blob: a134dd7ea517b306db3d072e2064460150cc4133 [file] [log] [blame]
var lang = window.EC_DEMO_LANG;
var isCN = lang !== 'en';
line: ['折线图', 'Line'],
bar: ['柱状图', 'Bar'],
pie: ['饼图', 'Pie'],
scatter: ['散点图', 'Scatter'],
map: ['地理坐标/地图', 'GEO/Map'],
candlestick: ['K 线图', 'Candlestick'],
radar: ['雷达图', 'Radar'],
boxplot: ['盒须图', 'Boxplot'],
heatmap: ['热力图', 'Heatmap'],
graph: ['关系图', 'Graph'],
lines: ['路径图', 'Lines'],
tree: ['树图', 'Tree'],
treemap: ['矩形树图', 'Treemap'],
sunburst: ['旭日图', 'Sunburst'],
parallel: ['平行坐标系', 'Parallel'],
sankey: ['桑基图', 'Sankey'],
funnel: ['漏斗图', 'Funnel'],
gauge: ['仪表盘', 'Gauge'],
pictorialBar: ['象形柱图', 'PictorialBar'],
themeRiver: ['主题河流图', 'ThemeRiver'],
calendar: ['日历坐标系', 'Calendar'],
custom: ['自定义系列', 'Custom'],
dataset: ['数据集', 'Dataset'],
dataZoom: ['数据区域缩放', 'DataZoom'],
drag: ['拖拽', 'Drag'],
rich: ['富文本', 'Rich Text'],
globe: ['3D 地球', '3D Globe'],
bar3D: ['3D 柱状图', '3D Bar'],
scatter3D: ['3D 散点图', '3D Scatter'],
surface: ['3D 曲面', '3D Surface'],
map3D: ['3D 地图', '3D Map'],
lines3D: ['3D 路径图', '3D Lines'],
line3D: ['3D 折线图', '3D Line'],
scatterGL: ['GL 散点图', 'Scatter GL'],
linesGL: ['GL 路径图', 'Lines GL'],
flowGL: ['GL 矢量场图', 'Flow GL'],
graphGL: ['GL 关系图', 'Graph GL']
var COLORS = {
default: ['#c23531','#2f4554', '#61a0a8', '#d48265', '#91c7ae','#749f83', '#ca8622', '#bda29a','#6e7074', '#546570', '#c4ccd3'],
light: ['#37A2DA', '#32C5E9', '#67E0E3', '#9FE6B8', '#FFDB5C','#ff9f7f', '#fb7293', '#E062AE', '#E690D1', '#e7bcf3', '#9d96f5', '#8378EA', '#96BFFF'],
dark: ['#dd6b66','#759aa0','#e69d87','#8dc1a9','#ea7e53','#eedd78','#73a373','#73b9bc','#7289ab', '#91ca8c','#f49f42']
var blackMap = (function (list) {
var map = {};
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
map[list[i]] = 1;
return location.href.indexOf('') >= 0 ? {} : map;
// Params parser
var params = {};
( || '').substr(1).split('&').forEach(function (item) {
var kv = item.split('=');
params[kv[0]] = kv[1];
$('#theme .' + (params.theme || 'default')).addClass('selected');
if (params.theme === 'dark') {
// Add popover
$('#theme a').popover({
html: true,
content: function () {
var theme = $(this).data('theme');
return '<div class="theme-palette ' + theme + '">'
+ COLORS[theme].map(function (color) {
return '<span style="background-color:' + color + '"></span>'
+ '</div>';
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'hover'
var charts = [];
$(document).ready(function() {
// chart type as category
var $container = $('#explore-container .chart-list-panel');
var $nav = $('#left-chart-nav ul');
for (var type in CHART_TYPES) {
if (CHART_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
$container.append('<h3 class="chart-type-head" id="chart-type-'
+ type + '">'
+ (
? CHART_TYPES[type][0] + '<span>' + CHART_TYPES[type][1] + '</span>'
: CHART_TYPES[type][1]
+ '</h3>')
.append('<div class="row" id="chart-row-' + type + '"></div>');
'<a class="left-chart-nav-link" id="left-chart-nav-' + type + '" '
+ 'href="#chart-type-' + type + '">'
+ '<div class="chart-icon"></div>'
+ '<div class="chart-name">' + CHART_TYPES[type][isCN ? 0 : 1] + '</div>'
+ '</a>'));
function addExamples(examples, isGL) {
var remainExamples = new Array(examples.length);
for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; ++i) {
remainExamples[i] = {categoryIndex: 0, item: examples[i]};
// The examples has been sorted by `difficulty` asc.
// load charts
while (remainExamples.length) {
var wrap = remainExamples.pop();
var exampleItem = wrap.item;
if (blackMap.hasOwnProperty( {
// show title if exists
var title = exampleItem.title || (isCN ? '未命名图表' : 'Unnamed Chart');
// append dom element
var $row = $('<div class="col-xl-2 col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6"></div>');
var $chart = $('<div class="chart"></div>');
var category = exampleItem.category;
if (!(category instanceof Array)) {
category = [category];
$('#chart-row-' + category[wrap.categoryIndex]).append($row.append($chart));
// Here sort the display sequence by category.
// But category has lower priority than dificulty.
if (wrap.categoryIndex < category.length) {
var hash = ['c=' +];
var exampleTheme = exampleItem.theme || params.theme;
if (isGL) {
if (exampleTheme) {
hash.push('theme=' + exampleTheme);
var $link = $('<a target="_blank" class="chart-link" href="./editor.html?' + hash.join('&') + '"></a>');
$link.append('<h4 class="chart-title">' + title + '</h4>');
var themePostfix = (isGL || !params.theme) ? '' : ('-' + params.theme);
// load chart image
var $chartArea = $('<img class="chart-area" src="../images/placeholder.jpg?_v_=' + CDN_PAY_VERSION
+ '" data-original="' + CDN_PAY_ROOT_PATH + '/' + (isGL ? 'data-gl' : 'data') + '/thumb' + themePostfix + '/'
+ + '.jpg?_v_=' + CDN_PAY_VERSION + '" />');
addExamples(EXAMPLES, false);
addExamples(EXAMPLES_GL, true);
// chart nav highlighting as scrolling
var waypoints = $('.chart-type-head').waypoint(function (direction) {
var names ='-');
if (names.length === 3) {
$('#left-chart-nav li').removeClass('active');
$('#left-chart-nav-' + names[2]).parent('li').addClass('active');
}, {
offset: 70
window.addEventListener('hashchange', function () {
// move window down at the height of navbar so that title will not
// be hidden when goes to hash tag
scrollBy(0, -80);
// changes highlighting as hash tag changes
var names = location.hash.split('-');
if (names.length === 3) {
$('#left-chart-nav li').removeClass('active');
$('#left-chart-nav-' + names[2]).parent('li').addClass('active');
// highlight the first chart in chart navbar
$('#left-chart-nav li').first().addClass('active');