blob: 4786d759e85500081c23a3b572ee97f04ecd4c1c [file] [log] [blame]
import showDebugDirtyRect from '../dep/showDebugDirtyRect';
export function createSandbox(optionUpdated) {
let appEnv = {};
let gui;
let _intervalIdList = [];
let _timeoutIdList = [];
const _oldSetTimeout = window.setTimeout;
const _oldSetInterval = window.setInterval;
function setTimeout(func, delay) {
var id = _oldSetTimeout(func, delay);
return id;
function setInterval(func, gap) {
var id = _oldSetInterval(func, gap);
return id;
function _clearTimeTickers() {
for (var i = 0; i < _intervalIdList.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < _timeoutIdList.length; i++) {
_intervalIdList = [];
_timeoutIdList = [];
const _events = [];
function _wrapOnMethods(chart) {
const oldOn = chart.on;
const oldSetOption = chart.setOption;
chart.on = function (eventName) {
const res = oldOn.apply(chart, arguments);
return res;
chart.setOption = function () {
const res = oldSetOption.apply(this, arguments);
optionUpdated && optionUpdated(chart);
return res;
function _clearChartEvents(chart) {
_events.forEach(function (eventName) {
if (chart) {;
_events.length = 0;
let chartInstance;
return {
resize() {
if (chartInstance) {
dispose() {
if (chartInstance) {
chartInstance = null;
getDataURL() {
return chartInstance.getDataURL({
pixelRatio: 2,
excludeComponents: ['toolbox']
getOption() {
return chartInstance.getOption();
run(el, store) {
if (!chartInstance) {
chartInstance = echarts.init(el, store.darkMode ? 'dark' : '', {
renderer: store.renderer,
useDirtyRect: store.useDirtyRect
if (store.useDirtyRect && store.renderer === 'canvas') {
try {
showDebugDirtyRect(chartInstance.getZr(), {
autoHideDelay: 500
catch (e) {
// if (this.hasEditorError()) {
// log(this.$t('editor.errorInEditor'), 'error');
// return;
// }
// TODO Scope the variables in component.
// Reset
appEnv.config = null;
// run the code
const compiledCode = store.runCode;
const func = new Function(
'myChart', 'app', 'setTimeout', 'setInterval', 'ROOT_PATH',
'var option;\n' + compiledCode + '\nreturn option;'
const option = func(chartInstance, appEnv, setTimeout, setInterval, store.cdnRoot);
let updateTime = 0;
if (option && typeof option === 'object') {
const startTime = +new Date();
chartInstance.setOption(option, true);
const endTime = +new Date();
updateTime = endTime - startTime;
if (gui) {
gui = null;
if (appEnv.config) {
gui = new dat.GUI({
autoPlace: false
position: 'absolute',
right: 5,
top: 0,
zIndex: 1000
var configParameters = appEnv.configParameters || {};
for (var name in appEnv.config) {
var value = appEnv.config[name];
if (name !== 'onChange' && name !== 'onFinishChange') {
var isColor = false;
// var value = obj;
var controller = null;
if (configParameters[name]) {
if (configParameters[name].options) {
controller = gui.add(appEnv.config, name, configParameters[name].options);
else if (configParameters[name].min != null) {
controller = gui.add(appEnv.config, name, configParameters[name].min, configParameters[name].max);
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
try {
var colorArr = echarts.color.parse(value);
isColor = !!colorArr;
if (isColor) {
value = echarts.color.stringify(colorArr, 'rgba');
catch (e) {}
if (!controller) {
controller = gui[isColor ? 'addColor' : 'add'](appEnv.config, name);
appEnv.config.onChange && controller.onChange(appEnv.config.onChange);
appEnv.config.onFinishChange && controller.onFinishChange(appEnv.config.onFinishChange);
return updateTime;