blob: 53d4d78c3f4434024d46f088af7a6f614623df7e [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports = {
cdnThirdParty: {
jquery: '',
jquery_1_11_3: '',
bootstrapCSS: '',
bootstrapJS: '',
lodash: '',
perfectScrollbarJS: '',
perfectScrollbarCSS: '',
paceProgressBarJS: '',
sweetalertJS: '',
echartsMinJS_4_8_0: '',
prettifyJS: '',
// Can not find good prettify css in jsdelivr.
// prettifyCSS: '',
prettifyCSSHandlerJS: '',
jqueryLazyloadJS: '',
// CDN for doc
vueJS: '',
elementUIJS: '',
elementUICSS: '',
codeMirrorJS: '',
codeMirrorJSModeJS: '',
beautifierJS: '',
// Source folder of echarts
echartsPath: '../echarts',
// Target folder of echarts
zrenderPath: '../zrender',
// Parameters for builder
charts: {
bar: ['柱状图', 'Bar', true],
line: ['折线图', 'Line', true],
pie: ['饼图', 'Pie', true],
scatter: ['散点图', 'Scatter'],
effectScatter: ['涟漪散点图', 'EffectScatter'],
candlestick: ['K线图', 'Candlestick'],
radar: ['雷达图', 'Radar'],
heatmap: ['热力图', 'Heatmap'],
tree: ['树图', 'Tree'],
treemap: ['矩形树图', 'Treemap'],
sunburst: ['旭日图', 'Sunburst'],
map: ['地图', 'Map'],
lines: ['线图', 'Lines'],
graph: ['关系图', 'Graph'],
boxplot: ['箱线图', 'Boxplot'],
parallel: ['平行坐标', 'Parallel'],
gauge: ['仪表盘', 'Gauge'],
funnel: ['漏斗图', 'Funnel'],
sankey: ['桑基图', 'Sankey'],
themeRiver: ['主题河流图', 'ThemeRiver'],
pictorialBar: ['象形柱图', 'PictorialBar'],
custom: ['自定义系列', 'Custom']
coords: {
gridSimple: ['直角坐标系', 'Grid', true],
polar: ['极坐标系', 'Polar'],
geo: ['地理坐标系', 'Geo'],
singleAxis: ['单轴', 'SingleAxis'],
calendar: ['日历', 'Calendar']
components: {
title: ['标题', 'Title', true],
legend: ['图例', 'Legend', true, 'legendScroll'],
tooltip: ['提示框', 'Tooltip', true],
markPoint: ['标注', 'MarkPoint'],
markLine: ['标线', 'MarkLine'],
markArea: ['标域', 'MarkArea'],
timeline: ['时间轴', 'Timeline'],
dataZoom: ['数据区域缩放', 'DataZoom'],
brush: ['刷选', 'Brush'],
visualMap: ['视觉映射', 'VisualMap'],
toolbox: ['工具栏', 'Toolbox'],
graphic: ['自定义图形', 'Graphic']
// Parameters for map download
provincePinyin: ['hebei','shanxi','neimenggu','liaoning','jilin','heilongjiang','jiangsu','zhejiang','anhui','fujian','jiangxi','shandong','henan','hubei','hunan','guangdong','guangxi','hainan','sichuan','guizhou','yunnan','xizang','shanxi1','gansu','qinghai','ningxia','xinjiang', 'beijing', 'tianjin', 'shanghai', 'chongqing', 'xianggang', 'aomen', 'taiwan'],
province: ['河北', '山西', '内蒙古', '辽宁', '吉林','黑龙江', '江苏', '浙江', '安徽', '福建', '江西', '山东','河南', '湖北', '湖南', '广东', '广西', '海南', '四川', '贵州', '云南', '西藏', '陕西', '甘肃', '青海', '宁夏', '新疆', '北京', '天津', '上海', '重庆', '香港', '澳门', '台湾'],
theme: ['vintage', 'dark', 'macarons', 'infographic', 'shine', 'roma'],
extensions: {
framework: [{
image: '',
name: 'angular-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'wangshijun',
website: ''
desc: 'AngularJs bindings for Baidu ECharts.',
descEN: 'AngularJs bindings for Baidu ECharts.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'echarts-ng',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'bornkiller',
website: ''
desc: '使用 Angular 封装 ECharts 为指令。',
descEN: 'Encapsulate ECharts as an instruction using Angular.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'ng-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'liekkas',
website: ''
desc: 'AngularJs 版 ECharts,支持最新 ECharts3.x。',
descEN: 'AngularJs version ECharts, supports the latest ECharts3.x.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'vue-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'Justineo',
website: ''
desc: 'ECharts component for Vue.js.',
descEN: 'ECharts component for Vue.js.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'vue-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'panteng',
website: ''
desc: 'A custom directive for using Echarts in Vue.js apps.',
descEN: 'A custom directive for using Echarts in Vue.js apps.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'echarts-middleware',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'PUGE',
website: ''
desc: '在 Vue 中优雅高效地使用 ECharts。',
descEN: 'Use ECharts elegantly and efficiently with Vue.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'echarts-for-react',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'hustcc',
website: ''
desc: '一个简单的 ECharts 的 react 封装。',
descEN: 'A simple ECharts react package.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'react-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'somonus',
website: ''
desc: 'ECharts + react.',
descEN: 'ECharts + react.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 're-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'liekkas',
website: ''
desc: 'ECharts + react.',
descEN: 'ECharts + react.'
language: [{
image: '',
name: 'pyecharts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'chenjiandongx',
website: ''
}, {
name: 'chfw',
website: ''
}, {
name: 'kinegratii',
website: ''
desc: 'Python Echarts Plotting Library.',
descEN: 'Python Echarts Plotting Library.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'echarts-python',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'yufeiminds',
website: ''
desc: 'Generate Echarts options with Python.',
descEN: 'Generate Echarts options with Python.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'krisk',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'napjon',
website: ''
desc: 'Krisk bring Echarts to Python, and helpful tools for statistical interactive visualization.',
descEN: 'Krisk bring Echarts to Python, and helpful tools for statistical interactive visualization.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'recharts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'taiyun',
website: ''
desc: 'recharts 提供了 ECharts 的 R 语言接口。',
descEN: 'recharts provides the R language interface of ECharts.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'recharts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'yihui',
website: ''
desc: 'An R Interface to ECharts.',
descEN: 'An R Interface to ECharts.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'ECharts2Shiny',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'XD-DENG',
website: ''
desc: 'To insert interactive charts from ECharts into R Shiny applications.',
descEN: 'To insert interactive charts from ECharts into R Shiny applications.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'ECharts.jl',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'randyzwitch',
website: ''
desc: 'Julia package for the ECharts 3 visualization library.',
descEN: 'Julia package for the ECharts 3 visualization library.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'purescript-echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'slamdata',
website: ''
desc: 'Purescript bindings for Echarts library.',
descEN: 'Purescript bindings for Echarts library.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'iOS-Echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'Pluto-Y',
website: ''
desc: 'This is a highly custom chart control for iOS and Mac apps, which build with ECharts 2.',
descEN: 'This is a highly custom chart control for iOS and Mac apps, which build with ECharts 2.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'ECharts-Java',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'abel533',
website: ''
desc: '这是一个针对 ECharts2.x 版本的 Java 类库,实现了所有 ECharts 中的 JSON 结构对应的 Java 对象。',
descEN: 'This is a Java version of the ECharts2.x version that implements the Java objects corresponding to the JSON structure in all ECharts.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'EChartsSDK',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'idoku',
website: ''
desc: 'ECharts 的 .NET 类库,从 ECharts 的 Java 类库移植。',
descEN: 'ECharts .NET class library, ported from ECharts Java class library.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'Echarts-PHP',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'hisune',
website: ''
desc: 'A PHP library that works as a wrapper for Echarts.',
descEN: 'A PHP library that works as a wrapper for Echarts.'
}, {
image: '',
name: 'flutter_echarts',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'entronad',
website: ''
desc: 'A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way.',
descEN: 'A Flutter widget to use Echarts in a reactive way.'
chartType: [{
image: 'gl.png',
name: 'ECharts GL',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '沈毅',
website: ''
desc: '3D 图表、地理可视化、WebGL 加速渲染',
descEN: 'ECharts-GL provides 3D plots, globe visualization and WebGL acceleration.'
}, {
image: 'word-cloud.jpg',
name: '字符云',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '沈毅',
website: ''
desc: '字符云可以将文字根据不同的权重布局为大小、颜色各异的图,支持使用图片作为遮罩。',
descEN: 'Cloud charts can layout text into different sizes and colors. You can also use images as masks.'
}, {
image: 'liquidfill.jpg',
name: '水球图',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '羡辙',
website: ''
desc: '水球图是一种适合于展现单个百分比数据的图表,支持多条水波和动画。',
descEN: 'The liquid-fill chart is a chart suitable for presenting a single percentage of data, supporting multiple water waves and animations.'
}, {
image: 'bmap.jpg',
name: '百度地图',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '沈毅',
website: ''
desc: '百度地图扩展,可以在百度地图上展现点图,线图,热力图等。',
descEN: 'With Baidu map extension, you can display scatter charts, line charts, heatmaps and so on.'
}, {
image: 'arcgis.jpg',
name: 'ArcGIS 地图',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'wandergis',
website: ''
desc: 'ArcGIS 地图和 ECharts 的结合。',
descEN: 'A combination of ArcGIS maps and ECharts.'
}, {
image: 'leaflet-2.jpg',
name: 'echarts-leaflet',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'gnijuohz',
website: ''
desc: 'ECharts extension for visualizing data on leaftlet.',
descEN: 'ECharts extension for visualizing data on leaftlet.'
}, {
image: 'mapbox.jpg',
name: 'Mapbox 地图',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: 'lzxue',
website: ''
desc: 'Mapbox 地图和 ECharts 的结合。',
descEN: 'A combination of Mapbox maps and ECharts.'
functional: [{
image: 'modularity.jpg',
name: '图的模块化',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '沈毅',
website: ''
desc: '该插件可以对 ECharts Graph 图作社群检测,并将图中的顶点分成若干子集。',
descEN: 'The plugin can perform community detection on the ECharts Graph and divide the vertices in the graph into subsets.'
}, {
image: 'stat.jpg',
name: '统计工具',
website: '',
authors: [{
name: '李德清',
website: ''
desc: '统计扩展是一个专门用来进行数据分析的工具。',
descEN: 'The statistical extension is a tool for data analysis.'