| extends ../layouts/basic |
| |
| block variablesLang |
| include ./_variablesLang.jade |
| |
| block extra_head |
| title Mailing List - Apache ECharts |
| |
| block content |
| nav(class='navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top') |
| include ./nav |
| |
| .page-main |
| .page-info |
| h1 Mailing List |
| p.page-info-echarts Apache ECharts<sup>TM</sup> |
| |
| .page-content#maillist |
| .container |
| h2 About Mailing List |
| p Mailing list is where we discuss in public and keep everything tracked. You are welcomed to subscribe it if you wish: |
| ul |
| li To be informed about bug reports or feature requests; |
| li To discuss about developing plans or specific issues; |
| li To offer helps to those who ask questions by email; |
| li And etc. |
| |
| p If you have a specific bug to report or feature request, we'd suggest you opening an issue on our <a href="https://github.com/apache/echarts/issues/new/choose">GitHub repo</a>, which is a more efficient way to report the details. |
| |
| p <a href="mailto:commits@echarts.apache.org">commits@echarts.apache.org</a> focuses on the commit logs, while <a href="mailto:dev@echarts.apache.org">dev@echarts.apache.org</a> holds other general discussions. |
| |
| p These two are public mailing list, and you can get access to them on Website <a href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?commits@echarts.apache.org">https://lists.apache.org/list.html?commits@echarts.apache.org</a> and <a href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@echarts.apache.org">https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@echarts.apache.org</a> without subscribing. |
| |
| h2 How To Subscribe |
| p Email <a href="mailto:commits-subscribe@echarts.apache.org">commits-subscribe@echarts.apache.org</a> or <a href="mailto:dev-subscribe@echarts.apache.org">dev-subscribe@echarts.apache.org</a> to subscribe commits@echarts.apache.org and dev@echarts.apache.org accordingly. |
| p You should receive an email and please follow the instructions in that. |
| |
| include ./footer |
| |
| block extra_js |
| |
| script(type='text/javascript'). |
| document.getElementById('nav-contribute').className = 'active'; |