blob: ab712c66e26a56141b128e26abbba0f2475e6957 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "capu/os/Mutex.h"
#include "capu/os/Thread.h"
#include "common/EtchError.h"
#include "common/EtchException.h"
#include "common/EtchInt32.h"
#include "common/EtchString.h"
#include "support/EtchMonitor.h"
#include "transport/EtchSession.h"
#include "transport/EtchTransport.h"
template <class S>
class EtchConnection : public virtual EtchTransport<S> {
* Default Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~EtchConnection() {}
/** Source query to get the local address. */
static const EtchString LOCAL_ADDRESS;
/** Source query to get the remote address. */
static const EtchString REMOTE_ADDRESS;
* Host name to specify to select listening on all interfaces.
* The value is "".
static const EtchString ALL_INTFS;
* Check that the receiving thread is working or not
* @return true if it is started
* false otherwise
virtual capu::bool_t isStarted() = 0;
* Check whether the receiving thread is terminated or not
* @return true if it is terminated
* false otherwise
virtual capu::bool_t isTerminated() = 0;
* Main function that will be executed by thread
* @param param parameter that will be passed to the thread
virtual void run() = 0;
* Terminates operations on the socket.
virtual status_t close() = 0;
* Sets up a newly opened socket. This may involve setting socket
* options and opening input and output streams.
virtual status_t setupSocket() = 0;
* Opens the socket of a connection.
* @param reconnect true if we are trying to reconnect, false if this
* is the first time.
* @param true if we should reconnect, false if we should stop.
* @return ETCH_OK if socket is successfully opened
* ETCH_ERROR otherwise
virtual status_t openSocket(capu::bool_t reconnect) = 0;
* Performs the usual and customary operations on a socket, such
* as read or accept.
virtual status_t readSocket() = 0;
* Waits until the connection is up.
* @param maxDelay time in milliseconds to wait.
virtual status_t waitUp(capu::int32_t maxDelay);
* Waits until the connection is down.
* @param maxDelay time in milliseconds to wait.
virtual status_t waitDown(capu::int32_t maxDelay);
* fire up
virtual status_t fireUp();
* fire down
virtual status_t fireDown();
S *mSession;
capu::Thread *mThread;
capu::bool_t mIsStarted;
capu::bool_t mIsTerminated;
capu::Mutex mMutex;
capu::Mutex mMutexConnection;
EtchMonitor mStatus;
template <class S>
const EtchString EtchConnection<S>::LOCAL_ADDRESS("LOCAL_ADDRESS");
template <class S>
const EtchString EtchConnection<S>::REMOTE_ADDRESS("REMOTE_ADDRESS");
template <class S>
const EtchString EtchConnection<S>::ALL_INTFS("");
template <class S>
: mSession(0), mThread(0), mStatus(EtchString("status"), EtchSession::DOWN()) {
template <class S>
status_t EtchConnection<S>::waitUp(capu::int32_t maxDelay) {
return mStatus.waitUntilEq(EtchSession::UP(), maxDelay);
template <class S>
status_t EtchConnection<S>::waitDown(capu::int32_t maxDelay) {
return mStatus.waitUntilEq(EtchSession::DOWN(), maxDelay);
template <class S>
status_t EtchConnection<S>::fireUp() {
EtchString tmp;
mStatus.set(EtchSession::UP(), tmp);
if (mSession != NULL) {
//TODO: run this in seperate thread
return mSession->sessionNotify(new EtchString(EtchSession::UP()));
return ETCH_ERROR;
template <class S>
status_t EtchConnection<S>::fireDown() {
status_t result = ETCH_ERROR;
if (mSession != NULL) {
//TODO: run this in seperate thread
result = mSession->sessionNotify(new EtchString(EtchSession::DOWN()));
EtchString tmp;
mStatus.set(EtchSession::DOWN(), tmp);
return result;