $clname( Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.DeliveryService svc,
Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg.ValueFactory vf )
: base( svc, vf )
_async = new _Async(this);
_inner = _async;
#set( $k = 0 )
#foreach( $x in $intf.iterator() )
#if( $x.isMixin() )
#set( $k = $k + 1 )
#set( $v = "_mixin$k" )
#set( $m = $x.getModule() )
#set( $z = $m.iterator().next() )
$v = new ${}.Remote$${suffix}( svc, vf );
#foreach ($n in $intf.iterator())
#if ($n.isMsgDir($mc))
#if (!$n.isHidden())
#set ( $addMethodListStatus = $methodList.add($
#if ($n.isOneway())
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach($s in $n.descr())
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set($first = true)
#set ($count = 0)
#if ($p.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $p.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($count = $count + 1)
#set($first = false)
///<param name="$">$s
#if ($count > 0)
#if ($n.hasReturn())
#set($first = true)
#set ($retCount = 0)
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $n.returnDescr() )
#if ($first)
#set($retCount = $retCount + 1)
#set($first = false)
#if ($retCount > 0)
#if ($n.hasThrown())
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach($t in $n.thrown().iterator())
///<Exception cref="$"> throws $</Exception>
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg.Message _msg = _NewMessage( $vfname.$n.vname( $helper ) );
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
_msg.Add( $vfname.$p.vname( $helper ), $ );
_Send( _msg );
catch ( Exception _e )
throw new Exception( "unexpected", _e );
#foreach($s in $n.descr())
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set($first = true)
#if ($p.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $p.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
///<param name="$">$s
#if ($n.hasReturn())
#set($first = true)
#set($retCount = 0)
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach( $s in $n.returnDescr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
#set($retCount = $retCount + 1)
#if ($retCount > 0)
#if ($n.hasThrown())
#if ($n.hasDescr())
#foreach($t in $n.thrown().iterator())
///<Exception cref="$"> throws $</Exception>
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
#if ($n.hasReturn())
_async._end_${}( _async._begin_${}(
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
) );
#set( $k = 0 )
#foreach( $x in $intf.iterator() )
#if( $x.isMixin() )
// ----- mixin $ ----- //
#set( $k = $k + 1 )
#set( $v = "_mixin$k" )
#set( $m = $x.getModule() )
#set( $z = $m.iterator().next() )
private ${}.Remote$$suffix $v;
#foreach( $n in $z.messages( true ) )
#set ( $addMethodListStatus = $methodList.add($ )
// --- generated methods for $ --- //
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) $
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
///<summary>Asynchronous Implementation of service methods</summary>
#if ($hasBaseClass)
public new class _Async : Remote${i}._Async
public class _Async
#if ($hasBaseClass)
public new $clname _parent;
public $clname _parent;
public _Async()
public _Async($clname parent)
_parent = parent;
#foreach ($n in $intf.iterator())
#if ($n.isMsgDir($mc))
#if (!$n.isHidden())
#set ( $addMethodListStatus = $methodList.add("_begin_end_$") )
#if (!$n.isOneway())
///<summary>Begins the call to ${}.</summary>
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#if ($p.hasDescr())
#set($first = true)
#foreach( $s in $p.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
///<param name = $>$s
///<returns>mailbox to use to retrieve the result using _end_${}.</returns>
public Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.Mailbox _begin_${}(
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg.Message _msg = _parent._NewMessage( $vfname.$n.vname( $helper ) );
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
_msg.Add( $vfname.$p.vname( $helper ), $ );
return _parent._BeginCall( _msg );
/// <summary>Waits for the call to end and returns the result.</summary>
/// <param name="_mb">mailbox returned by _begin_${}.</param>
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) _end_${}( Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.Mailbox _mb )
#if ($n.hasReturn())
($helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ))
#if ($n.type().dim() > 0)
// ValueFactory${i}.to_$n.type().type()(
// typeof( ${helper.getTypeName( $n.type() )} ),
_parent._EndCall( _mb,
$vfname.$n.getResultMessage().vname( $helper ) )
#if ($n.type().dim() > 0)
_parent._EndCall( _mb,
$vfname.$n.getResultMessage().vname( $helper ) );
#set( $k = 0 )
#foreach( $x in $intf.iterator() )
#if( $x.isMixin() )
#set( $k = $k + 1 )
#set( $v = "_mixin$k" )
#set( $m = $x.getModule() )
#set( $z = $m.iterator().next() )
#foreach( $n in $z.messages( true ) )
#set ( $addMethodListStatus = $methodList.add("_begin_end_$") )
// --- generated methods for $ --- //
#if(! $n.isOneway())
///<summary>Begins a call to ${}.</summary>
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#if ($p.hasDescr())
#set($first = true)
#foreach( $s in $p.descr() )
#if ($first)
#set($first = false)
///<param name = $>$s
public Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.Mailbox _begin_${}(
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
$sep$helper.getTypeName( $p.type() ) $
#set( $sep = ", " )
return _parent.${v}._async._begin_${}(
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach( $p in $n.iterator() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
///<summary>Ends a call to ${}</summary>
///<param name = mb> mailbox returned by _begin_${}. </param>
public $helper.getTypeName( $n.type() ) _end_${}( Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support.Mailbox _mb )
_parent.${v}._async._end_${}( _mb );