{{target: series-boxplot}}


Boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles.



type(string) = ‘boxplot’

{{use: partial-component-id(prefix=“#”)}}

{{use: partial-coord-sys( seriesType=“cartesian2d”, coordSysDefault=“‘cartesian2d’”, cartesian2d=true )}}

{{ use: partial-series-name }}

{{ use: partial-legend-hover-link }}

hoverAnimation(boolean) = true

Whether to enable the animation when hovering on box.

layout(string) = null

Layout methods, whose optional values are:

  • 'horizontal': horizontally layout all boxes.

  • 'vertical': vertically layout all boxes.

The default value is decided by:

  • if there is a category axis:
    • if it is horizontal, use 'horizontal';
    • otherwise use 'vertical';
  • otherwise use 'horizontal'.

boxWidth(Array) = [7, 50]

Up and bottom boundary of box width. The array is in the form of [min, max].

It could be absolute value in pixel, such as [7, 50], or percentage, such as ['40%', '90%']. The percentage means the percentage to the maximum possible width.


{{use: partial-item-style( prefix=“##”, useColorPalatte=true, name=“boxplot”, defaultColor=“#fff”, defaultBorderWidth=1 )}}



{{use: partial-item-style( prefix=“###”, useColorPalatte=true, name=“boxplot”, defaultColor=“#fff”, defaultBorderWidth=2, defaultShadowBlur=5, defaultShadowOffsetX=2, defaultShadowOffsetY=2, defaultShadowColor=“rgba(0,0,0,0.4)” )}}

{{use:partial-series-dimensions( prefix=“#” )}}

{{use:partial-series-encode( prefix=“#” )}}


Data should be the two-dimensional array shown as follow.

    [655, 850, 940, 980, 1175],
    [672.5, 800, 845, 885, 1012.5],
    [780, 840, 855, 880, 940],
    [621.25, 767.5, 815, 865, 1011.25],
    { // the data item could also be an Object, so that it could contains special settings for this data item.
        value: [713.75, 807.5, 810, 870, 963.75],
        itemStyle: {...}

Every data item (each line in the example above) in the two-dimensional array will be rendered into a box, and each line have five values as:

[min,  Q1,  median (or Q2),  Q3,  max]

Data Processing

ECharts doesn't contain data processing modules, so the five statistic values should be calculated by yourself and then passes into boxplot.

However, ECharts also provide some simple raw data processing tools. For example, this example uses echarts.dataTool.prepareBoxplotData to proceed simple data statistics.


Name of data item.


Value of data item.

[min,  Q1,  median (or Q2),  Q3,  max]


{{use: partial-item-style( prefix=“###”, useColorPalatte=true, name=“boxplot”, defaultColor=“#fff”, defaultBorderWidth=1 )}}



{{use: partial-item-style( prefix=“####”, useColorPalatte=true, name=“boxplot”, defaultColor=“#fff”, defaultBorderWidth=2, defaultShadowBlur=5, defaultShadowOffsetX=2, defaultShadowOffsetY=2, defaultShadowColor=“rgba(0,0,0,0.4)” )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}

{{use: partial-marker( prefix=“#”, seriesType=“boxplot”, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath}, hasCoord=true, hasType=true )}}

{{use:partial-z-zlevel( prefix=“#”, componentName=“Box plot” ) }}

{{ use:partial-silent( prefix=“#” ) }}

{{use: partial-animation-init( prefix=“#”, defaultAnimationEasing=‘elasticOut’, defaultAnimationDuration=800, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath} )}}

{{use: partial-tooltip-in-series( galleryViewPath=${galleryViewPath} )}}