update style of sidenav
34 files changed
tree: b179aac43e1a7e0600ff3ecf055a17b86dd0b9d5
  1. build/
  2. common/
  3. config/
  4. public/
  5. src/
  6. test/
  7. tool/
  8. .babelrc
  9. .eslintrc.yaml
  10. .gitignore
  11. _config.yml
  12. package-lock.json
  13. package.json
  14. README.md

Examples of ECharts


npm install


npm run dev


npm run release

It will copy all the build resources to incubator-echarts-website/next/examples

Use local echarts build

  1. Update the URL of localEChartsMinJS in common/config.js
  2. Add local=1 in URL. For example: editor.html?c=area-basic&local=1

Update example snapshots

node tool/build-example.js

Only for default theme

node tool/build-example.js -t default

Run bundler tests.

Run all the examples to test module importing, minimal bundling and DTS correctness.

Before run the tests. you need to update the examples.

node tool/build-example.js

Then update the echartsDir and zrenderDir path in test/config.js

If you want to test with esbuild bundler.

npm run test:esbuild

Otherwise it will use webpack bundler.

npm run test:webpack

Edit example

All test cases are in the public/data folder. The comment in the header

title: Area Pieces
titleCN: 折线图区域高亮
category: 'line, visualMap'

describes the meta info of this example.

Some built-in features available in examples

Import third-party library

For example:

    $.getScript(ROOT_PATH + '/data/asset/js/myTransform.js'),
).done(function () {
    // ...

Controller panel

Use this code to enable controller panel for a example:

app.config = {
    aNameForTheSelectWidget: 'This is the initial value'
    aNameForTheRangeWidget: 45,
    aNameForTheButtonWidget: function () {
        // Do something.
    onChange: function () {
        // Do something.
app.configParameters = {
    aNameForTheSelectWidget: {
        options: [
            'This is the initial value',
            'This is another value',
            'This is the third value'
    aNameForTheRangeWidget: {
        min: -90,
        max: 90


app.onresize = function () {
    // Do something.

Get width and height of the chart area

var width = myChart.getWidth();
var height = myChart.getHeight();