blob: df3c7a01a990a0f7a768126a664862240788350d [file] [log] [blame]
// This file automatically generated by:
// Apache Etch 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0) / cpp 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0)
// Fri Apr 04 11:35:36 CEST 2014
// This file is automatically created for your convenience and will not be
// overwritten once it exists! Please edit this file as necessary to implement
// your service logic.
#include "ImplHelloWorldClient.h"
using namespace org_apache_etch_examples_helloworld_HelloWorld;
* Your custom implementation of BaseHelloWorldClient. Add methods here to provide
* implementations of messages from the mServer.
ImplHelloWorldClient::ImplHelloWorldClient( RemoteHelloWorldServer* mServer )
this->mServer = mServer;
status_t ImplHelloWorldClient::_sessionNotify(capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> event ) {
if (event->isInstanceOf(EtchString::TYPE())) {
EtchStringPtr eventName = capu::smartpointer_cast<EtchString>(event);
printf("Got sessionNotifyEvent %s\n",eventName->c_str());
} else if (event->isInstanceOf(EtchException::TYPE())) {
EtchException* eventName = (EtchException*) event.get();
printf("Got sessionNotify Exception %s\n",eventName->getErrorMessage().c_str());
} else {
printf("Got sessionNotify of type %d\n",event->getObjectType()->getTypeId());
return ETCH_OK;
// TODO insert methods here to provide implementations of HelloWorldClient
// messages from the mServer.