{{target: series-parallel}}


The series in parallel coordinate system.

{{ use: partial-parallel-introduce( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

type(string) = ‘parallel’

{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

{{use: partial-coord-sys( seriesType=“parallel”, coordSysDefault=“‘parallel’”, parallel=true )}}

{{ use: partial-series-name }}

{{use: partial-parallel-line-style(prefix=“#”)}}

inactiveOpacity(number) = 0.05

When perform brush selection, the unselected lines will be set as this transparency rate (which could darken those lines).

activeOpacity(number) = 1

When perform brush selection, the selected lines will be set as this transparency rate (which could highlight those lines).

realtime(boolean) = true

Whether to update view in realtime.

smooth(boolean|number) = false

Whether to smooth the line. It defaults to be false and can be set as true or the values from 0 to 1 which indicating the smoothness.

{{ use:partial-progressive( prefix=‘#’, supportProgressiveChunkMode=true, defaultProgressive=500 ) }}


{{use: partial-parallel-data-example}}


The name of a data item.


The value of a data item.

{{use: partial-parallel-line-style(prefix=“##”)}}

{{use:partial-z-zlevel( prefix=“#”, componentName=“parallel” ) }}

{{ use:partial-silent( prefix=“#” ) }}

{{use: partial-animation( prefix=“#”, defaultAnimationEasing=‘linear’, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

{{target: partial-parallel-line-style}}

#${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

Line style. {{use:partial-line-style( prefix=“##”, defaultWidth=2, defaultOpacity=0.45 )}}

#${prefix} emphasis(Object)

##${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{use:partial-line-style( prefix=“##” + ${prefix}, defaultWidth=2, defaultOpacity=0.45 )}}