blob: f5ca1c634ba936510aa3ed7986a5b86b68c5dd50 [file] [log] [blame]
(function() {
var VERSION = 1; // needs to upgrade when vm.theme changes
name: 'vintage',
background: '#fef8ef',
theme: [
'#d87c7c', '#919e8b', '#d7ab82', '#6e7074', '#61a0a8',
'#efa18d', '#787464', '#cc7e63', '#724e58', '#4b565b'
}, {
name: 'dark',
background: '#333',
theme: [
'#dd6b66', '#759aa0', '#e69d87', '#8dc1a9', '#ea7e53',
'#eedd78', '#73a373', '#73b9bc', '#7289ab', '#91ca8c',
}, {
name: 'westeros',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#516b91', '#59c4e6', '#edafda', '#93b7e3', '#a5e7f0',
}, {
name: 'essos',
background: 'rgba(242,234,191,0.15)',
theme: [
'#893448', '#d95850', '#eb8146', '#ffb248', '#f2d643',
}, {
name: 'wonderland',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#4ea397', '#22c3aa', '#7bd9a5', '#d0648a', '#f58db2',
}, {
name: 'walden',
background: 'rgba(252,252,252,0)',
theme: [
'#3fb1e3', '#6be6c1', '#626c91', '#a0a7e6', '#c4ebad',
}, {
name: 'chalk',
background: '#293441',
theme: [
'#fc97af', '#87f7cf', '#f7f494', '#72ccff', '#f7c5a0',
'#d4a4eb', '#d2f5a6', '#76f2f2'
}, {
name: 'infographic',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#C1232B', '#27727B', '#FCCE10', '#E87C25', '#B5C334',
'#FE8463', '#9BCA63', '#FAD860', '#F3A43B', '#60C0DD',
'#D7504B', '#C6E579', '#F4E001', '#F0805A', '#26C0C0'
}, {
name: 'macarons',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#2ec7c9', '#b6a2de', '#5ab1ef', '#ffb980', '#d87a80',
'#8d98b3', '#e5cf0d', '#97b552', '#95706d', '#dc69aa',
'#07a2a4', '#9a7fd1', '#588dd5', '#f5994e', '#c05050',
'#59678c', '#c9ab00', '#7eb00a', '#6f5553', '#c14089'
}, {
name: 'roma',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#E01F54', '#001852', '#f5e8c8', '#b8d2c7', '#c6b38e',
'#a4d8c2', '#f3d999', '#d3758f', '#dcc392', '#2e4783',
'#82b6e9', '#ff6347', '#a092f1', '#0a915d', '#eaf889',
'#6699FF', '#ff6666', '#3cb371', '#d5b158', '#38b6b6'
}, {
name: 'shine',
background: 'transparent',
theme: [
'#c12e34', '#e6b600', '#0098d9', '#2b821d', '#005eaa',
'#339ca8', '#cda819', '#32a487'
}, {
name: 'purple-passion',
background: 'rgba(91,92,110,1)',
theme: [
'#8a7ca8', '#e098c7', '#8fd3e8', '#71669e', '#cc70af',
// {
// name: 'halloween',
// background: 'rgba(51,51,51,1)',
// theme: [
// '#ff715e', '#ffaf51', '#ffee51', '#797fba', '#715c87'
// ]
// }
var defaultTheme = {
seriesCnt: 3,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
titleColor: '#333',
subtitleColor: '#aaa',
textColorShow: false,
textColor: '#333',
markTextColor: '#eee',
color: ['#c23531','#2f4554', '#61a0a8', '#d48265', '#91c7ae','#749f83',
'#ca8622', '#bda29a','#6e7074', '#546570', '#c4ccd3'],
borderColor: '#ccc',
borderWidth: 0,
visualMapColor: ['#bf444c', '#d88273', '#f6efa6'],
legendTextColor: '#333',
kColor: '#c23531',
kColor0: '#314656',
kBorderColor: '#c23531',
kBorderColor0: '#314656',
kBorderWidth: 1,
lineWidth: 2,
symbolSize: 4,
symbol: 'emptyCircle',
symbolBorderWidth: 1,
lineSmooth: false,
graphLineWidth: 1,
graphLineColor: '#aaa',
mapLabelColor: '#000',
mapLabelColorE: 'rgb(100,0,0)',
mapBorderColor: '#444',
mapBorderColorE: '#444',
mapBorderWidth: 0.5,
mapBorderWidthE: 1,
mapAreaColor: '#eee',
mapAreaColorE: 'rgba(255,215,0,0.8)',
axes: (function() {
var types = ['all', 'category', 'value', 'log', 'time'];
var names = ['通用', '类目', '数值', '对数', '时间'];
var axis = [];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
type: types[i],
name: names[i] + '坐标轴',
axisLineShow: true,
axisLineColor: '#333',
axisTickShow: true,
axisTickColor: '#333',
axisLabelShow: true,
axisLabelColor: '#333',
splitLineShow: types[i] === 'category' ? false : true,
splitLineColor: ['#ccc'],
splitAreaShow: false,
splitAreaColor: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)']
return axis;
axisSeperateSetting: true,
axis: null,
toolboxColor: '#999',
toolboxEmphasisColor: '#666',
tooltipAxisColor: '#ccc',
tooltipAxisWidth: 1,
timelineLineColor: '#293c55',
timelineLineWidth: 1,
timelineItemColor: '#293c55',
timelineItemColorE: '#a9334c',
timelineCheckColor: '#e43c59',
timelineCheckBorderColor: 'rgba(194,53,49, 0.5)',
timelineItemBorderWidth: 1,
timelineControlColor: '#293c55',
timelineControlBorderColor: '#293c55',
timelineControlBorderWidth: 0.5,
timelineLabelColor: '#293c55',
datazoomBackgroundColor: 'rgba(47,69,84,0)',
datazoomDataColor: 'rgba(47,69,84,0.3)',
datazoomFillColor: 'rgba(167,183,204,0.4)',
datazoomHandleColor: '#a7b7cc',
datazoomHandleWidth: '100',
datazoomLabelColor: '#333'
defaultTheme.axis = [defaultTheme.axes[0]];
var updateChartsDebounced = _.debounce(updateCharts, 200);
// load themes
for (var i = 0; i < PRE_DEFINED_THEMES.length; ++i) {
loadTheme(i, true);
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#content',
data: {
theme: cloneObject(defaultTheme),
themeName: 'customed',
charts: [],
options: [],
isPauseChartUpdating: false,
copyKbd: isMac() ? 'cmd' : 'ctrl',
downloadable: !isIe() && !isEdge(),
preDefinedThemes: PRE_DEFINED_THEMES,
loadedThemes: [],
chartDisplay: {
background: '#fff',
title: '#000'
methods: {
updateCharts: updateCharts,
updateSymbol: function(symbol) {
vm.theme.symbol = symbol;
selectPreDefinedTheme: function(id) {
for (var i = 0; i < vm.loadedThemes.length; ++i) {
if (vm.loadedThemes[i].id === id) {
// use cache
// no cache found
loadTheme(id, false);
useTheme: function() {
_hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'theme-builder', 'useTheme', vm.themeName]);
$('#json-code').text(JSON.stringify(getTheme(true), null, ' '));
// code highlighting
downloadThemeJson: function() {
_hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'theme-builder', 'download', 'json']);
saveJsonFile(getTheme(true), (vm.themeName || 'customed') + '.json');
downloadThemeJs: function() {
_hmt.push(['_trackEvent', 'theme-builder', 'download', 'js']);
saveJsFile(getExportJsFile(), (vm.themeName || 'customed') + '.js');
copyThemeJson: function() {
copyThemeJs: function() {
newTheme: function() {
this.$set('theme', cloneObject(defaultTheme));
this.$set('themeName', 'customed');
exportJson: function() {
// delete replicated axis option, which is included in theme.axes
var theme = cloneObject(vm.theme);
delete theme.axis;
version: VERSION,
themeName: vm.themeName,
theme: theme
}, (vm.themeName || 'customed') + '.project.json');
importJson: function() {
importFileChanged: function(e) {
if (! {
// cancelled selecting, do nothing
var file =[0];
var extension ='.'));
if (extension !== '.json') {
alert('非法后缀!请使用本网站导出的 *.json 文件。');
// read local file
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function() {
// update theme
reader.onerror = function(e) {
axisSeperateSettingChanges: function() {
// change axis settings to display
if (vm.theme.axisSeperateSetting) {
vm.theme.axis = vm.theme.axes;
} else {
vm.theme.axis = [vm.theme.axes[0]];
vm.$watch('theme', updateChartsDebounced, {
deep: true
// init axis setting
function onThemeImported(result) {
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(result);
if (obj.themeName === undefined && obj.version === undefined) {
alert('请使用本网站“导出配置”的 JSON 文件,而不是下载的主题文件。');
// theme name
vm.$set('themeName', obj.themeName || 'customed');
if (obj.version < VERSION) {
// out-dated, use as much attribute as possible
var unfound = [];
var newTheme = obj.theme;
for (var attr in defaultTheme) {
if (attr !== 'axis') {
if (typeof obj.theme[attr] !== 'undefined') {
newTheme.attr = obj.theme[attr];
} else {
// unfound attribute in theme file, use default
if (unfound.length > 0) {
alert('导入的主题版本较低,有' + unfound.length + '个属性未被设置,现已使用默认值。');
} else {
vm.$set('theme', obj.theme);
// update axis according to if using seperate axes
} catch(e) {
alert('非法 JSON 格式!请使用本网站导出的 *.json 文件。');
function getTheme(isToExport) {
var pumpkin = 'path://M237.062,81.761L237.062,81.761c-12.144-14.24-25.701-20.1-40.68-19.072 c-10.843,0.747-20.938,5.154-30.257,13.127c-9.51-5.843-19.8-9.227-30.859-10.366c0.521-3.197,1.46-6.306,2.85-9.363 c3.458-7.038,8.907-12.741,16.331-17.296c-5.609-3.384-11.227-6.799-16.854-10.279c-16.257,8.104-25.06,20.601-26.463,38.417 c-7.599,1.705-14.685,4.486-21.247,8.437c-9.164-7.677-18.996-11.917-29.496-12.632c-14.819-0.998-28.467,4.787-40.938,18.827 C6.445,96.182,0,114.867,0,136.242c-0.007,6.371,0.674,12.646,2.053,18.738c4.593,22.785,15.398,41.367,32.558,55.344 c15.43,12.773,29.901,18.023,43.362,16.981c7.074-0.561,13.624-3.977,19.685-10.192c10.534,5.49,20.391,8.217,29.561,8.203 c9.856-0.012,20.236-2.953,31.125-8.898c6.227,6.692,12.966,10.346,20.211,10.933c13.795,1.073,28.614-4.111,44.377-16.84 c17.49-14.104,28.043-32.79,31.796-55.485c0.836-5.624,1.272-11.292,1.272-16.966C255.998,115.814,249.707,96.601,237.062,81.761z M54.795,97.7l40.661,14.496c-4.402,8.811-10.766,13.219-19.06,13.219c-2.542,0-4.917-0.419-7.122-1.274 C58.103,118.38,53.263,109.572,54.795,97.7z M150.613,185.396l-9.156-8.389l-7.619,12.951c-3.391,0.341-6.615,0.514-9.665,0.514 c-4.401,0-8.635-0.263-12.708-0.777l-8.634-14.973l-9.151,9.909c-4.91-2.717-9.15-5.856-12.708-9.413 c-8.81-8.295-13.384-17.959-13.727-28.97c2.877,1.692,7.427,3.461,13.675,5.308l10.636,13.629l9.44-9.852 c4.734,0.702,9.234,1.12,13.466,1.275l10.689,11.498l9.671-11.949c3.559-0.173,7.285-0.515,11.182-1.01l9.924,10.159l10.933-14.227 c5.931-1.351,11.196-2.798,15.771-4.323C179.747,163.538,169.068,176.414,150.613,185.396z M175.258,124.907 c-2.209,0.849-4.66,1.273-7.369,1.273c-8.134,0-14.489-4.415-19.052-13.224l40.905-14.477 C191.105,110.331,186.273,119.141,175.258,124.907z';
var isFlattern = echarts.version.split('.')[0] >= 4;
var seriesStyle = {
itemStyle: isFlattern
? {
borderWidth: vm.theme.symbolBorderWidth
: {
normal: {
borderWidth: vm.theme.symbolBorderWidth
lineStyle: isFlattern
? {
width: vm.theme.lineWidth
: {
normal: {
width: vm.theme.lineWidth
symbolSize: vm.theme.symbolSize,
symbol: vm.theme.symbol,
smooth: vm.theme.lineSmooth
var itemStyle = {
borderWidth: vm.theme.borderWidth,
borderColor: vm.theme.borderColor
var border = isFlattern ? {
itemStyle: itemStyle
} : {
itemStyle: {
normal: itemStyle,
emphasis: itemStyle
if (vm.themeName === 'halloween') {
seriesStyle.symbol = pumpkin;
border.symbol = pumpkin;
var map = {
itemStyle: {
normal: {
areaColor: vm.theme.mapAreaColor,
borderColor: vm.theme.mapBorderColor,
borderWidth: vm.theme.mapBorderWidth
emphasis: {
areaColor: vm.theme.mapAreaColorE,
borderColor: vm.theme.mapBorderColorE,
borderWidth: vm.theme.mapBorderWidthE
label: {
normal: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.mapLabelColor
emphasis: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.mapLabelColorE
return {
color: vm.theme.color,
backgroundColor: isToExport ? vm.theme.backgroundColor : 'transparent',
textStyle: vm.theme.textColorShow ? {
color: vm.theme.textColor
} : {},
title: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.titleColor
subtextStyle: {
color: vm.theme.subtitleColor
line: seriesStyle,
radar: seriesStyle,
bar: (function() {
var itemStyle = {
barBorderWidth: vm.theme.borderWidth,
barBorderColor: vm.theme.borderColor
return isFlattern
? {
itemStyle: itemStyle
: {
itemStyle: {
normal: itemStyle,
emphasis: itemStyle
pie: border,
scatter: border,
boxplot: border,
parallel: border,
sankey: border,
funnel: border,
gauge: border,
candlestick: (function() {
var itemStyle = {
color: vm.theme.kColor,
color0: vm.theme.kColor0,
borderColor: vm.theme.kBorderColor,
borderColor0: vm.theme.kBorderColor0,
borderWidth: vm.theme.kBorderWidth
return isFlattern
? {
itemStyle: itemStyle
: {
itemStyle: {
normal: itemStyle
graph: (function() {
var style = cloneObject(seriesStyle);
style.color = vm.theme.color;
var lineStyle = {
width: vm.theme.graphLineWidth,
color: vm.theme.graphLineColor
var textStyle = {
color: vm.theme.markTextColor
style.lineStyle = isFlattern ? lineStyle : { normal: lineStyle };
style.label = isFlattern ? {
textStyle: textStyle
} : {
normal: textStyle
var itemStyle = isFlattern ? style.itemStyle : style.itemStyle.normal;
itemStyle.borderWidth = vm.theme.borderWidth;
itemStyle.borderColor = vm.theme.borderColor;
return style;
map: map,
geo: map,
categoryAxis: getAxis(1),
valueAxis: getAxis(2),
logAxis: getAxis(3),
timeAxis: getAxis(4),
toolbox: {
iconStyle: {
normal: {
borderColor: vm.theme.toolboxColor
emphasis: {
borderColor: vm.theme.toolboxEmphasisColor
legend: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.legendTextColor
tooltip: {
axisPointer: {
lineStyle: {
color: vm.theme.tooltipAxisColor,
width: vm.theme.tooltipAxisWidth
crossStyle: {
color: vm.theme.tooltipAxisColor,
width: vm.theme.tooltipAxisWidth
timeline: {
lineStyle: {
color: vm.theme.timelineLineColor,
width: vm.theme.timelineLineWidth
itemStyle: {
normal: {
color: vm.theme.timelineItemColor,
borderWidth: vm.theme.timelineItemBorderWidth
emphasis: {
color: vm.theme.timelineItemColorE
controlStyle: {
normal: {
color: vm.theme.timelineControlColor,
borderColor: vm.theme.timelineControlBorderColor,
borderWidth: vm.theme.timelineControlBorderWidth
emphasis: {
color: vm.theme.timelineControlColor,
borderColor: vm.theme.timelineControlBorderColor,
borderWidth: vm.theme.timelineControlBorderWidth
checkpointStyle: {
color: vm.theme.timelineCheckColor,
borderColor: vm.theme.timelineCheckBorderColor
label: {
normal: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.timelineLabelColor
emphasis: {
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.timelineLabelColor
visualMap: {
color: vm.theme.visualMapColor
dataZoom: {
backgroundColor: vm.theme.datazoomBackgroundColor,
dataBackgroundColor: vm.theme.datazoomDataColor,
fillerColor: vm.theme.datazoomFillColor,
handleColor: vm.theme.datazoomHandleColor,
handleSize: vm.theme.datazoomHandleWidth + '%',
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.datazoomLabelColor
markPoint: (function() {
var textStyle = {
color: vm.theme.markTextColor
return isFlattern ? {
label: textStyle,
emphasis: {
label: textStyle
} : {
label: {
normal: textStyle,
emphasis: textStyle
function getAxis(id) {
if (!vm.theme.axisSeperateSetting) {
id = 0;
return {
axisLine: {
show: vm.theme.axes[id].axisLineShow,
lineStyle: {
color: vm.theme.axes[id].axisLineColor
axisTick: {
show: vm.theme.axes[id].axisTickShow,
lineStyle: {
color: vm.theme.axes[id].axisTickColor
axisLabel: {
show: vm.theme.axes[id].axisLabelShow,
textStyle: {
color: vm.theme.axes[id].axisLabelColor
splitLine: {
show: vm.theme.axes[id].splitLineShow,
lineStyle: {
color: vm.theme.axes[id].splitLineColor
splitArea: {
show: vm.theme.axes[id].splitAreaShow,
areaStyle: {
color: vm.theme.axes[id].splitAreaColor
var timeout;
// update a chart with index of idx, options as echarts options,
// and rootIdx as index of the starting chart
function updatingStep(idx, options, rootIdx) {
var $panel = $('.ec-panel').eq(idx);
if ($panel.length) {
var chart = echarts.getInstanceByDom($panel[0]);
if (chart) {
chart = echarts.init($panel[0], 'customed');
// next chart is the chart after this one,
// or from begining
var next = idx + 1;
if (next === $('.ec-panel').length) {
next = 0;
// loop until the first updated chart
if (next !== rootIdx) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
updatingStep(next, options, rootIdx);
}, 150);
function updateCharts() {
if (vm.isPauseChartUpdating) {
// do nothing when paused
echarts.registerTheme('customed', getTheme(false));
var options = getOptions(vm);
if (timeout) {
// update from the first visible chart
var max = $('.ec-panel').length;
var hasUpdated = false;
for (var i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
var $chart = $('.ec-panel').eq(i);
if ($chart.offset().top + $chart.height() > 0) {
// start from here
updatingStep(i, options, i);
hasUpdated = true;
if (!hasUpdated) {
// fallback
// start from 0 if something wrong happened and no one found visible
updatingStep(0, options);
// update background and title
vm.chartDisplay.background = vm.theme.backgroundColor;
vm.chartDisplay.title = vm.theme.titleColor;
function saveJsonFile(json, name) {
var data = JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ');
saveFile(data, name, 'json');
function saveJsFile(data, name) {
saveFile(data, name, 'js');
function saveFile(data, name, type) {
if (isSafari()) {'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data));
} else {
try {
var file = new Blob([data], {type: type});
saveAs(file, name);
} catch(e) {
console.error(e);'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(data));
function isSafari() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') > 0 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') < 0;
function isIe() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0;
function isEdge() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') > 0;
function isMac() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') > 0;
function getExportJsFile() {
// format theme with 4 spaces
var theme = JSON.stringify(getTheme(true), null, ' ');
// indent with 4 spaces
theme = theme.split('\n').join('\n ');
return '(function (root, factory) {\n' +
' if (typeof define === \'function\' && define.amd) {\n' +
' // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\n' +
' define([\'exports\', \'echarts\'], factory);\n' +
' } else if (typeof exports === \'object\' && typeof ' +
'exports.nodeName !== \'string\') {\n' +
' // CommonJS\n' +
' factory(exports, require(\'echarts\'));\n' +
' } else {\n' +
' // Browser globals\n' +
' factory({}, root.echarts);\n' +
' }\n' +
'}(this, function (exports, echarts) {\n' +
' var log = function (msg) {\n' +
' if (typeof console !== \'undefined\') {\n' +
' console && console.error && console.error(msg);\n' +
' }\n' +
' };\n' +
' if (!echarts) {\n' +
' log(\'ECharts is not Loaded\');\n' +
' return;\n' +
' }\n' +
' echarts.registerTheme(\'' + vm.themeName + '\', ' + theme + ');\n' +
function copyToClipboard(jsOrJson) {
// select code
// IE has both window.getSelection and document.selection, but works only
// with the former one
if (window.getSelection) {
var range = document.createRange();
range.selectNode($('#' + jsOrJson + '-code')[0]);
var select = window.getSelection();
} else if (document.selection) {
var range = document.body.createTextRange();
range.moveToElementText($('#' + jsOrJson + '-code')[0]);;
// hide previous information
$('.code-btn label').hide();
// copy to clipboard
// ie and edge neigher can copy
if (!isIe() && !isEdge() && document.execCommand('copy')) {
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function showAndHide(id) {
$('#' + id).fadeIn();
setTimeout(function() {
$('#' + id).fadeOut();
}, 10000);
function cloneObject(obj) {
return $.extend(true, {}, obj);
function loadTheme(id, preload) {
url: './theme-builder/themes/' + PRE_DEFINED_THEMES[id].name + '.json',
dataType: 'text',
success: function(data) {
id: id,
data: data
if (!preload) {