

pie chart

The pie chart is mainly used for showing proportion of different categories. Each arc length represents the proportion of data quantity.

Tip: The pie chart is more suitable for illustrating the numerical proportion. If you just to present the numerical differences of various categories, the bar graph chart is more suggested. Because compared to tiny length difference, people is less sensitive to the minor radian difference. Otherwise, it can also be shown as Nightingale chart by using the roseType to distinguish different data through radius.

Since ECharts v4.6.0, we provide 'labelLine' and 'edge' two extra layouts. Check label.alignTo for more information.


For multiple pie series in a single chart, you may use left, right, top, bottom, width, and height to locate the pies. Percetage values like radius or label.margin are relative to the viewport defined by this setting.

** The below example shows a customized Nightingale chart: ** ~500x400

type(string) = ‘pie’

{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: partial-legend-hover-link }}

hoverAnimation(boolean) = true

Whether to enable the zoom animation effects when hovering sectors.

hoverOffset(number) = 10

The offset distance of hovered sector.

selectedMode(boolean|string) = false

Selected mode of pie. It is enabled by default, and you may set it to be false to disabled it.

Besides, it can be set to 'single' or 'multiple', for single selection and multiple selection.

selectedOffset(number) = 10

The offset distance of selected sector.

clockwise(boolean) = true

Whether the layout of sectors of pie chart is clockwise.

startAngle(number) = 90

The start angle, which range is [0, 360].

minAngle(number) = 0

The minimum angle of sector (0 ~ 360). It prevents some sector from being too small when value is small, which will affect user interaction.

minShowLabelAngle(number) = 0

If a sector is less than this angle (0 ~ 360), label and labelLine will not be displayed.

roseType(boolean|string) = false

Whether to show as Nightingale chart, which distinguishs data through radius. There are 2 optional modes:

  • 'radius' Use central angle to show the percentage of data, radius to show data size.
  • 'area' All the sectors will share the same central angle, the data size is shown only through radiuses.

avoidLabelOverlap(boolean) = true

Whether to enable the strategy to avoid labels overlap. Defaults to be enabled, which will move the label positions in the case of labels overlapping

stillShowZeroSum(boolean) = true

Whether to show sector when all data are zero.

{{ use: partial-cursor }}

{{ use: partial-rect-layout-width-height( componentName=“pie chart”, defaultLeft=0, defaultTop=0, defaultRight=0, defaultBottom=0 ) }}


{{use:partial-label-desc(name=“pie chart”)}} {{use:partial-pie-label( prefix=“##”, galleryEditorPath = ${galleryEditorPath}, position=true, formatter=true )}}

alignTo(string) = ‘none’

Label aligning policy. Valid only when position is 'outer'.

Since ECharts v4.6.0, we provide 'labelLine' and 'edge' two extra valid alignTo values.

  • 'none' (default): label lines have fixed length as labelLine.length and labelLine.length2.
  • 'labelLine': aligning to the end of label lines and the length of the shortest horizontal label lines is configured by labelLine.length2.
  • 'edge': aligning to text and the distance between the edges of text and the viewport is configured by label.margin.


margin(string|number) = ‘25%’

The horitontal distance between text edges and viewport when label.position is 'outer' and label.alignTo is 'edge'.


In most cases, you need a small margin value like 10 for mobile devices to make sure more text can be shown instead of being .... But on larger resolutions, a percentage value should be applied so that the label lines won't be too long. If your chart is used in varied resolutions, it is advised to set responsive design for different resolutions.

bleedMargin(number) = 10

The horitontal distance between text and viewport when label.position is 'outer' and label.alignTo is 'none' or 'labelLine'. Longer text will be truncated into '...'.


distanceToLabelLine(number) = 5

Distance between label line and text.



The style of visual guide line. Will show when label position is set as 'outside'.

{{ use: partial-pie-label-line( prefix=‘##’, length=true, length2=true, smooth=true )}}


{{use:partial-item-style-desc}} {{use:partial-item-style( prefix=“##”, useColorPalatte=true, hasCallback=true )}}



{{use:partial-pie-label( prefix=“###”, position=false, formatter=true )}}


{{use: partial-pie-label-line( prefix=‘###’, length=false, length2=false, smooth=false )}}


{{ use:partial-item-style(prefix=“###”) }}

{{use: component-circular-layout( componentName=“Pie chart”, defaultRadius=“[0, ‘75%’]” )}} You can set a large inner radius for a Donut chart.

{{ use: partial-seriesLayoutBy }}

{{ use: partial-datasetIndex }}

{{use:partial-series-dimensions( prefix=“#” )}}

{{use:partial-series-encode( prefix=“#” )}}


{{ use: partial-1d-data-desc }}


The name of data item.


Data value.

selected(boolean) = false

Whether the data item is selected.


The label configuration of a single sector.

{{use:partial-pie-label( prefix=“###”, galleryEditorPath = ${galleryEditorPath}, position=true, formatter=false )}}


{{ use: partial-pie-label-line( prefix=‘###’, length=true, length2=true, smooth=true )}}


{{use:partial-item-style-desc}} {{use:partial-item-style(prefix=“###”)}}



{{use:partial-pie-label( prefix=“####”, position=false, formatter=false )}}


{{use: partial-pie-label-line( prefix=‘####’, length=false, length2=false, smooth=false )}}



{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

{{use: partial-marker( prefix=“#”, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath}, seriesType=“pie” )}}

{{ use:partial-silent( prefix=“#” ) }}

animationType(string) = ‘expansion’

Initial animation type.

  • 'expansion' Default expansion animation.
  • 'scale' Scale animation. You can use it with animationEasing='elasticOut' to have popup effect.

animationTypeUpdate(string) = ‘transition’

Animation type when data updates.

  • 'transition' Changing start and end angle of each sector from the old value to new value.
  • 'expansion' The whole pie expands again.

{{use:partial-animation( prefix=“#”, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

{{ target: partial-pie-label }} #${prefix} show(boolean) = false {{ if: ${position} }} #${prefix} position(string) = ‘outside’ The position of label.

**Options: **

  • 'outside'

    Outside of sectors of pie chart, which relates to corresponding sector through visual guide line.

  • 'inside'

    Inside the sectors of pie chart.

  • 'inner' is the same with 'inside'.

  • 'center'

    In the center of pie chart. See pie-doughnut example

{{ /if }} {{ if: ${formatter} }} #${prefix} formatter(string|Function) {{ use: partial-1d-data-label-formatter(extra = { percent: { desc: ‘percentage’, type: ‘number’ } }) }} {{ /if }}

#${prefix} rotate(boolean|number) = null Label rotation.

  • If true, layout label radically.
  • If number, means degree that labels are rotated. From -90 degree to 90 degree. The negative value represents clockwise.

{{ use:partial-text-style(prefix=${prefix}) }}

{{ target: partial-pie-label-line }} The style of visual guide line. #${prefix} show(boolean) Whether to show the visual guide ine. {{ if: ${length} }} #${prefix} length(number) The length of the first segment of visual guide line. {{ /if }} {{ if: ${length2} }} #${prefix} length2(number) The length of the second segment of visual guide line. {{ /if }} {{ if: ${smooth} }} #${prefix} smooth(boolean|number) = false Whether to smooth the visual guide line. It defaults to be false and can be set as true or the values from 0 to 1 which indicating the smoothness. {{ /if }} #${prefix} lineStyle(Object) {{use:partial-line-style(prefix=“#” + ${prefix})}}