{{ target: partial-mark-area }}

#${prefix} markArea(Object)

Used to mark an area in chart. For example, mark a time interval.

{{ use: partial-silent(prefix=“#” + ${prefix}) }}

##${prefix} label(Object) Label in mark area. {{ use: partial-label( prefix=${prefix} + ‘##’ ) }} ###${prefix} emphasis(Object) {{ use: partial-label( prefix=${prefix} + ‘###’ ) }}

##${prefix} itemStyle(Object) Style of the mark area. {{ use: partial-item-style(prefix=“##” + ${prefix}) }} ###${prefix} emphasis(Object) {{ use: partial-item-style(prefix=“###” + ${prefix}) }}

##${prefix} data The scope of the area is defined by data, which is an array with two item, representing the left-top point and the right-bottom point of rectangle area. Each item can be defined as follows:

  1. Specify the coordinate in screen coordinate system using x, y, where the unit is pixel (e.g., the value is 5), or percent (e.g., the value is '35%'). {{ if: ${hasCoord} }}
  2. Specify the coordinate in data coordinate system (i.e., cartesian) using coord, which can be also set as 'min', 'max', 'average' (e.g, coord: [23, 'min'], or coord: ['average', 'max']). {{ /if }} {{ if: ${hasType} }}
  3. Locate the point on the min value or max value of series.data using type, where valueIndex or valueDim can be used to specify the dimension on which the min, max or average are calculated.
  4. If in cartesian, you can only specify xAxis or yAxis to define a mark area based on only X or Y axis, see sample scatter-weight {{ /if }}

The priority follows as above if more than one above definition used.

{{if: ${hasType} }}

{{ /if }}

data: [
    {{if: ${hasType} }}
            name: 'From average to max',
            type: 'average'
            type: 'max'
    {{/if}}{{if: ${hasCoord} }}
            name: 'Mark area between two points in data coordiantes',
            coord: [10, 20]
            coord: [20, 30]
    ], [
            name: 'From 60 to 80',
            yAxis: 60
            yAxis: 80
    ], [
            name: 'Mark area covers all data'
            coord: ['min', 'min']
            coord: ['max', 'max']
            name: 'Mark area in two screen points',
            x: 100,
            y: 100
        }, {
            x: '90%',
            y: '10%'

###${prefix} 0(Object) Specify the left-top point. {{ use: mark-area-data-item-item( name=“start”, prefix=“###”+${prefix}, seriesType=${seriesType}, hasCoord=${hasCoord}, hasType=${hasType}, index=0 ) }}

###${prefix} 1(Object) Specify the right-bottom point. {{ use: mark-area-data-item-item( name=“end”, prefix=“###”+${prefix}, seriesType=${seriesType}, hasCoord=${hasCoord}, hasType=${hasType}, index=1 ) }}

{{ use: partial-animation( prefix=“#” + ${prefix}, defaultAnimation=‘false’, galleryEditorPath=${galleryEditorPath}, ) }}

{{ target: mark-area-data-item-item }} {{ if: ${hasType} }} #${prefix} type(string)

Specify this item is on min or max or average value.


  • 'min' max value.
  • 'max' min value.
  • 'average' average value. {{ /if }} {{ if: ${hasCoord} }} #${prefix} valueIndex(number) Specify the dimension on which min, max, average are calculated, available when type used. The value can be 0 (means xAxis, radiusAxis) or 1 (means yAxis, angleAxis), using the dimension of the first axis by default.

#${prefix} valueDim(string) Specify the dimension on which min, max, average are calculated, available when type used. The value can be the name of the dimension (for example, the value can be x, angle in line chart, and open, close in candlestick).

#${prefix} coord(Array) The format is [start coordinate, end coordinate], where the coordinate system can be x, y on cartesian, or radius, angle on polar.

{{ /if }}

#${prefix} name(string) = ‘${name}’ Name of the marker, which will display as a label.

#${prefix} x(number) x value on screen coordinate system, can be pixel number (like 5), or percent value (like '20%').

#${prefix} y(number) y value on screen coordinate system, can be pixel number (like 5), or percent value (like '20%').

#${prefix} value(number) value of the item, not necessary.

#${prefix} itemStyle(Object) Style of the item. itemStyle of start point and end point will be merged together. {{ use: partial-item-style( prefix=“#”+${prefix} ) }} ##${prefix} emphasis(Object) {{ use: partial-item-style( prefix=“##”+${prefix} ) }}

#${prefix} label(Object) Label style of the item. Label style of start point and end point will be merged together. {{ use: partial-label( prefix=‘#’+${prefix} ) }} ##${prefix} emphasis(Object) {{ use: partial-label( prefix=‘##’+${prefix} ) }}