blob: fd04f181aad968e7c77fca3b94a46e07cdfb618e [file] [log] [blame]
const globby = require('globby');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const path = require('path');
// const fs = require('fs');
const assert = require('assert');
const bosSDK = require('@baiducloud/sdk');
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const projectDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
const artifactDir = path.resolve(projectDir, '../incubator-echarts-website');
const BosClient = bosSDK.BosClient;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Usage:
// node uploadBOS.js --doc --ak xxx --sk yyy # upload all. Would be slow.
// node uploadBOS.js --doc # upload only doc.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert(argv.ak &&, 'as sk MUST be provided.')
const config = {
endpoint: '',
credentials: {
ak: argv.ak,
const client = new BosClient(config);
const BUCKET_NAME = 'echarts-www';
async function upload(onlyDoc) {
const filePathList = await globby([
], {
cwd: artifactDir
for (relativePath of filePathList) {
if (onlyDoc
&& relativePath
) {
if (relativePath.indexOf('zh/documents') !== 0) {
console.log('Only upload doc ...');
if (
|| relativePath.indexOf('en/') === 0
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/echarts')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/ace')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/bootstrap')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/d3')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/jquery')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/dat.gui')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/jquery.lazyload')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/loadash')
|| relativePath.includes('vendors/waypoint')
|| relativePath.indexOf('zh/builder') === 0
|| relativePath.indexOf('zh/dist') === 0
) {
const absolutePath = path.resolve(artifactDir, relativePath);
const opt = {
// Try to force use browser cache to save money.
// If source changed, change the version param in URL to invalid the cache.
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=31536000'
// FIXME Should "public"?
// 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000'
await client.putObjectFromFile(BUCKET_NAME, relativePath, absolutePath, opt)
console.log(`uploaded: ${absolutePath}`));