blob: 4a9c58aa8909b810fc0b3ef0d16cbddea8b0728b [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "capu/util/Logger.h"
#include "capu/util/Appender.h"
class DummyAppender : public capu::Appender {
class LoggerMessage;
capu::status_t open() {
return capu::CAPU_OK;
capu::status_t log(capu::LoggerMessage* message) {
//printf("[%d] %s:%d\n", message->getTimestamp(), message->getFile(), message->getLine());
return capu::CAPU_OK;
capu::status_t close() {
return capu::CAPU_OK;
TEST(Logger, Constructor_Default) {
capu::Logger* log1 = new capu::Logger();
delete log1;
TEST(Logger, setAppender) {
capu::Logger* log1 = new capu::Logger();
DummyAppender* appenders[11];
for(int i = 0; i < LOGGER_APPENDER_MAX + 1; i++) {
appenders[i] = new DummyAppender();
for(int i = 0; i < LOGGER_APPENDER_MAX; i++) {
capu::status_t status = log1->setAppender(appenders[i]);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
capu::status_t status = log1->setAppender(appenders[LOGGER_APPENDER_MAX]);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_ERROR);
for(int i = 0; i < LOGGER_APPENDER_MAX + 1; i++) {
delete appenders[i];
delete log1;
TEST(Logger, log) {
capu::status_t status;
capu::Logger* l1 = new capu::Logger();
// set appender
DummyAppender* a1 = new DummyAppender();
status = l1->setAppender(a1);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
const char* TAG = "DummyTAG";
// trace
status = l1->trace(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log trace message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->trace(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log trace message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// debug
status = l1->debug(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log debug message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->debug(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log debug message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// info
status = l1->info(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log info message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->info(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log info message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// warn
status = l1->warn(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log warn message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->warn(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log warn message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// error
status = l1->error(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log error message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->error(TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log error message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// level
status = l1->log(capu::CLL_ERROR, TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log error message test");
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
status = l1->log(capu::CLL_ERROR, TAG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Log error message test with param %d", 1234);
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// check log macros
CAPU_LOG(l1, capu::CLL_ERROR, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG(l1, capu::CLL_ERROR, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
CAPU_LOG_TRACE(l1, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG_TRACE(l1, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
CAPU_LOG_DEBUG(l1, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG_DEBUG(l1, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
CAPU_LOG_INFO(l1, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG_INFO(l1, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
CAPU_LOG_WARN(l1, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG_WARN(l1, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
CAPU_LOG_ERROR(l1, TAG, "Log error message test");
CAPU_LOG_ERROR(l1, TAG, "Log error message test with param %d", 123);
// open logger
status = l1->open();
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
// close logger
status = l1->close();
EXPECT_TRUE(status == capu::CAPU_OK);
delete a1;
delete l1;