blob: 67b05bbb9c02e305c6f067863f77ffc17f17a17b [file] [log] [blame]
# package 'etch/bindings/ruby/support'
# A message source is used to model the origin of a message to a
# stub so that a reply might be sent.
module MessageSource
# Sends a message to a message source. The message is encoded
# in some way (e.g., compressed binary format or xml), and then delivered
# to a transport (e.g., packetized data stream or http response).
# @param recipient a transport specific opaque value which identifies
# the sender of a message. Delivered by a message handler to the stub
# and may be passed here to send a message back to the original sender.
# Passing null means "use the default recipient".
# @param msg the message to send.
def message( recipient, msg )
raise "subclasser responsibility"