fixed typo and improved error message text
diff --git a/empire-db/src/main/java/org/apache/empire/db/exceptions/FieldValueOutOfRangeException.java b/empire-db/src/main/java/org/apache/empire/db/exceptions/FieldValueOutOfRangeException.java
index aff8fab..ddad1af 100644
--- a/empire-db/src/main/java/org/apache/empire/db/exceptions/FieldValueOutOfRangeException.java
+++ b/empire-db/src/main/java/org/apache/empire/db/exceptions/FieldValueOutOfRangeException.java
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


     public static final ErrorType outOfRangeErrorType      = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueOutOfRange",   "The value supplied for field {0} is out of range.");

-    public static final ErrorType notInRangeErrorType      = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueNotInRagen",   "The value supplied for field {0} must be between {1} and {2}.");

-    public static final ErrorType valueTooBigErrorType     = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueTooBig",       "The value supplied for field {0} must be less or equal {1}.");

-    public static final ErrorType valueTooSmallErrorType   = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueTooSmall",     "The value supplied for field {0} must be more or equal {1}.");

+    public static final ErrorType notInRangeErrorType      = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueNotInRange",   "The value supplied for field {0} must be between {1} and {2}.");

+    public static final ErrorType valueTooBigErrorType     = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueTooBig",       "The value supplied for field {0} must not be greater than {1}.");

+    public static final ErrorType valueTooSmallErrorType   = new ErrorType("error.db.fieldValueTooSmall",     "The value supplied for field {0} must not be smaller than {1}.");


     public FieldValueOutOfRangeException(Column col)
