blob: ec22555f4f0f94d75f85c13b5b65d9068b0a6049 [file] [log] [blame]
export default {
en: {
editor: {
run: 'Run',
format: 'Format',
openWithCodeSandbox: 'Open with CodeSandbox',
openWithCodePen: 'Open with CodePen',
errorInEditor: 'Errors exist in code!',
infiniteLoopInEditor: 'Potential infinite loops exist in code!',
potentialRedirectionInEditor: 'Potential redirection exists in code!',
chartOK: 'Chart has been generated successfully, ',
darkMode: 'Dark Mode',
enableDecal: 'Decal Pattern',
// lightMode: 'Light Mode',
renderCfgTitle: 'Render',
renderer: 'Renderer',
useDirtyRect: 'Use Dirty Rect',
randomData: 'Random',
download: 'Download',
screenshot: 'Screenshot',
edit: 'Edit',
tabEditor: 'Edit Code',
tabFullCodePreview: 'Full Code',
tabOptionPreview: 'Option Preview',
minimalBundle: 'Minimal Bundle',
tooltip: {
jsMode: 'JavaScript',
tsMode: 'TypeScript - Provides Better Intelligent',
noTs: 'No Available TypeScript Code',
gotoDoc: 'Go To Documentation'
'Modified code will be lost. Do you want to continue?',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes',
cancelButtonText: 'No',
share: {
title: 'Share',
success: 'Sharable URL has been copied to your clipboard',
hint: 'Please be aware that this chart is not an official demo of Apache ECharts but is made by user-generated code.',
tooltip: 'Create a sharable link for your code ✨'
chartTypes: {
line: 'Line',
bar: 'Bar',
pie: 'Pie',
scatter: 'Scatter',
map: 'GEO/Map',
candlestick: 'Candlestick',
radar: 'Radar',
boxplot: 'Boxplot',
heatmap: 'Heatmap',
graph: 'Graph',
lines: 'Lines',
tree: 'Tree',
treemap: 'Treemap',
sunburst: 'Sunburst',
parallel: 'Parallel',
sankey: 'Sankey',
funnel: 'Funnel',
gauge: 'Gauge',
pictorialBar: 'PictorialBar',
themeRiver: 'ThemeRiver',
calendar: 'Calendar',
custom: 'Custom',
dataset: 'Dataset',
dataZoom: 'DataZoom',
graphic: 'Graphic',
rich: 'Rich Text',
globe: '3D Globe',
bar3D: '3D Bar',
scatter3D: '3D Scatter',
surface: '3D Surface',
map3D: '3D Map',
lines3D: '3D Lines',
line3D: '3D Line',
scatterGL: 'Scatter GL',
linesGL: 'Lines GL',
flowGL: 'Flow GL',
graphGL: 'Graph GL'
zh: {
editor: {
run: '运行',
format: '格式化',
openWithCodeSandbox: '在 CodeSandbox 中编辑',
openWithCodePen: '在 CodePen 中编辑',
errorInEditor: '编辑器内容有误!',
infiniteLoopInEditor: '编辑器内容可能存在无限循环!',
potentialRedirectionInEditor: '编辑器内容可能存在重定向代码!',
chartOK: '图表已生成, ',
darkMode: '深色模式',
enableDecal: '无障碍花纹',
randomData: '随机数据',
// lightMode: '浅色模式',
renderCfgTitle: '渲染设置',
useDirtyRect: '开启脏矩形优化',
renderer: '渲染模式',
download: '下载示例',
screenshot: '截图',
downloadSourceTip: '此示例下载自',
edit: '编辑',
monacoMode: '开启类型检查',
tabEditor: '代码编辑',
tabFullCodePreview: '完整代码',
tabOptionPreview: '配置项',
minimalBundle: '按需引入',
tooltip: {
jsMode: 'JavaScript 代码编辑',
tsMode: 'TypeScript 代码编辑,提供更好的代码补全和类型检查',
noTs: '该示例暂无 TypeScript 版本',
gotoDoc: '查看文档'
codeChangedConfirm: '已经修改过的代码将会丢失,是否确认继续?',
confirmButtonText: '确认',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
share: {
title: '分享',
success: '分享链接已复制到剪贴板',
hint: '请注意,该图表不是 Apache ECharts 官方示例,而是由用户代码生成的。请注意鉴别其内容。',
tooltip: '为当前代码创建一个可分享的链接 ✨'
chartTypes: {
line: '折线图',
bar: '柱状图',
pie: '饼图',
scatter: '散点图',
map: '地理坐标/地图',
candlestick: 'K 线图',
radar: '雷达图',
boxplot: '盒须图',
heatmap: '热力图',
graph: '关系图',
lines: '路径图',
tree: '树图',
treemap: '矩形树图',
sunburst: '旭日图',
parallel: '平行坐标系',
sankey: '桑基图',
funnel: '漏斗图',
gauge: '仪表盘',
pictorialBar: '象形柱图',
themeRiver: '主题河流图',
calendar: '日历坐标系',
custom: '自定义系列',
dataset: '数据集',
dataZoom: '数据区域缩放',
graphic: '图形组件',
rich: '富文本',
globe: '3D 地球',
bar3D: '3D 柱状图',
scatter3D: '3D 散点图',
surface: '3D 曲面',
map3D: '3D 地图',
lines3D: '3D 路径图',
line3D: '3D 折线图',
scatterGL: 'GL 散点图',
linesGL: 'GL 路径图',
flowGL: 'GL 矢量场图',
graphGL: 'GL 关系图'