blob: 95a0d0f96b40637be7e9c1924dfd2cc7114368cf [file] [log] [blame]
// import * as matter from 'gray-matter';
import {URL_PARAMS} from '../common/config';
export const store = {
cdnRoot: '',
version: '',
locale: '',
darkMode: URL_PARAMS.theme === 'dark',
enableDecal: 'decal' in URL_PARAMS,
renderer: URL_PARAMS.renderer || 'canvas',
typeCheck: URL_PARAMS.editor === 'monaco',
useDirtyRect: 'useDirtyRect' in URL_PARAMS,
runCode: '',
sourceCode: '',
runHash: '',
isMobile: window.innerWidth < 600,
editorStatus: {
type: '',
message: ''
export function loadExampleCode() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const dataRoot = ? 'data-gl' : 'data';
? `${store.cdnRoot}/examples/ts/${URL_PARAMS.c}.ts?_v_${store.version}`
: `${store.cdnRoot}/${dataRoot}/${URL_PARAMS.c}.js?_v_${store.version}`,
dataType: 'text',
success: (data) => {
export function parseSourceCode(code) {
return code
// remove front matter
.replace(/\/\*[\w\W]*?\*\//, '').trim()
// ts code needs add `export {}` to be a module. remove it.
.replace(/export\s+\{\s*\}\s*;?$/g, '');
let hashId = 123;
export function updateRunHash() {
store.runHash = hashId++;