| extends ../layouts/basic |
| |
| block extra_head |
| |
| title 下载 - Apache ECharts |
| //- script(src="#{cdnThirdParty.sweetalertJS}") |
| |
| block content |
| nav(class='navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top') |
| include ./nav |
| |
| .page-main |
| block vars |
| |
| .page-info |
| h1 下载 |
| |
| .page-content.container#download-main |
| .d-section-version.d-section |
| |
| h3.first 方法一:从下载的源代码或编译产物安装 |
| |
| table.table#download-table |
| tr |
| th 版本 |
| th 发布日期 |
| th 从镜像网站下载源码 |
| th 从 GitHub 下载编译产物 |
| |
| a(href="https://archive.apache.org/dist/echarts/") 查看历史版本 |
| |
| .checksum |
| p <strong>注意:</strong>如果从镜像网站下载,请检查 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing#sha-checksum">SHA-512</a> 并且检验确认 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing#openpgp">OpenPGP</a> 与 <a href="https://www.apache.org">Apache 主站</a>的签名一致。链接在上面的 Source 旁。这个 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/echarts/KEYS">KEYS</a> 文件包含了用于签名发布版的公钥。如果可能的话,建议使用<a href="https://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing#web-of-trust">可信任的网络(web of trust)</a>确认 KEYS 的同一性。 |
| |
| h4 使用 GPG 验证 ECharts 发布版本 |
| ol |
| li 从镜像网站下载 apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip |
| li 从 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/echarts/">Apache</a> 下载 checksum apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip.asc |
| li 下载 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/echarts/KEYS">ECharts KEYS</a> |
| li gpg --import KEYS |
| li gpg --verify apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip.asc |
| |
| h4 使用 SHA-512 验证 |
| ol |
| li 从镜像网站下载 apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip |
| li 从 <a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/echarts/">Apache</a> 下载 checksum apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip.sha512 |
| li shasum -a 512 apache-echarts-X.Y.Z-src.zip |
| |
| h4 License |
| p Apache ECharts 基于 <a href="https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License 2.0</a> 发布 |
| |
| //- if isECharts4 |
| //- h3 (前往下载 <a href="download3.html">3.x 版本)</a> |
| //- else |
| //- h3 (前往下载 <a href="download.html">4.x 版本)</a> |
| |
| //- h3 选择需要的版本 <span class="warn">注:开发环境建议选择源代码版本,该版本包含了常见的警告和错误提示。</span> |
| |
| //- .list-wrap.row#download-row |
| //- .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 |
| //- a(class="download-echarts" href="#{downloadPath}/echarts.common.min.js" download="echarts.common.min.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 常用 |
| //- span.size #{sizeCommon} |
| //- .text 包含常用的图表组件<br><span>折 柱 饼 散点 图例<br />工具栏 标注/线/域<br /> 数据区域缩放</span> |
| //- .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 |
| //- a(class="download-echarts" href="#{downloadPath}/echarts.simple.min.js" download="echarts.simple.min.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 精简 |
| //- span.size #{sizeSimple} |
| //- .text 只包含基础图表<br><span>折 柱 饼</span> |
| //- .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 |
| //- a(class="download-echarts" href="#{downloadPath}/echarts.min.js" download="echarts.min.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 完整 |
| //- span.size #{sizeMin} |
| //- .text 包含所有图表组件 |
| //- .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 |
| //- a(class="download-echarts" href="#{downloadPath}/echarts.js" download="echarts.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 源代码 |
| //- span.size #{sizeFull} |
| //- .text 包含所有图表组件<br />的源码,常见的警告和错误提示 |
| |
| //- div(class="download-note") <i class="note-icon"><img src="./images/note.svg" /></i> Please cite the following paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities. <br /> 当您在研发项目,研究论文,技术报告,新闻报告,书籍,演示文稿,教学,专利等中使用 ECharts 时,请引用以下论文。 |
| //- div(class="paper-desc") |
| //- a(href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468502X18300068") ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization |
| |
| h3 方法二:从 npm 安装 |
| p <code>npm install echarts</code> |
| |
| h3 方法三:选择需要的模块,在线定制下载 |
| |
| if isECharts4 |
| a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="builder.html") 在线定制 |
| else |
| a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="builder3.html") 在线定制 |
| p.center 可自由选择所需图表和组件进行打包下载 |
| |
| h3 下一步 |
| p |
| a(href='#{host}/handbook/#{ecWWWLang}/get-started/') 5 分钟上手 ECharts |
| |
| //- .d-section-gl.d-section |
| //- h2 下载 ECharts GL 1.1.1 |
| //- p ECharts GL 是 WebGL 的扩展包,提供了丰富的三维可视化组件以及常规图表的性能增强。 |
| //- h4 选择需要的版本 <span class="warn">注:开发环境建议选择源代码版本,该版本包含了常见的警告和错误提示。</span> |
| //- .list-wrap.row |
| //- .col-xs-6.col-sm-3.col-sm-offset-3 |
| //- a(target='_blank' href="#{downloadPath}/echarts-gl.min.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 压缩版 |
| //- span.size 637 KB |
| //- .col-xs-6.col-sm-3 |
| //- a(target='_blank' href="#{downloadPath}/echarts-gl.js") |
| //- .circle-wrap |
| //- span.mode 源代码 |
| //- span.size 1.74 MB |
| //- a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.btn-two(href="#{host}/#{ecWWWLang}/option-gl.html") 查看 GL 文档 |
| //- a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.btn-two(href="#{host}/examples/#{ecWWWLang}/index.html#chart-type-globe") 查看 GL 实例 |
| |
| //- .d-section-theme.d-section |
| //- h2 主题 |
| //- p 让你的图表整体换个装,除了官方提供的主题之外,还可以定制你自己的主题 |
| //- .list-wrap.row |
| //- .col-md-4.col-md-offset-2.col-sm-6 |
| //- a(href="asset/theme/vintage.js" class="download-theme" download="vintage.js" target="_blank") |
| //- img(src="asset/theme/thumb/vintage.png") |
| //- p 复古主题 |
| //- .col-md-4.col-sm-6 |
| //- a(href="asset/theme/dark.js" class="download-theme" download="dark.js" target="_blank") |
| //- img(src="asset/theme/thumb/dark.png") |
| //- p 深色主题 |
| //- a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="download-theme.html") 更多主题 |
| |
| //- .d-section-map.d-section |
| //- h2 地图数据 |
| //- p 提供世界、中国、各省地图,数据来自第三方 |
| //- .list-wrap.row |
| //- .col-md-4.col-md-offset-2.col-sm-6 |
| //- a(href="asset/map/json/china.json" download="china.json" target="_blank") |
| //- img.hover-shadow(src="asset/map/thumb/china.png") |
| //- p 中国地图 |
| //- .col-md-4.col-sm-6 |
| //- a(href="asset/map/json/world.json" download="world.json" target="_blank") |
| //- img.hover-shadow(src="asset/map/thumb/world.png") |
| //- p 世界地图 |
| //- a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="download-map.html") 更多地图 |
| |
| //- #download-extension-container.container |
| //- .d-section-extension.d-section.last-section |
| //- h2 扩展 |
| //- p 提供更丰富的图表类型和增强功能 |
| //- .list-wrap.row |
| //- .col-sm-4 |
| //- a(href="https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts-wordcloud") |
| //- img.hover-shadow(src="images/extensions/word-cloud.jpg") |
| //- p 字符云 |
| //- .col-sm-4 |
| //- a(href="https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts-liquidfill") |
| //- img.hover-shadow(src="images/extensions/liquidfill.jpg") |
| //- p 水球图插件 |
| //- .col-sm-4 |
| //- a(href="https://github.com/ecomfe/echarts/tree/master/extension/bmap") |
| //- img.hover-shadow(src="images/extensions/bmap.jpg") |
| //- p 百度地图 |
| //- a.btn.btn-main.btn-thirdary.more-btn(href="download-extension.html") 更多插件 |
| |
| include ./footer |
| |
| |
| block extra_js |
| //- Force use apache cdn to avoid jsdelivr not update immediately. |
| script(src="#{getAssetUrl('https://echarts.apache.org', ecWWWLang + '/js/download.js')}") |
| script(type='text/javascript'). |
| document.getElementById('nav-download').className = 'active'; |
| |
| //- $('.download-echarts').click(function (e) { |
| //- var el = document.createElement('div'); |
| //- el.innerHTML = '<div class="download-note"><i class="note-icon"><img src="./images/note.svg" /></i> Please cite the following paper whenever you use ECharts in your R&D projects, products, research papers, technical reports, news reports, books, presentations, teaching, patents, and other related intelligence activities. <br /> 当您在研发项目,研究论文,技术报告,新闻报告,书籍,演示文稿,教学,专利等中使用 ECharts 时,请引用以下论文。</div>\ |
| //- <div class="paper-desc">\ |
| //- <div class="paper-title">\ |
| //- ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization\ |
| //- </div>\ |
| //- <div class="paper-author">Deqing Li, Honghui Mei, Yi Shen, Shuang Su, Wenli Zhang, Junting Wang, Ming Zu, Wei Chen.</div>\ |
| //- <div class="paper-journal">Visual Informatics, 2018 <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468502X18300068">[PDF]</a></div>\ |
| //- </div>'; |
| //- swal({ |
| //- title: 'Notice', |
| //- content: el |
| //- }); |
| //- _hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'download', 'download', '#{downloadVersion}']); |
| //- }); |
| //- $('.download-theme').click(function () { |
| //- _hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'download', 'download-theme', '#{downloadVersion}']); |
| //- }); |