tweak extension page
diff --git a/_jade/en/download-extension.jade b/_jade/en/download-extension.jade
index e92d18a..35a2514 100644
--- a/_jade/en/download-extension.jade
+++ b/_jade/en/download-extension.jade
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
 extends ../layouts/basic
 mixin extension(ext)
-    .col-md-3.col-sm-6.extension
-        if
-            - var website =
-        else
-            - var website = '#'
-        .extension-content
-            a.extension-head(href="#{website}", target="_blank")
-                if ext.image
-                    img.extension-img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/extensions/#{ext.image}?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}")
-                else
-                    img.extension-img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/extensions/default-extension.png?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}")
-            .extension-info
-                a.extension-name(href="#{website}", target="_blank") #{}
-                .extension-author
-                    span Contributors: 
-                    each author in ext.authors
-                        a.extension-author-name(href="#{}", target="_blank") #{}
-                .extension-desc #{ext.descEN}
+    if !ext.onlyZH
+        .col-md-3.col-sm-6.extension
+            if
+                - var website =
+            else
+                - var website = '#'
+            if ext.nameEn
+                - var extName = ext.nameEn
+            else
+                - var extName =
+            .extension-content
+                a.extension-head(href="#{website}", target="_blank")
+                    if ext.image
+                        img.extension-img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/extensions/#{ext.image}?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}")
+                    else
+                        img.extension-img(src="#{cdnPayRoot}/#{ecWWWLang}/images/extensions/default-extension.png?_v_=#{cdnPayVersion}")
+                .extension-info
+                    a.extension-name(href="#{website}", target="_blank") #{extName}
+                    .extension-author
+                        span Contributors: 
+                        each author in ext.authors
+                            a.extension-author-name(href="#{}", target="_blank") #{}
+                    .extension-desc #{ext.descEN}
 block variablesLang
     include ./_variablesLang.jade
diff --git a/config/common.js b/config/common.js
index 1583f35..1650ff1 100644
--- a/config/common.js
+++ b/config/common.js
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
             name: 'ECharts GL',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '沈毅',
+                name: 'pissang',
                 website: ''
             desc: '3D 图表、地理可视化、WebGL 加速渲染',
@@ -363,9 +363,10 @@
         }, {
             image: 'word-cloud.jpg',
             name: '字符云',
+            nameEn: 'Wordcloud',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '沈毅',
+                name: 'pissang',
                 website: ''
             desc: '字符云可以将文字根据不同的权重布局为大小、颜色各异的图,支持使用图片作为遮罩。',
@@ -373,9 +374,10 @@
         }, {
             image: 'liquidfill.jpg',
             name: '水球图',
+            nameEn: 'Liquidfill',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '羡辙',
+                name: 'Ovilia',
                 website: ''
             desc: '水球图是一种适合于展现单个百分比数据的图表,支持多条水波和动画。',
@@ -385,24 +387,38 @@
             name: '百度地图',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '沈毅',
+                name: 'pissang',
                 website: ''
             desc: '百度地图扩展,可以在百度地图上展现点图、线图、热力图及饼图等。',
-            descEN: 'With Baidu map extension, you can display scatter charts, lines charts, heatmaps, pie charts and so on.'
+            descEN: 'With Baidu map extension, you can display scatter charts, lines charts, heatmaps, pie charts and so on.',
+            onlyZH: true
         }, {
-            image: 'arcgis.jpg',
-            name: 'ArcGIS 地图',
-            website: '',
+            image: 'amap.jpg',
+            name: '高德地图',
+            website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: 'wandergis',
-                website: ''
+                name: 'plainheart',
+                website: ''
-            desc: 'ArcGIS 地图和 ECharts 3 的结合。',
-            descEN: 'A combination of ArcGIS maps and ECharts 3.'
+            desc: '高德地图扩展,可以在高德地图上展现点图、线图、热力图及饼图等。',
+            descEN: 'AMap extension for ECharts which is used to display visualizations such as Scatter, Lines, Heatmap and Pie.',
+            onlyZH: true
+        }, {
+            image: 'gmap.jpg',
+            name: '谷歌地图',
+            nameEn: 'Google Maps',
+            website: '',
+            authors: [{
+                name: 'plainheart',
+                website: ''
+            }],
+            desc: '谷歌地图扩展,可以在谷歌地图上展现点图、线图、热力图及饼图等。',
+            descEN: 'Google Maps extension for ECharts which is used to display visualizations such as Scatter, Lines, Heatmap and Pie.'
         }, {
             image: 'leaflet-2.jpg',
-            name: 'echarts-leaflet',
+            name: 'Leaflet 地图',
+            nameEn: 'Leaflet Maps',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
                 name: 'gnijuohz',
@@ -413,6 +429,7 @@
         }, {
             image: 'mapbox.jpg',
             name: 'Mapbox 地图',
+            nameEn: 'Mapbox Maps',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
                 name: 'lzxue',
@@ -421,22 +438,24 @@
             desc: 'Mapbox 地图和 ECharts 的结合。',
             descEN: 'A combination of Mapbox maps and ECharts.'
         }, {
-            image: 'amap.jpg',
-            name: '高德地图',
-            website: '',
+            image: 'arcgis.jpg',
+            name: 'ArcGIS 地图',
+            nameEn: 'ArcGIS Maps',
+            website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: 'plainheart',
-                website: ''
+                name: 'wandergis',
+                website: ''
-            desc: '高德地图扩展,可以在高德地图上展现点图、线图、热力图及饼图等。',
-            descEN: 'AMap extension for ECharts which is used to display visualizations such as Scatter, Lines, Heatmap and Pie.'
+            desc: 'ArcGIS 地图和 ECharts 3 的结合。',
+            descEN: 'A combination of ArcGIS maps and ECharts 3.'
         functional: [{
             image: 'modularity.jpg',
             name: '图的模块化',
+            nameEn: 'Graph Modularity',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '沈毅',
+                name: 'pissang',
                 website: ''
             desc: '该插件可以对 ECharts Graph 图作社群检测,并将图中的顶点分成若干子集。',
@@ -444,10 +463,14 @@
         }, {
             image: 'stat.jpg',
             name: '统计工具',
+            nameEn: 'Statistics Tool',
             website: '',
             authors: [{
-                name: '李德清',
+                name: 'deqingli',
                 website: ''
+            }, {
+                name: '100pah',
+                website: ''
             desc: '统计扩展是一个专门用来进行数据分析的工具。',
             descEN: 'The statistical extension is a tool for data analysis.'
diff --git a/images/extensions/gmap.jpg b/images/extensions/gmap.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4184e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/extensions/gmap.jpg
Binary files differ