blob: 34ef2bac7f75314e062559494d859a42f4f7c217 [file] [log] [blame]
var EXAMPLES = [
id: 'area-rainfall',
title: '雨量流量关系图',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'area-simple',
title: '大数据量面积图',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'area-stack',
title: '堆叠区域图',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'bar-animation-delay',
title: '柱状图动画延迟',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-brush',
title: '柱状图框选',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-gradient',
title: '特性示例:渐变色 阴影 点击缩放',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-negative',
title: '正负条形图',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-negative2',
title: '交错正负轴标签',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-stack',
title: '堆叠柱状图',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-tick-align',
title: '坐标轴刻度与标签对齐',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-waterfall',
title: '深圳月最低生活费组成(单位:元)',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-waterfall2',
title: '阶梯瀑布图',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-y-category-stack',
title: '堆叠条形图',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-y-category',
title: '世界人口总量 - 条形图',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar1',
title: '某地区蒸发量和降水量',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-polar-stack',
title: 'Stacked Bar in Polar System',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-polar-stack-radial',
title: 'Stacked Bar in Polar System',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-polar-real-estate',
title: '在中国租个房子有多贵',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-label-rotation',
title: '标签旋转',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-rich-text',
title: '富文本标签',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'boxplot-light-velocity',
title: 'Boxplot Light Velocity',
type: 'boxplot'
}, {
id: 'boxplot-light-velocity2',
title: 'Boxplot Light Velocity2',
type: 'boxplot'
}, {
id: 'boxplot-multi',
title: 'Multiple Categories',
type: 'boxplot'
}, {
id: 'bubble-gradient',
title: '气泡图',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'candlestick-brush',
title: 'Candlestick Brush',
type: 'candlestick'
}, {
id: 'candlestick-sh-2015',
title: '2015 年上证指数',
type: 'candlestick'
}, {
id: 'candlestick-sh',
title: '上证指数',
type: 'candlestick'
}, {
id: 'candlestick-touch',
title: '触屏上的坐标轴指示器',
type: 'candlestick'
}, {
id: 'custom-ohlc',
title: 'OHLC Chart',
type: 'candlestick'
}, {
id: 'confidence-band',
title: 'Confidence Band',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'dynamic-data',
title: '动态数据',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'dynamic-data2',
title: '动态数据 + 时间坐标轴',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'effectScatter-bmap',
title: '全国主要城市空气质量 - 百度地图',
type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'effectScatter-map',
// title: '全国主要城市空气质量',
// type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'funnel-align',
title: '漏斗图(对比)',
type: 'funnel'
}, {
id: 'funnel-customize',
title: '漏斗图',
type: 'funnel'
}, {
id: 'funnel-mutiple',
title: '漏斗图',
type: 'funnel'
}, {
id: 'funnel',
title: '漏斗图',
type: 'funnel'
}, {
id: 'gauge-car-dark',
title: 'Gauge Car Dark',
type: 'gauge'
}, {
id: 'gauge-car',
title: 'Gauge Car',
type: 'gauge'
}, {
id: 'gauge',
title: 'Gauge',
type: 'gauge'
// }, {
// id: 'geo-lines',
// title: '模拟迁徙',
// type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'graph-circular-layout',
title: 'Les Miserables',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-force',
title: '力引导布局',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-force2',
title: '力引导布局',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-grid',
title: '笛卡尔坐标系上的 Graph',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-life-expectancy',
title: 'Graph Life Expectancy',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-npm',
title: 'NPM Dependencies',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-simple',
title: 'Graph 简单示例',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-webkit-dep',
title: 'Graph Webkit Dep',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph',
title: 'Les Miserables',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'graph-force-dynamic',
title: '动态增加图节点',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'grid-multiple',
title: '雨量流量关系图',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'heatmap-bmap',
title: '热力图与百度地图扩展',
type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'heatmap-cartesian',
title: '笛卡尔坐标系上的热力图',
type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'heatmap-large-piecewise',
title: '热力图 - 颜色的离散映射',
type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'heatmap-large',
title: '热力图 - 2w 数据',
type: 'heatmap'
// }, {
// id: 'heatmap-map',
// title: '全国主要城市空气质量',
// type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'line-aqi',
title: 'Beijing AQI',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-draggable',
title: 'Try Dragging these Points',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-easing',
title: 'Line Easing',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-log',
title: '对数轴示例',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-marker',
title: '未来一周气温变化',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-pen',
title: 'Click to Add Points',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-polar',
title: '极坐标双数值轴',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-polar2',
title: '极坐标双数值轴',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-sections',
title: '一天用电量分布',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-stack',
title: '折线图堆叠',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-step',
title: 'Step Line',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-y-category',
title: 'Line Y Category',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'multiple-x-axis',
title: 'Multiple X Axes',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-tooltip-touch',
title: 'Tooltip and DataZoom on Mobile',
type: 'line'
}, {
id: 'line-gradient',
title: '折线图的渐变',
type: 'line'
// }, {
// id: 'lines-airline',
// title: '65k+ 飞机航线',
// type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'lines-bmap-bus',
title: '北京公交路线 - 百度地图',
type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'lines-bmap-effect',
title: '北京公交路线 - 线特效',
type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'lines-bmap',
title: '杭州热门步行路线 - 百度地图',
type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-china-dataRange',
// title: 'iphone销量',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-china',
// title: 'Map China',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-HK',
// title: '香港18区人口密度 (2011)',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-locate',
// title: 'Map Locate',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'geo-map-scatter',
// title: 'map and scatter share a geo',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-parallel-prices',
// title: 'Prices and Earnings 2012',
// type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'map-province',
// title: '34 省切换查看',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-usa',
// title: 'USA Population Estimates (2012)',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-world-dataRange',
// title: 'World Population (2010)',
// type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-world',
// title: 'Map World',
// type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'map-polygon',
title: '在地图上绘制多边形',
type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'map-bin',
title: 'Binning on Map',
type: 'map'
// }, {
// id: 'map-labels',
// title: '地图上的富文本标签',
// type: 'map'
}, {
id: 'mix-line-bar',
title: '折柱混合',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'mix-timeline-finance',
title: '2002全国宏观经济指标',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'mix-zoom-on-value',
title: 'Mix Zoom On Value',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'multiple-y-axis',
title: '多 Y 轴示例',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'parallel-aqi',
title: 'Parallel Aqi',
type: 'parallel'
}, {
id: 'parallel-nutrients',
title: 'Parallel Nutrients',
type: 'parallel'
// }, {
// id: 'map-parallel-prices',
// title: 'Prices and Earnings 2012',
// type: 'parallel'
}, {
id: 'pie-custom',
title: 'Customized Pie',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-doughnut',
title: '环形图',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-nest',
title: '嵌套环形图',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-pattern',
title: '饼图纹理',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-roseType',
title: '南丁格尔玫瑰图',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-simple',
title: '某站点用户访问来源',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-rich-text',
title: '富文本标签',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'pie-legend',
title: '可滚动的图例',
type: 'pie'
}, {
id: 'radar-aqi',
title: 'AQI - 雷达图',
type: 'radar'
}, {
id: 'radar-custom',
title: '自定义雷达图',
type: 'radar'
}, {
id: 'radar-multiple',
title: '多雷达图',
type: 'radar'
}, {
id: 'radar',
title: '基础雷达图',
type: 'radar'
}, {
id: 'radar2',
title: '浏览器占比变化',
type: 'radar'
}, {
id: 'sankey-energy',
title: 'Sankey Diagram',
type: 'sankey'
}, {
id: 'sankey-product',
title: 'Sankey Diagram',
type: 'sankey'
}, {
id: 'scatter-anscombe-quartet',
title: 'Anscombe's quartet',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-aqi-color',
title: 'Scatter Aqi Color',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-large',
title: '大规模散点图',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-life-expectancy-timeline',
title: '各国人均寿命与GDP关系演变',
type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'scatter-map-brush',
// title: 'Scatter Map Brush',
// type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'scatter-map',
// title: '全国主要城市空气质量',
// type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-matrix',
title: 'Scatter Matrix',
type: 'parallel'
}, {
id: 'scatter-nutrients',
title: 'Scatter Nutrients',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-painter-choice',
title: 'Master Painter Color Choices Throughout History',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-polar-punchCard',
title: 'Punch Card of Github',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-punchCard',
title: 'Punch Card of Github',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-single-axis',
title: '单轴散点图',
type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'scatter-weibo',
// title: '微博签到数据点亮中国',
// type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-weight',
title: '男性女性身高体重分布',
type: 'scatter'
// }, {
// id: 'scatter-world-population',
// title: 'World Population (2011)',
// type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-nutrients-matrix',
title: 'Scatter Nutrients Matrix',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-clustering-process',
title: 'Clustering Process',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-linear-regression',
title: 'Linear Regression',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-exponential-regression',
title: 'Exponential Regression',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-logarithmic-regression',
title: 'Logarithmic Regression',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'scatter-polynomial-regression',
title: 'Polynomial Regression',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'tree-basic',
title: '横向树状图',
type: 'tree'
}, {
id: 'tree-vertical',
title: '纵向树状图',
type: 'tree'
}, {
id: 'tree-legend',
title: '多棵树',
type: 'tree'
}, {
id: 'tree-radial',
title: '径向树状图',
type: 'tree'
}, {
id: 'treemap-disk',
title: 'Disk Usage',
type: 'treemap'
}, {
id: 'treemap-drill-down',
title: 'ECharts 配置项查询分布',
type: 'treemap'
}, {
id: 'treemap-obama',
title: 'How $3.7 Trillion is Spent',
type: 'treemap'
}, {
id: 'treemap-visual',
title: 'Gradient Mapping',
type: 'treemap'
}, {
id: 'treemap-show-parent',
title: 'Show Parent Labels',
type: 'treemap'
}, {
id: 'watermark',
title: '水印 - ECharts 下载统计',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'bar-histogram',
title: 'Histogram',
type: 'bar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-hill',
title: '圣诞愿望清单和山峰高度',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-velocity',
title: '驯鹿的速度',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-vehicle',
title: '交通工具',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-spirit',
title: '精灵',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-body-fill',
title: '人体含水量',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-dotted',
title: '虚线柱状图效果',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'pictorialBar-forest',
title: '森林的增长',
type: 'pictorialBar'
}, {
id: 'themeRiver-basic',
title: '主题河流图',
type: 'themeRiver'
}, {
id: 'themeRiver-lastfm',
title: 'ThemeRiver Lastfm',
type: 'themeRiver'
}, {
id: 'calendar-graph',
title: 'Calendar Graph',
type: 'graph'
}, {
id: 'calendar-pie',
title: 'Calendar Pie',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'calendar-effectscatter',
title: 'Calendar Effectscatter',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
id: 'calendar-vertical',
title: 'Calendar Heatmap Vertical',
type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'calendar-horizontal',
title: 'Calendar Heatmap Horizontal',
type: 'heatmap'
}, {
id: 'calendar-effectscatter',
title: 'Calendar Effectscatter',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'calendar-vertical',
title: 'Calendar Heatmap Vertical',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'calendar-horizontal',
title: 'Calendar Heatmap Horizontal',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'calendar-charts',
title: 'Calendar Charts',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'calendar-lunar',
title: 'Calendar Lunar',
type: 'calendar'
}, {
id: 'custom-profile',
title: 'Profile',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-error-bar',
title: 'Error Bar on Catesian',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-error-scatter',
title: 'Error Scatter on Catesian',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-bar-trend',
title: 'Custom Bar Trend',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-polar-heatmap',
title: 'Polar Heatmap',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-profit',
title: 'Profit',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-calendar-icon',
title: 'Custom Calendar Icon',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'custom-hexbin',
title: 'Hexagonal Binning',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'wind-barb',
title: '风向图',
type: 'custom'
}, {
id: 'cycle-plot',
title: 'Cycle Plot',
type: 'custom'
line: '折线图',
bar: '柱状图',
pie: '饼图',
scatter: '散点图',
map: '地图',
candlestick: 'k线图',
radar: '雷达图',
boxplot: '箱线图',
heatmap: '热力图',
graph: '关系图',
tree: '树图',
treemap: '矩形树图',
parallel: '平行坐标',
sankey: '桑基图',
funnel: '漏斗图',
gauge: '仪表盘',
pictorialBar: '象形柱图',
themeRiver: '主题河流图',
calendar: '日历图',
custom: '自定义系列'