blob: 8d3cda36f78f7b956d65a668c057bcce311dd155 [file] [log] [blame]
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util');
var formatUtil = require('../util/format');
var modelUtil = require('../util/model');
var ComponentModel = require('./Component');
var encodeHTML = formatUtil.encodeHTML;
var addCommas = formatUtil.addCommas;
var SeriesModel = ComponentModel.extend({
type: 'series.__base__',
* @readOnly
seriesIndex: 0,
// coodinateSystem will be injected in the echarts/CoordinateSystem
coordinateSystem: null,
* @type {Object}
* @protected
defaultOption: null,
* Data provided for legend
* @type {Function}
legendDataProvider: null,
init: function (option, parentModel, ecModel, extraOpt) {
* @type {number}
* @readOnly
this.seriesIndex = this.componentIndex;
this.mergeDefaultAndTheme(option, ecModel);
* @type {module:echarts/data/List|module:echarts/data/Tree|module:echarts/data/Graph}
* @private
this._dataBeforeProcessed = this.getInitialData(option, ecModel);
// If we reverse the order (make this._data firstly, and then make
// this._dataBeforeProcessed by cloneShallow), cloneShallow will
// cause !== this._data when using
// module:echarts/data/Graph or module:echarts/data/Tree.
// See module:echarts/data/helper/linkList
this._data = this._dataBeforeProcessed.cloneShallow();
* Util for merge default and theme to option
* @param {Object} option
* @param {module:echarts/model/Global} ecModel
mergeDefaultAndTheme: function (option, ecModel) {
zrUtil.merge(option, this.getDefaultOption());
// Default label emphasis `position` and `show`
// FIXME Set label in mergeOption
modelUtil.defaultEmphasis(option.label, modelUtil.LABEL_OPTIONS);
mergeOption: function (newSeriesOption, ecModel) {
newSeriesOption = zrUtil.merge(this.option, newSeriesOption, true);
var data = this.getInitialData(newSeriesOption, ecModel);
// TODO Merge data?
if (data) {
this._data = data;
this._dataBeforeProcessed = data.cloneShallow();
fillDataTextStyle: function (data) {
// Default data label emphasis `position` and `show`
// FIXME Tree structure data ?
// FIXME Performance ?
if (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] && data[i].label) {
modelUtil.defaultEmphasis(data[i].label, modelUtil.LABEL_OPTIONS);
* Init a data structure from data related option in series
* Must be overwritten
getInitialData: function () {},
* @param {string} [dataType]
* @return {module:echarts/data/List}
getData: function (dataType) {
return dataType == null ? this._data : this._data.getLinkedData(dataType);
* @param {module:echarts/data/List} data
setData: function (data) {
this._data = data;
* Get data before processed
* @return {module:echarts/data/List}
getRawData: function () {
return this._dataBeforeProcessed;
* Coord dimension to data dimension.
* By default the result is the same as dimensions of series data.
* But in some series data dimensions are different from coord dimensions (i.e.
* candlestick and boxplot). Override this method to handle those cases.
* Coord dimension to data dimension can be one-to-many
* @param {string} coordDim
* @return {Array.<string>} dimensions on the axis.
coordDimToDataDim: function (coordDim) {
return [coordDim];
* Convert data dimension to coord dimension.
* @param {string|number} dataDim
* @return {string}
dataDimToCoordDim: function (dataDim) {
return dataDim;
* Get base axis if has coordinate system and has axis.
* By default use coordSys.getBaseAxis();
* Can be overrided for some chart.
* @return {type} description
getBaseAxis: function () {
var coordSys = this.coordinateSystem;
return coordSys && coordSys.getBaseAxis && coordSys.getBaseAxis();
* Default tooltip formatter
* @param {number} dataIndex
* @param {boolean} [multipleSeries=false]
* @param {number} [dataType]
formatTooltip: function (dataIndex, multipleSeries, dataType) {
var data = this._data;
var value = this.getRawValue(dataIndex);
var formattedValue = zrUtil.isArray(value)
?, addCommas).join(', ') : addCommas(value);
var name = data.getName(dataIndex);
var color = data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'color');
var colorEl = '<span style="display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;'
+ 'border-radius:10px;width:9px;height:9px;background-color:' + color + '"></span>';
return !multipleSeries
? (encodeHTML( + '<br />' + colorEl
+ (name
? encodeHTML(name) + ' : ' + formattedValue
: formattedValue)
: (colorEl + encodeHTML( + ' : ' + formattedValue);
restoreData: function () {
this._data = this._dataBeforeProcessed.cloneShallow();
getAxisTooltipDataIndex: null
zrUtil.mixin(SeriesModel, modelUtil.dataFormatMixin);
return SeriesModel;