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| # 图表制作的一些信息 |
| ## & |
| # ECharts DIY |
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| (by: echarts 团队) |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| > 本文档 URL |
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| <http://echarts.baidu.com/share/20160906/lecture.html> |
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| > 纲要 |
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| + ECharts 概述 |
| + 图表制作工具 |
| + 效果示例 |
| + 基础知识 |
| + 动手制作 |
| + 练习和 QA |
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| # ECharts 概述 |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| 官网 和 示例: |
| > + <http://echarts.baidu.com> |
| > + <http://gallery.echartsjs.com> |
| |
| 随意两个例子: |
| > + <http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=heatmap-cartesian> |
| > + <http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xSyGj62SO> |
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| # 图表制作【工具】 |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 【工具】:(不严格不全面的)工具分类 |
| |
| | 类别 | 举例 | |
| |:--------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------:| |
| | Office application | PPT / Excel / Pages / Numbers | |
| | Graphics editor | PhotoShop / Adobe Illustrator | |
| | BI software or service | Power BI / Tableau / BDP | |
| | Infographic / chart web editor | plot.ly / infogr.am / 图说 / ec-gallery | |
| | Statistical computing software | SPSS / MATLAB / R (ggplot) | |
| | Web lib / pacakage | d3 / echarts / Map service API | |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:Office application |
| |
| + 举例:PPT / Pages / Excel / Numbers |
| |
| + 软件形式:Native App |
| |
| + 使用方式:Edit |
| |
| + 发布方式:图片 / 通用格式的文档(.ppt / .xls / ...) |
| |
| + 优点:数据处理能力**强**。使用方式广为人知。 |
| |
| + 缺点:**不易于**分享(web 发布,垮平台)。图表动态能力和交互能力**差**。 |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:Graphics editor |
| |
| + 举例:PhotoShop / Adobe Illustrator |
| |
| + 软件形式:Native App |
| |
| + 使用方式:Edit |
| |
| + 发布方式:图片 |
| |
| + 优点:视觉自定义能力**强**。使用方式广为人知。 |
| |
| + 缺点:图表的用户交互能力**弱**。 |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:BI software or service |
| |
| + 举例:Power BI / Tableau / BDP |
| |
| + 软件形式:Native App / Web App |
| |
| + 使用方式:Edit |
| |
| + 发布方式:web asset / 图片 |
| |
| + 优点:数据分析能力**强**。**易于**使用动态数据。 |
| |
| + 缺点:图表(或视觉)自定义能力**弱**。需要一定学习成本。 |
| |
| + 其他:有些易于 web 发布,有些不易于。 |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:Infographic / chart / plot web editor |
| |
| + 举例:plot.ly / infogr.am / 图说 / ec-gallery |
| |
| + 软件形式:Web App |
| |
| + 使用方式:Edit / Programming |
| |
| + 发布方式:web asset / 图片 |
| |
| + 优点:图表(或视觉)自定义能力**强**。**易于**分享(web 发布)。图表的用户交互能力**强**。 |
| |
| + 缺点:国外的很多在墙内不易访问,或者很慢。不少要收费。 |
| |
| + 其他:数据分析能力一般或弱。多数简单易上手。少数需要一些学习成本。 |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:参考资源 |
| |
| Infographic / chart editor / BI |
| |
| 国内的: |
| > + <http://gallery.echartsjs.com> |
| > + <http://tushuo.baidu.com> |
| > + <http://h5.baidu.com/> |
| > + <https://www.bdp.cn> |
| > + <http://wentu.io/> |
| > + <http://www.eqxiu.com/> |
| > + <http://xiumi.us/#/> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:参考资源 |
| |
| Infographic / chart web editor / BI |
| |
| 国外的: |
| > + <https://plot.ly/javascript/> <https://plot.ly/alpha/workspace/> |
| > + <https://infogr.am> |
| > + <http://datamatic.co/> |
| > + <https://www.silk.co/product> |
| > + <http://piktochart.com/> |
| > + <https://datahero.com> |
| > + <http://chartio.com/> |
| > + <http://www.birst.com/> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| |
| ### 【工具】:Statistical computing software |
| |
| + 举例:SPSS / MATLAB / R (ggplot) |
| |
| + 软件形式:Native App |
| |
| + 使用方式:Programming |
| |
| + 发布方式:图片 |
| |
| + 优点:数据分析能力**极强**。 |
| |
| + 缺点:学习成本**高**(编程)。 |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:Web lib / pacakage / API |
| |
| + 举例:d3 / echarts / Map service API |
| |
| + 软件形式:Web Library |
| |
| + 使用方式:Programming |
| |
| + 发布方式:Web asset / 图片 |
| |
| + 优点:图表(或视觉)自定义能力**极强**、图表的用户交互能力**极强**、**易于** web 发布(但需要有自己的基础设施(网站等))。 |
| |
| + 缺点:学习成本**高**(编程)。需要有自己的基础设施(网站等)。 |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:参考资源 |
| |
| Chart libraries (for web): |
| |
| > + <http://echarts.baidu.com> |
| > + <https://d3js.org/> |
| |
| 一些国内地图服务 / API |
| |
| > + <http://lbsyun.baidu.com/> |
| > + <http://lbs.amap.com/> |
| > + <http://www.dituhui.com/> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### 【工具】:参考资源 |
| |
| 一些世界地图服务 / API / lib / datasource |
| |
| > + <http://leafletjs.com/> |
| > + <https://developers.google.com/maps> |
| > + <http://geojson.io/> |
| > + <https://carto.com/> |
| > + <https://www.mapbox.com/> |
| > + <https://www.openstreetmap.org/> |
| > + <https://www.nasa.gov/> |
| > + <http://geohey.com> |
| > + <http://giscollective.org/> |
| > + <http://nanocubes.net/> |
| > + <http://www.naturalearthdata.com/> |
| > + <http://www.gadm.org/> |
| > + <https://github.com/wandergis/coordtransform> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 总结 |
| |
| + 视觉效果以及图表的定制能力:Graphic editor, Web lib |
| + 用户交互能力:Web lib |
| + web发布分享能力:Chart web editor, BI, Web lib |
| + 数据分析能力:BI |
| + 易用性和学习成本:Chart web editor |
| |
| > Chart web editor + Web lib |
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| # ECharts 例子 |
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| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="0"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com">gallery.echartsjs.com</a></div> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=area-rainfall&v=1">line</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=xHyg33VCl&v=1">bar</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=pie-pattern&v=1">pie</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=scatter-painter-choice&v=1">scatter (cartesian)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="5"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=effectScatter-map&v=1">scatter (geo)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="6"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=heatmap-cartesian&v=1">heatmap (cartesian)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="7"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=heatmap-map">heatmap (geo)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="8"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=graph&v=1">graph</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="9"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=xrkfsZneG&v=6">animation</a></div> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=xSyGj62SO">时间</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=scatter-map-brush">框选</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=map-lines-elevation">旅行</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=xSJNibj-f">记录</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="5"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=bmap-bus">公交</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="6"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=map-parallel-prices">高维</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="7"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/preview.html?c=xBJYz2XJz">弹琴</a></div> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="0">创作 · 分享</div> |
| <br> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1">数据可视化中的交互</div> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| #### 额外 |
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| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/x/doc/example/map3d.html">map 3d (area)</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/x/doc/example/map3d_population3.html">map 3d (bar)</a></div> |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/echarts2/x/doc/example/map3d_flights.html">map 3d (line)</a></div> |
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| # 基础知识 |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### Web chart editor |
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|  |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| #### JavaScript:简单的浏览器端程序语言 |
| |
| ```javascript |
| function initialChart(chart) { |
| var option = { |
| xAxis: { |
| type: 'category', |
| data: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] |
| }, |
| yAxis: { |
| type: 'value' |
| }, |
| series: [{ |
| type: 'line', |
| data: [12, 33, 55, 14] |
| }] |
| }; |
| if (chart != null) |
| chart.setOption(option); |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| #### JSON:数据传输格式 |
| |
| ```javascript |
| { |
| "xAxis": { |
| "type": "category", |
| "data": ["A", "B", "C", "D"] |
| }, |
| "yAxis": { |
| "type": "value" |
| }, |
| "series": [ |
| { |
| "type": "line", |
| "data": [12, 33, 55, 14] |
| }, |
| { |
| "type": "bar", |
| "data": [55, 21, 19, 38] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| ``` |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| <a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/tutorial.html#5%20%E5%88%86%E9%92%9F%E4%B8%8A%E6%89%8B%20ECharts">『五分钟上手 ECharts』</a> |
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| # 动手制作 |
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| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 工具和资源 |
| |
| > + 官网:<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com">echarts.baidu.com</a> |
| > + Gallery:<a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com">gallery.echartsjs.com</a> |
| > + 配置项查询手册:<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/option.html">echarts.baidu.com/option.html</a> |
| > + 教程:<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/tutorial.html">echarts.baidu.com/tutorial.html</a> |
| > + API 手册:<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/api.html">echarts.baidu.com/api.html</a> |
| > + 表格工具:<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/spreadsheet.html">echarts.baidu.com/spreadsheet.html</a> |
| > + <a target="_blank" href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array">JavaScript Array 方法速查手册 (1)</a> |
| > + <a target="_blank" href="http://www.w3school.com.cn/jsref/jsref_obj_array.asp">JavaScript Array 方法速查手册 (2)</a> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 示例一 |
| |
| 热身 |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="resource/gdp_world.xls">一份各国 GDP 数据(点击下载,excel 打开)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">根据<a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=treemap-drill-down">这个例子</a>修改</div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3">查查文档中<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/option.html#series-treemap.data"> treemap 数据格式</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4">使用<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/spreadsheet.html">表格工具处理</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="5"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xHJvImelK">结果样例</a></div> |
| |
| <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="6">再尝试</div> |
| |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="7">由<a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xS1f7Hkwf">这个地图例子</a>改</div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="8">查查文档中<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/option.html#series-map.data"> map 数据格式</a></div> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 示例二: |
| |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="resource/patent_by_year.xls">一份各年专利申请量数据(点击下载,excel 打开)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">根据<a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xrkfsZneG">这个例子</a>修改</div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xByFRtxeK">结果样例</a></div> |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| ### 示例三: |
| |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1"><a target="_blank" href="resource/patent_world.xls">一份各国家专利申请量数据(点击下载,excel 打开)</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2">根据<a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xSyGj62SO">这个例子</a>修改</div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3">查查文档中<a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/option.html#series-scatter.data"> scatter 数据格式</a></div> |
| > + <div class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4"><a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xr16-Eukt">结果样例</a></div> |
| |
| </script></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
| #### 练习 A: |
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| > 做出上述三个示例。 |
| |
| #### 练习 B: |
| |
| > 下面给出了一份数据,尝试做出一个图。 |
| > + <a target="_blank" href="http://echarts.baidu.com/meeting/wuda/handon/medal.xlsx">各国历史金牌数据</a> |
| > + <a target="_blank" href="http://gallery.echartsjs.com/editor.html?c=xByDhpFIu">一个例子</a> |
| </script></section></section><section data-markdown><script type="text/template"> |
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| ### THE END |
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