{{target: partial-zr-graphic-elements}}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}group(Object)

group is the only type that can contain children, so that a group of elements can be positioned and transformed together.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘group’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} width(number) = 0

Specify width of this group.

This width is only used for the positioning of its children.

When width is 0, children can also be positioned according to its parent using left: 'center'.

##${prefix} height(number) = 0

Specify height of this group.

This height is only used for the positioning of its children.

When height is 0, children can also be positioned according to its parent using top: 'middle'.

##${prefix} diffChildrenByName(boolean) = false

In custom series, when diffChildrenByName is set as true, for each group returned from renderItem, “diff” will be performed to its children according to the name attribute of each graphic elements. Here “diff” means that map the coming graphic elements to the existing graphic elements when repainting according to name, which enables the transition animation if data is modified.

But notice that the operation is performance consuming, do not use it for large data amount.

##${prefix} children(Array)

A list of children, each item is a declaration of an element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘group’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}path(Object)

Use SVG PathData to describe a path. Can be used to draw icons or any other shapes fitting the specified size by auto transforming.

See examples: icons and shapes.

About width/height, cover/contain, see layout.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘path’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

###${prefix} pathData(string)

SVG PathData.

For example, 'M0,0 L0,-20 L30,-20 C42,-20 38,-1 50,-1 L70,-1 L70,0 Z'.

If width, height, x and y specified, pathData will be transformed to fit the defined rect. If they are not specified, do not do that.

layout can be used to specify the transform strategy.

See examples: icons and shapes.

###${prefix} d(string)

Alias of pathData.

###${prefix} layout(string) = ‘center’

If width, height, x and y specified, pathData will be transformed to fit the defined rect.

layout can be used to specify the transform strategy.

Optional value:

  • 'center': Keep aspect ratio, put the path in the center of the rect, expand as far as possible but never overflow.
  • 'cover': Transform the path according to the aspect ratio of the rect, fill the rect and do not overflow.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ /if }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}image(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘image’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

###${prefix} image(string)

Specify contant of the image, can be a URL, or dataURI.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}text(Object)

Text block.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘text’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

###${prefix} text(string) = ''

Text content. \n can be used as a line break.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} font(string)

Font size, font type, font weight, font color, follow the form of css font.

For example:

// size | family
font: '2em "STHeiti", sans-serif'

// style | weight | size | family
font: 'italic bolder 16px cursive'

// weight | size | family
font: 'bolder 2em "Microsoft YaHei", sans-serif'

###${prefix} textAlign(string) = ‘left’

Text horizontal alignment. Optional values: 'left', 'center', 'right'.

'left' means the left side of the text block is specified by the style.x, while 'right' means the right side of the text block is specified by style.y.

###${prefix} textVerticalAlign(string)

Text vertical alignment. Optional values: 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}rect(Object)

Rectangle element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘rect’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} r(Array)

Specify border radius of the rectangular here. Generally, r should be [topLeftRadius, topRightRadius, BottomRightRadius, bottomLeftRadius], where each item is a number.

Abbreviation is enabled, for example:

  • r: 1 means [1, 1, 1, 1]
  • r: [1] means [1, 1, 1, 1]
  • r: [1, 2] means [1, 2, 1, 2]
  • r: [1, 2, 3] means [1, 2, 3, 2]

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}circle(Object)

Circle element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘circle’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}ring(Object)

Ring element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘ring’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}sector(Object)

Sector element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘sector’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}arc(Object)

Arc element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘arc’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }} {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 1, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}polygon(Object)

Polygon element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘polygon’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}polyline(Object)

Polyline element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘polyline’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 5, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}line(Object)

Line element.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘line’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} percent(number) = 1

Specify the percentage of drawing, useful in animation.

Value range: [0, 1].

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( fill = ‘null’, stroke = ‘“#000”’, lineWidth = 5, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

#${prefix} ${hostName}${symbolDeclare}bezierCurve(Object)

Quadratic bezier curve or cubic bezier curve.

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props( type=‘bezierCurve’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} shape(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} cpx1(number) = 0

x of control point.

###${prefix} cpy1(number) = 0

y of control point.

###${prefix} cpx2(number) = null

x of the second control point. If specified, cubic bezier is used.

If both cpx2 and cpy2 are not set, quatratic bezier is used.

###${prefix} cpy2(number) = null

y of the second control point. If specified, cubic bezier is used.

If both cpx2 and cpy2 are not set, quatratic bezier is used.

###${prefix} percent(number) = 1

Specify the percentage of drawing, useful in animation.

Value range: [0, 1].

##${prefix} style(Object)

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-common-props }}

##${prefix} type(string) = ${type}

Must be specified when define a graphic element at the first time.

Optional values: {{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-type-list( optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} id(string) = undefined

id is used to specifying element when willing to update it. id can be ignored if you do not need it.

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }}

##${prefix} $action(string) = ‘merge’

Specify the operation should be performed to the element when calling setOption. Default value is ‘merge’, other values can be ‘replace’ or ‘remove’.

Optional values:

  • 'merge': merge the given option to existing element (if any), otherwise create a new element.
  • 'replace': create a new element according to the given option and replace the existing element (if any).
  • 'remove': delete the existing element (if any).

{{ /if }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }}

##${prefix} left(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common ( hv = ‘h’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} right(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common ( hv = ‘h’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} top(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common ( hv = ‘v’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} bottom(number|string) = undefined

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common ( hv = ‘v’, prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} bounding(strin) = ‘all’

Used to specify whether the entire transformed element (containing children if is group) is confined in its container.

See sample: ~500x500

Optional values:

  • 'all': (default) Use the transformed bounding box of itself and its descentants to perform position calculation, which confine the entire body in the boundary of its parent.

  • 'raw': Only use the untransformed bounding box of itself (without its descentant) to perform position calculation, which is suitable when the content in the element need to be overflow its parent.

##${prefix} z(number) = 0

z value of the elements, determine the overlap order.

##${prefix} zlevel(number) = 0

Determine which canvas layer this element should be in.

Notice: Multiple canvas layer may affect performance.

{{ /if }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }}

##${prefix} z2(number) = undefined

Define the overlap relationship between graphic elements.

##${prefix} name(string) = undefined

See diffChildrenByName.

{{ /if }}

##${prefix} info

User defined data, can be visited in event listeners.

chart.on('click', function (params) {

##${prefix} silent(boolean) = false

Whether response to mouse events / touch events.

##${prefix} invisible(boolean) = false

Whether the element is visible.

##${prefix} ignore(boolean) = false

Whether the element is totally ignored (neither render nor listen events).

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }}

{{ use: partial-cursor(prefix=“##”) }}

##${prefix} draggable(boolean) = false

Can be dragged or not.

##${prefix} progressive(boolean) = false

Whether use progressive render to improve performance. Usually used when number of element is too large.

{{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-style-prop-common }}

More attributes in style (for example, rich text), see the style related attributes in zrender/graphic/Displayable.

Notice, the attribute names of the style of graphic elements is derived from zrender, which may be different from the attribute names in echarts label, echarts itemStyle, etc., although they have the same meaning. For example:

###${prefix} fill(string) = ${fill|default(“‘#000’”)}

Color filled in this element.

###${prefix} stroke(string) = ${stroke|default(“null”)}

Color of stroke.

###${prefix} lineWidth(number) = ${lineWidth|default(“0”)}

Width of stroke.

###${prefix} shadowBlur(number) = undefined

Width of shadow.

###${prefix} shadowOffsetX(number) = undefined

X offset of shadow.

###${prefix} shadowOffsetY(number) = undefined

Y offset of shadow.

###${prefix} shadowColor(number) = undefined

color of shadow.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-path-common }}

###${prefix} points(Array)

A list of points, which defines the shape, like [[22, 44], [44, 55], [11, 44], ...].

###${prefix} smooth(number|string) = undefined

Whether smooth the line.

  • If the value is number, bezier interpolation is used, and the value specified the level of smooth, which is in the range of [0, 1].
  • If the value is 'spline', Catmull-Rom spline interpolation is used.

###${prefix} smoothConstraint(boolean) = false

Whether prevent the smooth process cause the line out of the bounding box.

Only works when smooth is number (bezier smooth).

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-location-prop-desc-common }}

Specify how to be positioned in its parent.

When the element is at the top level, the parent is the contianer of the chart instance. Otherwise, the parent is a group element.

Optional values:

  • Pixel value: For example, can be a number 30, means 30px.
  • Percent value: For example, can be a string '33%', means the final result should be calculated by this value and the {{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }}height{{ else }}width{{ /if }} of its parent.
  • {{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }}'center'{{ else }}'middle'{{ /if }}: means position the element in the middle of according to its parent.

{{ if: ${hv} === ‘h’ }} Only one between left and right can work.

If left or right is specified, positioning attributes in shape (like x, cx) will not work. {{ else }} Only one between top and bottom can work.

If top or bottom is specified, positioning attributes in shape (like y, cy) will not work. {{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-xy }}

###${prefix} x(number) = 0

The x value of the left-top corner of the element in the coordinate system of its parent.

###${prefix} y(numbr) = 0

The y value of the left-top corner of the element in the coordinate system of its parent.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-cxy }}

###${prefix} cx(number) = 0

The x value of the center of the element in the coordinate system of its parent.

###${prefix} cy(numbr) = 0

The y value of the center of the element in the coordinate system of its parent.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-wh }}

###${prefix} width(number) = 0

The width of the shape of the element.

###${prefix} height(numbr) = 0

The height of the shape of the element.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r }}

###${prefix} r(number) = 0

Outside radius.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-rr0 }}

{{ use: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-r( prefix=${prefix}, optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

###${prefix} r0(number) = 0

Inside radius.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-x1y1x2y2 }}

###${prefix} x1(number) = 0

x value of the start point.

###${prefix} y1(number) = 0

y value of the start point.

###${prefix} x2(number) = 0

x value of the end point.

###${prefix} y2(number) = 0

y value of the end point.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-sub-prop-angle }}

###${prefix} startAngle(number) = 0

start angle, in radian.

###${prefix} endAngle(number) = Math.PI * 2

end anble, in radian.

###${prefix} clockwise(boolean) = true

Whether draw clockwise.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-event-handlers }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘graphicComponent’ }}

##${prefix} onclick(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseover(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseout(Function)

##${prefix} onmousemove(Function)

##${prefix} onmousewheel(Function)

##${prefix} onmousedown(Function)

##${prefix} onmouseup(Function)

##${prefix} ondrag(Function)

##${prefix} ondragstart(Function)

##${prefix} ondragend(Function)

##${prefix} ondragenter(Function)

##${prefix} ondragleave(Function)

##${prefix} ondragover(Function)

##${prefix} ondrop(Function)

{{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-transform }}

##${prefix} position(Array) = [0, 0]

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} rotation(number) = 0

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} scale(Array) = [1, 1]

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

##${prefix} origin(number) = [0, 0]

{{ use: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc( optionPath=${optionPath}, usageType=${usageType}, hostName=${hostName}, symbolVisit=${symbolVisit}, symbolDeclare=${symbolDeclare} ) }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-transform-common-desc }}

2D transform can be applied to graphic elements, including:

  • position: [horizontal translate offset, vertical translate offset], [0, 0] by default. Positive value means translate towards right or bottom.
  • rotation: Rotation in radian, 0 by default. Positive when anticlockwise.
  • scale: [horizontal scale factor, vertical scale factor], [1, 1] by default.

origin specifies the origin point of rotation and scaling, [0, 0] by default.


  • The coordinates specified in the transform attribute above are relative to the [0, 0] of the parent element (that is, group or the root canvas). Thus we are able to group multiple elements, and groups can be nested.
  • The order that the transform attributes are applied to a single graphic element is: Firstly, rotation, then, scale, finally, position.

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-style-emphasis }}

{{ if: ${usageType} === ‘customSeries’ }}

##${prefix} styleEmphasis(Object)

Empahsis style of the graphic element, whose structure is the same as style.

{{ /if }}

{{ target: partial-graphic-cpt-type-list }}

image, text, circle, sector, ring, polygon, polyline, rect, line, bezierCurve, arc, group,