blob: 65ea44187355d6a1be5f412fe34534ee0a3679aa [file] [log] [blame]
// This file automatically generated by:
// Apache Etch 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0) / cpp 1.4.0 (LOCAL-0)
// Fri Apr 04 11:35:36 CEST 2014
// This file is automatically created for your convenience and will not be
// overwritten once it exists! Please edit this file as necessary to implement
// your service logic.
#include "BaseHelloWorldClient.h"
#include "HelloWorldHelper.h"
namespace org_apache_etch_examples_helloworld_HelloWorld {
* Your custom implementation of BaseHelloWorldClient. Add methods here to provide
* implementations of messages from the mServer.
class ImplHelloWorldClient : public BaseHelloWorldClient
* A connection to the mServer session. Use this to send a
* message to the mServer.
RemoteHelloWorldServer* mServer;
* Constructs the ImplHelloWorldClient.
* @param mServer a connection to the mServer session. Use this to send a
* message to the mServer.
ImplHelloWorldClient( RemoteHelloWorldServer* mServer );
virtual ~ImplHelloWorldClient() {}
virtual status_t _sessionNotify(capu::SmartPointer<EtchObject> event );
// TODO insert methods here to provide declarations of HelloWorldClient
// messages from the mServer.
#endif /* __HELLOWORLDCLIENT_H__ */