blob: 10ec0b4fffe39e2d1dfff0f4c6cd296d807bd699 [file] [log] [blame]
extends ../layouts/basic
block variablesLang
include ./_variablesLang.jade
block extra_head
title Download - Apache ECharts
block content
#download-main .d-section-version .circle-wrap {
line-height: 120px;
font-size: 20px;
font-family: Helvetica;
color: #214d62;
font-weight: normal;
nav(class='navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top')
include ./nav
h1 Download
p Free to choose to download different versions, different topics, the map data you need. You can be customized according to your needs. Apache ECharts<sup>TM</sup>
h3.first Option 1: Install from downloaded source code or binary
th Version
th Release Date
th Download Source from a Mirror
th Dist files on GitHub
a(href="") View Archived Versions
p <strong>Note:</strong> when downloading from a mirror please check the <a href="">SHA-512</a> and verify the <a href="">OpenPGP</a> compatible signature from the main <a href="">Apache site</a>. Links are provided above (next to the release download link). This <a href="">KEYS</a> file contains the public keys used for signing release. It is recommended that (when possible) a <a href="">web of trust</a> is used to confirm the identity of these keys.
h4 To verify ECharts releases using GPG:
li Download the release from a mirror site.
li Download the checksum from <a href="">Apache</a>.
li Download the <a href="">ECharts KEYS</a> file.
li gpg --import KEYS
li gpg --verify
h4 To perform a quick check using SHA-512:
li Download the release from a mirror site.
li Download the checksum from <a href="">Apache</a>.
li shasum -a 512
h4 License
p Apache ECharts is licensed under <a href="">Apache License 2.0</a>.
h3 Option 2: Install from npm
p <code>npm install echarts</code>
h3 Option 3: Custom Build
a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="builder.html") Customize
p Choose the features you want and build the file online.
h3 Next Step
a(href='#{host}/handbook/#{ecWWWLang}/get-started/') Get Started
include ./footer
block extra_js
script(src="#{getAssetUrl(cdnPayRoot, ecWWWLang + '/js/download.js')}")
document.getElementById('nav-download').className = 'active';
//- var list = [
//- {
//- label: 'Common',
//- fileName: 'echarts.common.min.js',
//- descHTML0: 'Includes common charts and components.',
//- descHTML1: 'line bar pie scatter legend tooltip toolbox markLine markPoint markArea dataZoom'
//- },
//- {
//- label: 'Simple',
//- fileName: 'echarts.simple.min.js',
//- descHTML0: 'Only includes basic charts.',
//- descHTML1: 'line bar pie'
//- },
//- {
//- label: 'Full',
//- fileName: 'echarts.min.js',
//- descHTML0: 'Includes all charts and components.',
//- descHTML1: ''
//- },
//- {
//- label: 'Source',
//- fileName: 'echarts.js',
//- descHTML0: 'Source code of all charts and components, including warnings and hints for dev.',
//- descHTML1: ''
//- }
//- ];
//- function encodeHTML(source) {
//- return source == null
//- ? ''
//- : String(source)
//- .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
//- .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
//- .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
//- .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
//- .replace(/'/g, '&#39;');
//- }