blob: 47fbac03a4cba4a6c1787ede9feaa83ded92a4e0 [file] [log] [blame]
var charts = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
// chart type as category
var $navList = $('#left-chart-nav ul');
var inDemoPage = location.pathname.match(/demo.html/);
for (var type in CHART_TYPES) {
'<a class="left-chart-nav-link" id="left-chart-nav-' + type + '" '
+ 'href="' + (inDemoPage ? 'examples.html' : '' ) + '#chart-type-' + type + '">'
+ '<div class="chart-icon"></div>'
+ '<div class="chart-name">' + CHART_TYPES[type] + '</div>'
+ '</a>'));
// Set chart thumbnail image height according to width.
// Making sure nav calculation is correct.
$('.chart-area').height($('.chart-area').width() / 5 * 4);
var chartListHeights = null;
var activeChartType = null;
.scroll(function () {
// When scroll, check top of right content
var top = -$('.chart-list-panel')[0].getBoundingClientRect().top;
var margin = parseInt(
$('#chart-type-scatter h3').css('margin-top'),
if (!chartListHeights) {
// Init chart height for only the first time
var children = $('.chart-list-panel').children();
var height = 0;
chartListHeights = [];
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
height += $($('.chart-list-panel').children()[i]).height()
+ margin;
height: height,
id: $($('.chart-list-panel').children()[i])
for (var i = 0; i < chartListHeights.length; ++i) {
if (chartListHeights[i].height > top) {
if (activeChartType !== chartListHeights[i].id) {
// Chart type in left nav changed
$('#left-chart-nav li').removeClass('active');
$('#left-chart-nav-' + chartListHeights[i].id)
activeChartType = chartListHeights[i].id;