doc: add data-transform handbook
3 files changed
tree: 934353e559af4e3d4382b2cb5871fed957c2b050
  1. assets/
  2. build/
  3. components/
  4. configs/
  5. contents/
  6. layouts/
  7. middleware/
  8. pages/
  9. plugins/
  10. static/
  11. store/
  12. types/
  13. .editorconfig
  14. .eslintrc.js
  15. .gitignore
  16. app.html
  18. nuxt.config.js
  19. package-lock.json
  20. package.json
  22. tsconfig.json


This project is part of the source of The Apache ECharts (incubating) Official Website. See incubator-echarts-website for more details of the building process.


npm install


npm run dev

Open in browser: http://localhost:3000/echarts-handbook/dist/


# Update contributors
npm run prepare

# Generate to `dist`
npm run generate


Create a new article

Add .md files under contents/zh/ or contents/en/, and fill in the info in contents/zh/posts.js and contents/en/posts.js.

Reference to Apache ECharts Doc

Do it like this:

xxxx [series.encode](${optionPath}#series.encode) xxxx

Note: if you want it to work in development environment, you may need to edit the config file configs/ make the value of optionPath point to a running environment of incubator-echarts-doc.

Reference to an example

Suppose area-basic is one of the example names in incubator-echarts-examples.

Just add a link of the example:

[this case](${exampleEditorPath}area-basic&edit=1&reset=1)

Embed the live example into the page:

<iframe width="600" height="300" src="${exampleViewPath}area-basic&edit=1&reset=1"></iframe>

Note: if you want it to work in development environment, you may need to edit the config file configs/ make the value of exampleViewPath and exampleEditorPath point to a running environment of incubator-echarts-examples.