blob: dc2fedd9e975a8062aa91783c119523c84717313 [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems Inc.
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
## use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
## of the License at
## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
## WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
## License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
## under the License.
// This file automatically generated by:
// $version
// $now
// This file is automatically created and should not be edited!
#set($i = $
using System;
using Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Msg;
using Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Support;
using Org.Apache.Etch.Bindings.Csharp.Util;
namespace $intf.parent().name()
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($n.isExtern())
#if ($n.hasImport( $helper ))
#set($x = $n.getImport( $helper ))
#if (!$x.equals("Etch.Util"))
using $x;
///<summary> Message to call translator for $i$suffix. </summary>
#if ($hasBaseClass)
public class Stub$i$suffix : Stub$i
public class Stub$i$suffix : StubBase
/// <summary>Stub for $i$suffix.</summary>
/// <param name="src">the delivery service to use.</param>
/// <param name="obj"> the implementation of $i$suffix responsive to requests.</param>
/// <param name="queued"> thread pool used to run AsyncReceiverMode.QUEUED methods.</param>
/// <param name="free"> thread pool used to run AsyncReceiverMode.FREE methods.</param>
public Stub$i$suffix( DeliveryService src, object obj, Pool queued, Pool free )
: base( src, obj, queued, free )
// nothing to do.
#if (!$hasBaseClass)
public static void init()
public static new void init()
// nothing to do.
static Stub$i$suffix()
#foreach( $n in $intf.iterator() )
#if( $n.isMixin() )
#set( $m = $n.getModule() )
#set( $z = $m.iterator().next() )
#set( $stubHelperCount=0 )
#foreach( $mthd in $intf.iterator() )
#if ($mthd.isMsgDir($mc))
#if (!$mthd.isHidden())
#set($stubHelperCount = $stubHelperCount + 1)
StubHelperRun helper$stubHelperCount = delegate( DeliveryService _src, object _obj, Who _sender, Message _msg )
try {
#foreach ($param in $mthd.iterator())
$helper.getTypeName( $param.type() ) $ =
($helper.getTypeName( $param.type() ))
_msg.Get( ValueFactory$i.$param.vname( $helper ) );
#if ($mthd.hasAuth())
#set( $auth = $mthd.getAuth() )
#if ($auth.isMethodFalse())
if (true)
if ((bool)!(($i$suffix)_obj).${auth.method()}(
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach($arg in $auth.args())
#if ($arg.isLiteralConstant())
($helper.getNativeTypeName( $arg.type() )) $sep$helper.getTypeValue( $arg.type(), $arg.value() )
#elseif ($arg.isParameter( $mthd ))
$sep$helper.qualifyParameterName( $arg.value() )
#elseif ($arg.isConstant( $intf ))
$sep$helper.qualifyConstantName( $intf, $arg.value() )
#elseif ($arg.isEnum( $intf ))
$sep$helper.qualifyEnumName( $intf, $arg.value() )
#set( $sep = ", " )
throw new _Etch_AuthException( "$" );
#if ($mthd.hasReturn())
Object _result =
#set( $sep = "" )
#foreach ($param in $mthd.iterator())
#set( $sep = ", " )
#if (!$mthd.isOneway())
Message _rmsg = _msg.Reply();
#if ($mthd.hasReturn())
_rmsg.Add( ValueFactory$i._mf_result, _result );
_src.TransportMessage( _sender, _rmsg );
catch ( Exception e )
#if (!$mthd.isOneway())
Message _rmsg = _msg.Reply();
Message _rmsg = _msg.Reply( _msg.Vf.get_mt__exception() );
_rmsg.Add( ValueFactory$i._mf_result, e );
_src.TransportMessage( _sender, _rmsg );
ValueFactory$i.${mthd.vname( $helper )}.SetStubHelper( helper$stubHelperCount);